This came about when I was thinking about unexpected life events and the uncertainty in my career choice. When I was writing this story there was an infestation of poisonous spiders at my shared home.
corporate... Dialog no...uhh well, yeah i guess. Dialog Ah! yes, so i toiled away in the marshalnds of jersey. Dialog just days upon days collecting sap from rancid muck. Dialog it's an honest livin' but all that work - cut off by SPIDER Dialog This might hurt a bit. Dialog This might hurt a bit. Dialog Fly: UGH! Dialog ...So all that work left me exhausted. to a point where I couldn't give Deloris Dialog my Flyhood. Dialog my Flyhood.
Dialog Fly: My Wife! Keep up. Dialog Fly: the whole plan was to save up for a home on the hills. Dialog The uppereast side of Poop Canyon. We'd watch our gnatty babies play and swim on our private Dung Cottage. Dialog FLY: *sigh* What I'd give to mush my way through fruit scraps with Deloris one more time. One more canoodling. Dialog FLY: *sigh* What I'd give to mush my way through fruit scraps with Deloris one more time. One more canoodling. Dialog FLY: *sigh* What I'd give to mush my way through fruit scraps with Deloris one more time. One more canoodling. Dialog FLY: *sigh* What I'd give to mush my way through fruit scraps with Deloris one more time. One more canoodling. Dialog One more Buzz'em. Here at the end, i just wish i planned for the future a little more... Dialog a little more Dialog ...intuitively
too Dialog OS FLY: yEOw owy owy. Dialog Spider: I've spun a thousand lines of web to make this architecturally sound home, Dialog in a scenic portion of Silver Lake! Dialog I rub elbows with Charlotte at her web, Rosie from "A Bugs Life", and that actress from James and the Giant Peach.. (snaps fingers trying to recall) MISS SPIDER! (Fly chimes in Miss Spider) Dialog I rub elbows with Charlotte at her web, Rosie from "A Bugs Life", and that actress from James and the Giant Peach.. (snaps fingers trying to recall) MISS SPIDER! (Fly chimes in Miss Spider) Dialog I strategically built it Dialog during the wet mosquito season, Dialog but lo and behold... Dialog ...humans moved in with their repellent Dialog and got rid of MY dream Dialog of a mosquito shmorgasbourg. (drool) Dialog Even a hunter as dope as i am catching buggers like you, I had to resort to things i regret. Dialog OS: You can plan all you want but Nature is just going to have its way. you're going to get blindsided and you have to-- Dialog Fly:
the after life. Dialog Fly: Yeesh, you're pretty preachy for a "dope hunter" that has Dialog Fly: all the advantages in the bug kingdom. Dialog Fly: some of us had to work to live Dialog while you got to sit in a web and wait. Dialog spider:... Dialog spider: i'm gonna find your Debra and eat her guts too. Dialog FLY: s'Deloris *sigh* Dialog FLY: Yeeuurrgh