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Continuous Updates

Juanito Fatas
May 20, 2016

Continuous Updates

Continuous Updates @ Rails Pacific 2016 <3

Juanito Fatas

May 20, 2016


  1. 5

  2. Winston Teo Practice of updating all dependencies to newer versions

    several times a month. Organiser, RedDotRubyConf
  3. bundle update add, commit, push open a new PR on

    GitHub.com Issue the Pull Request Manually
  4. today = Time.current.strftime("%F") new_branch = "bundle-update-#{today}" `git checkout master` `git

    pull` `git checkout -b #{new_branch}` `bundle update` `git add Gemfile.lock` `git commit -m ‘Bundle Updates’ `git push origin #{new_branch}` `git pull-request -m "Updates #{today}"