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Composing PHP Applications with Middleware (PHP...

Josh Butts
November 16, 2016

Composing PHP Applications with Middleware (PHP World 2016)

Josh Butts

November 16, 2016


  1. About Me • VP of Engineering, offers.com • Austin PHP

    Organizer • Play competitive Skee Ball • github.com/jimbojsb • @jimbojsb 2
  2. What is PSR-7 • FIG standard for HTTP messages •

    A collection of interfaces • By itself, has nothing specific to do with middleware 4
  3. But first - More History • 2014 - everyone* has

    gone out and built and object model of HTTP • Hello World for writing a framework • None of them are compatible • Symfony\HttpFoundation widely used 10
  4. What is middleware? • Turns a Request into a Response

    • Stackable • Reusable • Dispatachable 14
  5. PHP Copied This Trend • Node.js Connect • Ruby Rack

    • Python WSGI • Even StackPHP 15
  6. Express.js is getting it right • All middleware all the

    way down • Even error handlers are middleware • Even the app instance itself is middleware 16
  7. Components of a PHP Middleware App • PSR-7 implementation •

    Collection of middleware • Middleware dispatcher • Any other libraries that will actually do business logic for you 17
  8. Pick a PSR-7 Implementation • Do not write one •

    Unless you’re using Slim already just use Zend/Diactoros 19
  9. What does a middleware look like? 20 <?php $middleware =

    function( \Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request, \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response, callable $next) { // do the actual stuff };
  10. It might also look like this 21 <?php $middleware =

    function( \Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request, callable $next) { // do some stuff };
  11. PSR-15 • There is still some debate as to which

    is better • It’s likely the standard will not pass along the response • Lots of existing middleware out there that would not meet this spec 22