Don't wait to start using rebar3 in your Erlang projects. Rebar3 is ready to help you maximize your productivity dealing with all sorts of Erlang code and projects.
Presented at Erlang and Elixir Factory Lite India 2017
– had widespread community adoption ¡ Organically grew from a straight forward build tool to encompass all sorts of Erlang compilation tasks including C, protobufs, parse transformations and more. ¡ This organic growth and feature additions made it difficult to override and extend behaviors. ¡ Sometimes dependency management was especially frustrating (“meck hell”) ¡ Lack of a clear repeatable build system was also quite frustrating
compatibility in some ways. That’s why it had to be a completely separate tool. Big changes include: ¡ Moving many compilers into plugins (protobufs, C, ErlyDTL templates and more) ¡ Using relx instead of reltool to build releases ¡ Always providing a “lock” file full of specific library commits for repeatable builds ¡ Integration with the package repository service ¡ The ability to use profiles and composition to assume a profile ¡ Was adopted by the Ericsson OTP team
decide whether it needs dependencies to complete a task and (usually) do the right thing ¡ Integration with hex ¡ Can keep the “traditional” specification if you want ¡ Move some dependencies into profiles: one for test, one for edoc ¡ rebar.lock keeps your build repeatable – always use the same version of a dependency unless you explicitly ask for upgrades
Description: Complete OTP Application structure. Variables: name="mylib" (Name of the OTP application) desc="An OTP application" (Short description of the app) date="2017-11-08" datetime="2017-11-08T02:35:13+00:00" author_name="Mark Allen" author_email=”" copyright_year="2017" apps_dir="apps" (Directory where applications will be created if needed)
a very silly rebar3 template example {{name}}_test() -> ?assert( 2 == 2 ). Templates should be installed in ~/.config/rebar3/templates/<<YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME_DIR>>/<<SOME>>.tpl
cover, but the basics are easy and straight forward ¡ Plugins are modeled on a “provider” library with a behaviour. You implement three callback functions ¡ init(State) -> {ok, NewState} ¡ do(State) -> {ok, NewState} | {error, Error} ¡ format_error(Error) -> string() ¡ Built in rebar3 template for new plugins. ¡ Plugins can also have their own template files ¡ Can be a huge help for “in house” Erlang frameworks ¡
= providers:create([ {name, ?PROVIDER}, % The 'user friendly' name of the task {module, ?MODULE}, % The module implementation of the task {bare, true}, % The task can be run by the user, always true {deps, ?DEPS}, % The list of dependencies {example, "rebar3 todo"}, % How to use the plugin {opts, [ % list of options understood by the plugin {deps, $d, "deps", undefined, "also run against dependencies"} ]}, {short_desc, "Reports TODOs in source code"}, {desc, "Scans top-level application source and find ” "instances of TODO: in commented out content " "to report it to the user."} ]), {ok, rebar_state:add_provider(State, Provider)}.
style ¡ Move test and doc dependencies into their own profiles ¡ If needed, include relx directives to your application ¡ Provide rebar2 compatibility ¡ Example: lager
of true -> % rebar3 CONFIG; false -> % rebar 2.x or older %% Rebuild deps, possibly including those that have been moved to %% profiles [{deps, [ {goldrush, ".*", {git, "", {tag, "0.1.9"}}} ]} | lists:keydelete(deps, 1, CONFIG)] end.
on IRC freenode ¡ Introduction to rebar3 (Erlang Factory SF 2015): ¡ From rebar2 to rebar3 (Erlang Factory SF 2016): ¡