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Concerns, Decorators, Presenters, Service Objects, Helpers, Help me Decide!

Concerns, Decorators, Presenters, Service Objects, Helpers, Help me Decide!

Techniques to cut fat from models and controllers. Code available here: https://github.com/justin808/fat-code-refactoring-techniques

Justin Gordon

April 22, 2014

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Concerns, Decorators, Presenters, Service Objects, Helpers, Help me Decide! RailsConf

    2014 Chicago April 22, 2014 ! Justin Gordon @railsonmaui Rails Consultant www.railsonmaui.com 2
  2. Avoid the Ball of Mud May seem fun… ! Guaranteed:

    the perpetrator is not doing the cleanup! 4
  3. DHH Quote JG: "This is starting to boil down to

    utilize the framework capabilities and move beyond only when necessary.” DHH: "Which is really just an extension of KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid). When you use the framework code for what it’s intended, you’re not cutting against the grain. You don’t need to write as much code. It’s clearer to everyone because it’s the same approach everyone else is taking." 11
  4. Objectives Patterns & Techniques 14 DRY Methods < 5 Lines

    Classes < 100 lines One Instance Variable in View Easy to Test Concerns Draper Decorators Validation Classes Presenters Split-up Controllers Clarity Easy to Change Guidelines Move Logic to Models Easy to Find
  5. • Huge model file with even larger spec file. •

    Break up the model/spec using Rails concerns. Try to break it up by domain, but any logical split will help. 15 Scenario
  6. Scenario • You’ve got duplicated code in two models, different

    database tables. • Tease out a concern that applies to both models. Since your models extend ActiveRecord::Base, using regular inheritance is problematic. Instead, use a concern. 16
  7. Rails Concerns 18 Big Model some-domain class macros some-domain instance

    methods some-domain class methods other class macros other instance methods other class methods Domain Concern some-domain class macros some-domain instance methods some-domain class methods
  8. Concerns: How • Discover set of related code for a

    problem domain • Create a module with extends ActiveSupport::Concern • Move code into the Concern • Break out tests into corresponding test file for the Concern 19
  9. DHH on Domain vs. Technical Refactoring "I’ve not yet found

    a case where the scope of the current file/ class couldn’t be brought under control by using a domain-driven extraction approach." "In a sea of 60 methods, there will always be domain-based groupings, rather than technical groupings. Never seen that not be the case." 20
  10. Concerns: Example • Break out Emailable Concern out of User

    model • Captures domain logic of lower case emails on user model • Benefits: Smaller model, smaller spec 21
  11. Objectives Patterns & Techniques 22 DRY Methods < 5 Lines

    Classes < 100 lines One Instance Variable in View Easy to Test Concerns Draper Decorators Validation Classes Presenters Split-up Controllers Clarity Easy to Change Guidelines Move Logic to Models Easy to Find
  12. Scenario • Model file creating detailed validation messages with HTML

    tags and URL links. • Move the message creation code into a Draper Decorator for the model. These decorators work great for model based presentation code. 23
  13. Draper Decorators: Why? • Removing presentation code from your model

    or model- concerns • Consolidating some helper, view, controller methods by models • Presentation code relating to one model, but multiple controllers/views • Consolidation of flash messages related to a given model 27
  14. Draper Decorators: Why • Decorators are the ideal place to:

    • format complex data for user display • define commonly-used representations of an object, like a name method that combines first_name and last_name attributes • mark up attributes with a little semantic HTML, like turning a url field into a hyperlink 28
  15. Example Several views have code that format the micropost.created_at: !

    Posted <%= time_ago_in_words(micropost.created_at) %> ago. 30
  16. Scenario • You have duplicated rendering code in several files.

    • Remedy: 1. If rendering code, use a partial. 2. If ruby code, use either a view helper or create a static method on a utility class. View helpers have access other helpers. Utility classes require extra work to call view context methods. 31
  17. Objectives Patterns & Techniques 32 DRY Methods < 5 Lines

    Classes < 100 lines One Instance Variable in View Easy to Test Concerns Draper Decorators Validation Classes Presenters Split-up Controllers Clarity Easy to Change Guidelines Move Logic to Models Easy to Find
  18. Scenario • You are setting too many instance variables in

    the controller action. You also have local variables being assigned in the view. • Presenter pattern: Create a PORO that wraps up the values and logic going from the controller to the view. 33
  19. Scenario • Fragment caching in your view, but some extra

    queries still run • Use the Presenter pattern, with memoization in the instance methods. • @foobar ||= calculate_foobar 34
  20. Presenters 35 Presenter Object Wrapping Data Needed by View Smaller

    Controller Action Creating Only the Presenter Instance Big Controller Action Setting Many Instance Variables View with ONE Instance Variable View with MANY Instance Variables before after
  21. Scenario • Problem: A controller file is huge with many

    actions and many more private methods. • Solution: 1. Split up the controller into multiple files by having your routing file map to different controllers. 2. Put any common functionality in a controller concern, similar to how you would do it for a model. An alternative is having an inheritance hierarchy of controllers. Mix-ins are more flexible. 36
  22. Scenario • Problem: • Your Presenter class needs to access

    the view context, but it’s PORO. • Solution: 1. Use this include in your PORO: “include Draper::ViewHelpers”. 2. Pass the controller instance into the constructor of the Presenter (include required helpers in controller), or set the view context in the view file. 3. Pass the view context into the methods that need it on the Presenter. 37
  23. Objectives Patterns & Techniques 38 DRY Methods < 5 Lines

    Classes < 100 lines One Instance Variable in View Easy to Test Concerns Draper Decorators Validation Classes Presenters Split-up Controllers Clarity Easy to Change Guidelines Move Logic to Models Easy to Find
  24. 39 If a minor posts profane words: ! 1. The

    post shall not be valid. 2. A counter will track how many times the minor tried to use profanity. 3. The minor's parents shall be notified. 4. A special flash alert will alert the minor to profanity usage. Business Case
  25. –David Heinemeier Hansson “I've yet to see a compelling "make

    action a service object" example in the wild. Maybe they exist somewhere, though. Then again, maybe unicorns are real too.” 40 https:/ /gist.github.com/dhh/10022098 Service Objects?
  26. Service Objects Example 41 Big Micropost Create Action on Controller

    MicropostCreationService ControllerResponse Flash, Flash-now, status code Tiny Micropost Create Action on Controller https://github.com/justin808/fat-code-refactoring-techniques/pull/6 before after
  27. A Bit Humbling… DHH: "Sorry to keep shooting the patterns

    down, but this is exactly what I mean when I say that most code does not need patterns, it just needs to be rewritten better." JG: "I think it's a pattern either way. The pattern you presented is to use validators rather than a separate object." DHH: Right, which Rails already has built in, and the code is easier to follow with less work. 42
  28. Single Purpose Controller • Controller with only one action •

    https://github.com/justin808/fat-code-refactoring-techniques/ pull/7 43 Big Micropost Create Action on Controller Micropost Controller Just for Create Rest of the Micropost Controller
  29. DHH on Controllers “It’s [controller] intended to process the incoming

    request, fetch the model, and direct the user to a view or another action. If you’re yanking logic of that nature out of the controller, you’re making an anemic controller. Shoving this into a service object is imo the lazy approach that doesn’t deliver any benefits in terms of simpler code. It imo is the sweep-it-under-the-rug approach. 44
  30. DHH on the work of a Controller "I’ve yet to

    see compelling controller code that couldn’t be slimmed down by simply writing it better, spinning off another controller, or moving domain logic to the model. Here’s another example of a code ping pong I did off a convoluted action in RedMine: https://gist.github.com/dhh/10023987” 45
  31. Plain Rails 46 Big Micropost Create Action on Controller Micropost

    Model User Model Small Micropost Create Action on Controller before after
  32. Scenario • Excessive model logic in complicated controller method. •

    Either: • Move model logic out of controller and into the models, utilizing Rails features such as validation. • Create a non-AR based model to handle an interaction between two models (aka “Service Object”) 47
  33. POR (Plain Old Rails) • Use Rails Models, Validation, and

    Controller for their proper jobs • KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) • Don’t Invent Patterns That Don’t Need to be Invented • Know the why of the Rails way • Know the Rails way before deviating 48
  34. Refactoring Steps • Move validation code and checks out of

    controller to model • Move creation of flash message to decorator • Move validation code to validation class 49
  35. Objectives Patterns & Techniques 50 DRY Methods < 5 Lines

    Classes < 100 lines One Instance Variable in View Easy to Test Concerns Draper Decorators Validation Classes Presenters Split-up Controllers Clarity Easy to Change Guidelines Move Logic to Models Easy to Find
  36. References • Rails Guides: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/ • Patterns to Refactor Fat

    ActiveRecord Models: http:// blog.codeclimate.com/blog/2012/10/17/7-ways-to-decompose- fat-activerecord-models/ • DHH’s Example of 2 Controllers with Concerns: https:// gist.github.com/dhh/10022098 51
  37. Thanks! Special thanks to those that helped review my code

    samples to this talk: @dhh, @jeg2, @gylaz, @jodosha, @dreamr, @thatrubylove, @therealadam, @robzolkos, Thoughtbot’s Learn program forum and Ruby Rogues Parley Forum 52 Rails on Maui HQ, aka Sugar Ranch Maui
  38. Thanks! • More details at my blog: http://www.railsonmaui.com • Feel

    free to contact me regarding your projects • [email protected] • http://airpair.me/railsonmaui 53