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Branded Search, when is less traffic OK?

Branded Search, when is less traffic OK?

SERP features mean more less traffic and more competition for our own keywords. Explains when this is acceptable and where the vulnerabilities are.

Jon Falgate

July 01, 2019

More Decks by Jon Falgate

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  1. Why is this happening? What is Google trying to achieve?

    Google is developing more and more features which provide information and answers directly from the SERP. They make their service better by helping people find their required information quicker. The fastest route to the information would be to provide it themselves.
  2. seo

  3. What is my search intent? 01 What does it stand

    for? 02 What is it? 03 How do you do it? 04 What’s new in the world of SEO? 05 Where can I get it?
  4. What does it stand for? How do you do it?

    What’s the news? Where can I get some? Still no good? Try these searches instead Images of it What is it? Related services/companies Sub-topics
  5. What are the facts? More than half of searches return

    search features. 6.4% 10.7% 13.2% 13.8% 14.1% 14.3% 19.9% 26.9% 38.8% 48.6% 55.0% Tweets Video Shopping Top stories Images Featured snippets Site links local pack Related questions Reviews Knowledge panels
  6. What are the facts? Google is delivering less organic traffic

    to webpages February 2016 February 2018 Organic Paid No clicks Organic Paid No clicks Mobile 58.43% 1.83% 41.57% 38.97% 3.12% 61.03% Credit: The future of SEO is on the SERP, Rand Fishkin, presentation, Brighton SEO 2019
  7. Branded keywords and search phrases A search where an intent

    regarding your business specifically can be inferred. When someone searches for your business
  8. Generic: “Taylors coffee” Non branded: “coffee” Non branded: “How do

    I stop my phone from overheating?” Navigational: “Vodaphone contact number” Longtail / informational: “How do I stop my Samsung phone from overheating?”
  9. Generic: “Taylors coffee” Non branded: “coffee” Non branded: “How do

    I stop my phone from overheating?” Navigational: “Vodaphone contact number” Commercial: “Buy Vans shoes” Longtail / informational: “How do I stop my Samsung phone from overheating?” Reputational Are Dyson hoovers better then Henry hoovers?
  10. Why are branded searches so important? Branded search traditionally have

    been over- looked because you’d expect to rank first place for your branded keywords. But search is becoming more nuanced and the long-tail potential is growing. Added to this, search features are allowing lower ranking pages to capture search features without owning the top organic spot.
  11. Why are branded searches so important? You are now competing

    for your own search terms – much the same way we’ve traditionally only seen in PPC
  12. Why are branded searches so important? Your branded SERPs have

    a lot more features, providing people with the information they are looking for directly from the page. A branded SERP is now defacto your new homepage.
  13. This pages receives no un- branded visits. Next Page %

    page views Contact page 20.3% Main product page 12% Quote page 8.5% About us page 7% Login page 6.7% Careers 3.1% When is less traffic OK?
  14. UX and SEO both focus on getting people to their

    destination quickly. Why not push for a click depth of zero by hosting this information directly on your branded SERPs This means we can lose this traffic and not see a reduction in conversions
  15. "@type": "EntitySearchResult", "result": { "@id": "kg:/m/02brqp", "name": "Xbox Game Studios",

    "@type": [ "Organization", "Corporation", "Thing" ], "description": "Video game company", "detailedDescription": { "articleBody": "Xbox Game Studios, previously known as Microsoft Studios, Microsoft Game Studios, and Microsoft Games, is a division of Microsoft based in Redmond, Washington. ", "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_Game_Studios", "license": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Common s_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License" }, "image": { "contentUrl": "http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR4ERfjwGzDY47toPoZjf3O tFCFzv5Kvx9sxswH52cro4PvAWsK", "url": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Microsoft_Studios_logo. svg" }, "url": "http://www.microsoftstudios.com/" }, "resultScore": 43.683361 https://developers.google.com/apis-explorer/#p/
  16. "@type": "EntitySearchResult", "result": { "@id": "kg:/m/02brqp", "name": "Xbox Game Studios",

    "@type": [ "Organization", "Corporation", "Thing" ], "description": "Video game company", "detailedDescription": { "articleBody": "Xbox Game Studios, previously known as Microsoft Studios, Microsoft Game Studios, and Microsoft Games, is a division of Microsoft based in Redmond, Washington. ", "url": "https://en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_Game_Studios", "license": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution- ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License" }, "image": { "contentUrl": "http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR4ERfjwGzDY47toPoZjf3OtFCFzv5Kvx9sxswH52cr o4PvAWsK", "url": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Microsoft_Studios_logo.svg" }, "url": "http://www.microsoftstudios.com/" }, "resultScore": 43.683361
  17. "@type": "EntitySearchResult", "result": { "@id": "kg:/m/0nbv3d0", "name": "Build", "@type": [

    "Thing" ], "detailedDescription": { "articleBody": "Microsoft Build is an annual conference event held by Microsoft, aimed towards software engineers and web developers using Windows, Windows Phone, Microsoft Azure and other Microsoft technologies. ", "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Build_(developer_conference)", "license": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution- ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License" }, "image": { "contentUrl": "http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTNr1eyAfKQXNHvnfkdGpDatI8r7n7qEn2FSI7 Q7Su59_Eu5GW_", "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Build_(developer_conference)" } }, "resultScore": 33.783192
  18. "@type": "EntitySearchResult", "result": { "@id": "kg:/m/0nbv3d0", "name": " Build", "@type":

    [ "Thing" " Event" ], "detailedDescription": { "articleBody": "Microsoft Build is an annual conference event held by Microsoft, aimed towards software engineers and web developers using Windows, Windows Phone, Microsoft Azure and other Microsoft technologies. ", "url": "https://en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Build_(developer_conference) ", "license": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution- ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License" }, "image": { "contentUrl": "http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTNr1eyAfKQXNHvnfkdGpDatI8r7n7qEn2FSI7Q7Su59_Eu5GW_", "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Build_(developer_conference)" } }, "resultScore": 33.783192
  19. Long-tail keywords 25,650 Branded informational keywords • Over 1 million

    monthly searches globally • English only • Ranking data is for the UK • For mobile only
  20. The data How to take a screen shot on a

    Samsung 110,000 global searches
  21. The data How to block a number on a Samsung

    12,100 global searches How to take a screen shot on a Samsung 110,000 global searches
  22. The data How to block a number on a Samsung

    12,100 global searches How to reset Samsung tablet 9,900 global searches How to take a screen shot on a Samsung 110,000 global searches
  23. The data How to block a number on a Samsung

    12,100 global searches How to reset Samsung tablet 9,900 global searches What are the latest Samsung phones 720 global searches How to take a screen shot on a Samsung 110,000 global searches
  24. These searches are all performed by people who own a

    Samsung product. Or are considering purchasing a Samsung product.
  25. Leaving this traffic to the publishers (and competitors) loses you

    01 Real estate on your own SERP pages 02 Traffic = conversions 03 Brand exposure 04 Etc etc etc