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Ember.js Meetup - London

Ember.js Meetup - London

Talk at the Ember.js Meetup in London in December 2013.

Kasper Tidemann

December 11, 2013

More Decks by Kasper Tidemann

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Brief and friendly-notated description of Kasper. { name: “Kasper Tidemann”,

    profession: “Software developer”, worksFor: “A startup, duh-uh!”, likesTo: “Be nice and drink beer.”, locations: [“Copenhagen”, “San Francisco”], alsoDoes: “Blogging”, websites: [“kaspertidemann.com”] }
  2. A bit of perspective on offline mode. Let’s talk about

    what we’re really dealing with here.
  3. That’s essentially it, right there. But trust me, there are

    many more details to cover. Cache manifest Storage library We’re offline! Server-side Client-side
  4. How it looks in the Web Inspector in Chrome when

    loading a cache manifest. Server-side
  5. We’re using Ember Data for finding records and so on…

    and then what? Client-side Static assets /index.html /scripts/ember.js /scripts/ember-data.js /scripts/handlebars.js /scripts/app.js /public/Logo.png /…/… Dynamic data ✔ Ember Data ! … because yeah, we want to use Ember Data. And then what?
  6. The thought process explained. … and then what? 1. When

    .find()ing a record, we want to save it locally.
 1. Oh, but we also want to check if the record exists locally when .find()ing it.
 1. If the record does exist locally, we want immediately return the local version of the record and then attempt to .reload() it from the server.
 1. If it turns out the record has been deleted server-side, we want to remove the record locally as well, unless there are local changes in which case we want to…
 1. … go get coffee. And use gem “turbolinks”.
  7. Some of the libraries able to work with IndexedDB, WebSQL,

    or localStorage. But wait a minute! https://github.com/daleharvey/pouchdb https://github.com/axemclion/IndexedDBShim https://github.com/axemclion/jquery-indexeddb https://github.com/aaronpowell/db.js
  8. It’s either packing everything offline into an adapter or making

    a tad more of an effort. So, two strategies to consider Model-controller layer ✔ No reinventing the REST wheel ✔ Separation of concerns ✔ Querying ✔ Filterable ✔ Computed properties ✔ Em.SortableMixin ! ✘ Verbose Ember Data adapter ✔ Custom adapter ✔ Simple wrapping ✔ Silent failing ! ✘ Error handling ✘ Conflict resolution ✘ Querying ✘ Fast
  9. How the code for a route could look. In practice:

    the route App.SomeRoute = Em.Route.extend({ model: function(params) { return this.controllerFor(‘someModel’). findRecord(params.some_id); } });
  10. How the code for a controller could look. In practice:

    the controller App.SomeModelController = Em.ArrayController.extend({ content: [], ! findRecord: function(id) { var self = this; return new Em.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var record = self.get(‘content’).findProperty(‘id’, id); ! if (record) { resolve(record); } else { (new PouchDB(‘someDatabase’)).get(id, function(err, doc) { if (err) { reject(error); } else { resolve(doc); } } } }); } });
  11. Essentially, use Ember Data as intended and extend its behavior

    in a set of controllers. Well, that’s one way of doing it, at least.
  12. This shows how I’m using the concept of core controllers

    alongside model controllers. Core and model controllers
  13. Just a quick checklist summing up the most common things

    to be aware of. Checklist • Load all locally stored records when bootstrapping • Clear all locally stored records when a user logs out • Figure out how you want to handle conflicts - last-write-wins etc. • Be sure to return promises when implementing .findRecord() etc. • Be sure to never use Ember Data directly, but always using the corresponding model controller (that does use it, of course) • Check for changes to a record when finding it, saving it, and so on. • Have the user resolve any conflicts - you cannot possibly automate this all by yourself, neither can any library out there.
  14. Offline mode is daunting, yes. ! But amazing. Once it

    works, it really is quite amazing, almost futuristic-like in terms of the web.