Given at the Boston Elm meetup, this talk walks through ways of structuring Elm views to go from HTML soup to a view built entirely out of domain terms.
[ h2 [ class "section-title" ] [ text "Food" ] , div [ class "question" ] [ div [ class "question-text" ] [ text "Pineapple on Pizza?" ] , div [] [ label [ for "pop-yes" ] [ text "Yes"] , input [ type_ "radio" , id "pop-yes" , name "pop" , onCheck (always <| PoP True) ] [] , label [ for "pop-no" ] [ text "No"] , input [ type_ "radio" , id "pop-no" , name "pop" , onCheck (always <| PoP False) ] [] ] ] ] -- repeat for anchovies ]
[ h2 [ class "section-title" ] [ text "Food" ] , div [ class "question" ] [ div [ class "question-text" ] [ text "Pineapple on Pizza?" ] , div [] [ radio (PoP True) "pop" "-yes" "Yes" , radio (PoP False) "pop" "-no" "No" ] ] ] -- repeat for anchovies ]