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Building a green supercomputer in the cloud

Building a green supercomputer in the cloud

A case study implementing a carbon aware high-performance compute (HPC) cluster running wind turbine simulations for Vestas. Using the principals of green software and cloud scalability to design a solution that can to scale to 400k cores and multiple petabytes of data. Using open-source tools, UX, and data to lower carbon emissions.


Explain the principals of green software
Apply best practices and tools to reduce carbon reductions
Illustrate the financial impact of carbon emission reductions to the business
Select areas with large carbon impact

Jeppe Johansen

May 31, 2023

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  1. Agenda • Introduction • Carbon Efficiency • Energy Efficiency •

    Hardware Efficiency • Carbon Awareness • Case: Vestas supercomputer • Tools
  2. CO2

  3. Challenges • Wind Turbine Simulation • Optimal placement of turbines

    in windfarm • Structural optimizations • Existing on-premise HPC cluster • Expensive to maintain • Industry growth at 300% • Complexity of turbine
  4. Requirements Destilled Easy of use / same tooling Scale to

    400K cores Data segmentation per project Cost management per project Inexpensive As green as possible
  5. Design Decisions Saturate CPU Rightsizing VM Auto scale up and

    down Using unused VMs Time shifting Location shifting
  6. Example Location Emission rating Unit price Norm. rating Norm. price

    Cost Sweden Central 29 $1.932 0 1 0.750 Norway East 42 $1.824 0.107 0.870 0.653 West Europe 100 $1.103 0.587 0 0.147 UK South 150 $1.713 1 0.736 0.606 Emission weight: 0.25 Location Emission rating Unit price Norm. rating Norm. price Cost Sweden Central 29 $1.932 0 1 0.250 Norway East 42 $1.824 0.107 0.870 0.232 West Europe 100 $1.103 0.587 0 0.440 UK South 150 $1.713 1 0.736 0.772 Emission weight: 0.75
  7. Carbon aware KEDA Operator Electricity Carbon Intensity for k8s Region

    (ConfigMap) Admin 1 Get current Carbon Intensity 2 Get maxReplicasByCarbonIntensity CarbonAwareKedaScaler CRD CarbonAwareKeda Operator scaledObject 3 Take Action: Update maxReplicaCount based on the current Carbon Intensity • Throttle/limit scaling when Carbon Intensity is high • Allow maximum scaling when it is low Every 1 hour: CarbonAwareKeda Operator: 1 Gets the current carbon intensity 2 Gets KEDA targetRef scaling inputs 3 Updates targetRef MaxReplicaCount based on current carbon intensity Step 0: Admin creates CarbonAwareKedaScaler https://github.com/Azure/carbon-aware-keda-operator/blob/main/demo/azure.md
  8. Microsoft is committed to harnessing the power of technology to

    help everyone, everywhere build a more sustainable future.
  9. Our core environmental sustainability commitments Carbon negative by 2030 Water

    positive by 2030 Zero waste by 2030 Protect more land than we use and build a Planetary Computer
  10. 3%