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MANAGERIAL VENTRILOAUISM: How to establish and ...

Dr. Kim W Petersen
September 15, 2024

MANAGERIAL VENTRILOAUISM: How to establish and maintain credibility with colleagues, clients, and other partners

Problem: Avoid adopting the role of a spokesperson too frequently and unnecessarily in order to establish and maintain credibility with colleagues, clients, and other partners.

GOAL: When managers better understand who is really speaking by consciously exercising their agency in choosing how to communicate decisions and information, they enhance their credibility and cultivate a sense of responsibility and ownership among their team members which improves effectiveness across the organization most regularly ventriloquize

Dr. Kim W Petersen

September 15, 2024

More Decks by Dr. Kim W Petersen


  1. The Problem: Avoid adopting the role of a spokesperson too

    spokesperson too frequently and unnecessarily unnecessarily in order to establish and maintain credibility with colleagues, clients, clients, and other partners.
  2. The Goal: • When managers better understand who is really

    really speaking • by consciously exercising their agency in choosing how choosing how to communicate decisions and information, • they enhance their credibility and cultivate a sense of sense of responsibility and ownership among their their team members • which improves effectiveness across the organization organization most regularly ventriloquize
  3. Developing the skills to avoid adopting the role of a

    of a spokesperson too frequently and unnecessarily by: 1. Questioning whether your own ventriloquizing is necessary or has has become a habit. 2. Knowing your audience. 3. Identifing those occasions when you most regularly ventriloquize
  4. Managerial ventriloquism is commonplace: We are all, at various times,

    figures being made to speak the words of others. Rather than ignoring this phenomenon and its effects, managers should develop their skills in its art and practice them to ensure that their preferred outcomes are achieved.