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Puppet for dummies - IPC 12

Joshua Thijssen
October 15, 2012

Puppet for dummies - IPC 12

Joshua Thijssen

October 15, 2012


  1. Joshua Thijssen / Netherlands Freelance consultant and trainer @ NoxLogic

    & TechAdemy Development in PHP, Python, C, Java Lead developer of Saffire Blog: http://adayinthelifeof.nl Email: [email protected] Twitter: @jaytaph oh hai! 2
  2. “People are finally figuring out puppet and how it gets

    you to the pub by 4pm. Note that I’ve been at this pub since 2pm.” - Jorge Castro 4
  3. 5

  4. Puppet is a (not necessarily the) solution for the following

    problem: How do we setup, manage, synchronize, and upgrade our internal and external infrastructure? 6
  5. ➡ Solution 1: We don’t, ➡ Solution 2: We outsource,

    ➡ Solution 3: We automate the process. 11 How do we control our infrastructure?
  6. ➡ It’s not funny: you find it more often than

    not. Especially inside small development companies. ➡ Internal sysadmin, but he’s too busy with development to do sysadmin. ➡ We only act on escalation ➡ reactive, not proactive ‣ Solution 1: we don’t 12
  7. ➡ Expensive $LA’s. ➡ What about INTERNAL servers like your

    development systems and infrastructure? ➡ Fight between stability and agility. ➡ Does your hosting company decide on whether you can use PHP5.3??? ‣ Solution 2: we outsource 13
  8. ➡ We are in charge. ➡ You can do what

    you like ➡ Use: cfEngine, chef, puppet. ➡ When done right, maintenance should not be difficult. ‣ Solution 3: we do it ourselves and automate 14
  9. 15

  10. ➡ Open source configuration management tool. ➡ Written in Ruby

    ➡ Open source: https://github.com/puppetlabs ➡ Commercial version available (puppet enterprise) 16
  11. ➡ Don’t tell HOW to do stuff. ➡ Tell WHAT

    to do. ¹ ¹ It’s not actually true, but good enough for now... “yum install httpd” “apt-get install apache2” “install,configure and run the apache webserver” 17
  12. ➡ Agent “calls” the puppet master. ➡ Agent sends “facts”

    to the master. ➡ Master creates “catalog” from the manifests and facts, sends to agent. ➡ Agent sets up system according to the catalog. ➡ Agent reports status to master. 21
  13. ➡ Catalogs are “compiled” manifests ➡ Manifests are puppet definitions

    ➡ <filename>.pp ➡ Puppet DSL ➡ De-cla-ra-tive language ➡ Version your manifests! (git/svn) 22
  14. package { “strace” : ensure => present, } file {

    “/home/jaytaph/secret-ingredient.txt” : ensure => present, mode => 0600, user => ‘jaytaph’, group => ‘noxlogic’, content => “beer”, } 23
  15. package { “httpd” : ensure => present, } service {

    “httpd”: running => true, enable => true, } require => Package[“httpd”], 24
  16. ‣ Different distributions, different names Centos / Redhat service: httpd

    package: httpd config: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf vhosts: /etc/httpd/conf.d/*.conf Debian / Ubuntu service: apache2 package: apache2 config: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf vhosts: /etc/apache2/sites-available 25
  17. class apache { package { “apache”: case $operatingsystem { centos,

    redhat { $packagename = “httpd” } debian, ubuntu { $packagename = “apache2” } default : { fail(‘I don’t know this OS/distro’) } } name => $packagename, ensure => installed, } service { “apache” : running => true, enable => true, require => Package[“apache”], } } 26
  18. [root@puppetnode1 ~]# facter --puppet architecture => x86_64 fqdn => puppetnode1.noxlogic.local

    interfaces => eth1,eth2,lo ipaddress_eth1 => ipaddress_eth2 => kernel => Linux kernelmajversion => 2.6 operatingsystem => CentOS operatingsystemrelease => 6.0 processor0 => Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7500 @ 2.20GHz puppetversion => 2.6.9 ‣ A simple list with info (also useable in your own tools) 27
  19. node “web01.example.org” { include apache } node /^db\d+\.example\.org$/ { package

    { “mysql-server” : ensure => installed, } } 28 /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:
  20. node “web01.example.local” { $webserver_name = “web01.example.local” $webserver_alias = “www.example.local” $webserver_docroot

    = “/var/www/web01” include apache } node “web02.example.local” { $webserver_name = “web02.example.local” $webserver_alias = “crm.example.local” $webserver_docroot = “/var/www/web02” include apache } 29
  21. http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/stable/type.html ➡ Almost everything. ➡ Standard 48 different resource types

    ➡ Ranging from “file” to “cron” to “ssh_key” to “user” to “selinux”. ➡ Can control your Cisco routers and windows machines too! 31
  22. 32 class joindin::web { include apache # include phpmyadmin if

    needed if $params::phpmyadmin == true { include joindin::web::phpmyadmin } # Configure apache virtual host apache::vhost { $params::host : docroot => '/vagrant/src', template => 'joindin/vhost.conf.erb', port => $params::port, require => Package["apache"], } https://github.com/jaytaph/joind.in/tree/puppet
  23. 33 ... # Install PHP modules php::module { 'mysql': }

    php::module { "pecl-xdebug" : require => File["EpelRepo"], # xdebug is in the epel repo } # Set development values to our php.ini augeas { 'set-php-ini-values': context => '/files/etc/php.ini', changes => [ 'set PHP/error_reporting "E_ALL | E_STRICT"', 'set PHP/display_errors On', 'set PHP/display_startup_errors On', 'set PHP/html_errors On', 'set Date/date.timezone Europe/London', ], require => Package['php'], notify => Service['apache'], } } # End class
  24. 34 ➡ Puppet went from v0.25 to v2.6. ➡ REST

    interface since 2.6. XMLRPC before that. ➡ One binary to rule them all (puppet). ➡ Puppet v2.7 switched from GPLv2 to apache2.0 license.
  25. 36 ➡ Keep all developers in sync ➡ Keep your

    DTAP in sync ➡ Lets infrastructure be a part of your project
  26. Vagrant::Config.run do |config| config.vm.box = 'centos-62-64-puppet' config.vm.box_url = 'http://../centos-6.2-64bit-puppet-vbox.4.1.12.box' #

    Forward a port from the guest to the host, which allows for outside # computers to access the VM, whereas host only networking does not. config.vm.forward_port 80, 8080 config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet| puppet.manifests_path = "puppet/manifests" puppet.module_path = "puppet/modules" puppet.manifest_file = "main.pp" puppet.options = [ '--verbose', ] end end Vagrantfile 39
  27. ➡ Downloads (optionally) the base box ➡ Deploys and boots

    up a new VM ➡ Runs the provisioner (puppet) ➡ Profit! 41
  28. Multi VM’s Vagrant::Config.run do |config| config.vm.box = 'centos-62-64-puppet' config.vm.box_url =

    'http://../centos-6.2-64bit-puppet-vbox.4.1.12.box' config.vm.define :web do |web_config| web_config.vm.host_name = 'web.example.org' web_config.vm.forward_port 80 8080 ... end config.vm.define :database do |db_config| db_config.vm.host_name = 'db.example.org' db_config.vm.forward_port 3306 3306 ... end end Vagrantfile 42
  29. 43

  30. ➡ Puppet agent “calls” the master every 30 minutes. ➡

    But what about realtime command & control? ➡ “Puppet kick”... (meh) ➡ MCollective (Marionette Collective) 44
  31. ➡ Which systems running a database and have 16GB or

    less? ➡ Which systems are using <50% of available memory? ➡ Restart all apache services in timezone GMT+5. 45
  32. ACTIVEMQ Client MCollective Server Node Middleware Client MCollective Server MCollective

    Server ‣ Middleware takes care of distribution, ‣ queued, broadcast etc.. Collective 46
  33. Filter out nodes based on facts $ mc-facts operatingsystem Report

    for fact: operatingsystem CentOS found 3 times Debian found 14 times Solaris found 4 times $ mc-facts -W operatingsystem=Centos operatingsystemrelease Report for fact: operatingsystemrelease 6.0 found 1 times 5.6 found 2 times 48
  34. ➡ Display all running processes ➡ Run or deploy software

    ➡ Restart services ➡ Start puppet agent ➡ Upgrade your systems ➡ Write your own agents! 49
  35. ➡ Configuration management tool. ➡ Focusses on “what” instead of

    “how”. ➡ Scales from 1 to 100K+ systems. ➡ Uses descriptive manifests. ➡ Vagrant for setting up your development environments. 51
  36. ➡ Useful for sysadmins and developers. ➡ Keeps your infrastructure

    in sync. ➡ Keeps your infrastructure versioned. ➡ Infrastructure as part of your projects. ➡ MCollective controls your hosts based on facts, not names. 52
  37. There is no reason NOT to manage your infrastructure. Having

    only 3 servers is NOT a reason. 53 You will be able to join the rest of us in the pub early. Don’t “install” development environments, build them!
  38. Thank you 55 Find me on twitter: @jaytaph Find me

    for development and training: www.noxlogic.nl Find me on email: [email protected] Find me for blogs: www.adayinthelifeof.nl https://joind.in/7289