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セキュリティスキャンツール cdk-nag を使ってみた

September 08, 2022

セキュリティスキャンツール cdk-nag を使ってみた






September 08, 2022

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  1. Kinyo
 CDKྺ ൒೥ʢv2͔Βʣ

 ʮAWSΠϯϑϥΛCDKͰIaCԽͨ͠Βcdk-nagͰηΩϡϦςΟεΩϟϯͨ͠ ͘ͳ͍ʁʢಛʹαϓϨεͷํ๏ʣʯ
 https://tech.isid.co.jp/entry/introducing_cdk_nag ࣗݾ঺հ
  2. new s3.Bucket(this, "MyGrapefruitBucket", { blockPublicAccess: s3.BlockPublicAccess.BLOCK_ALL, encryption: s3.BucketEncryption.S3_MANAGED, enforceSSL: true,

    }); CDKͳΒɺରԠ͸؆୯ ͔͠͠ɺ͍ͣΕ΋ΦϓγϣφϧͳϓϩύςΟ 👉 ઃఆͷଘࡏʹؾ෇͔ͣʹσϓϩΠͯ͠͠·͏͔΋
  3. ಋೖํ๏ import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; import { AwsSolutionsChecks

    } from "cdk-nag"; import { CdkBranchStack } from “../lib/cdk-branch-stack"; const app = new cdk.App(); new CdkBranchStack(app, "CdkBranchStack", {}); cdk.Aspects.of(app).add(new AwsSolutionsChecks({ verbose: true })); ࢖͍͍ͨϧʔϧύοΫΛΠϯϙʔτʢσϑΥϧτͰ5ͭ༻ҙ͞Ε͍ͯΔʣ npm install cdk-nag εςοϓ1 εςοϓ2 ΞϓϦέʔγϣϯʹద༻
  4. ࢖͍ํ % cdk synth [Error at /CdkBranchStack/MyGrapefruitBucket/Resource] AwsSolutions-S1: The S3

    Bucket has server access logs disabled. The bucket should have server access logging enabled to provide detailed records for the requests that are made to the bucket. [Error at /CdkBranchStack/MyGrapefruitBucket/Resource] AwsSolutions-S2: The S3 Bucket does not have public access restricted and blocked. The bucket should have public access restricted and blocked to prevent unauthorized access. [Error at /CdkBranchStack/MyGrapefruitBucket/Resource] AwsSolutions-S3: The S3 Bucket does not default encryption enabled. The bucket should minimally have SSE enabled to help protect data-at-rest. [Error at /CdkBranchStack/MyGrapefruitBucket/Resource] AwsSolutions-S10: The S3 Bucket or bucket policy does not require requests to use SSL. You can use HTTPS (TLS) to help prevent potential attackers from eavesdropping on or manipulating network traffic using person-in-the-middle or similar attacks. You should allow only encrypted connections over HTTPS (TLS) using the aws:SecureTransport condition on Amazon S3 bucket policies. Found errors ελοΫ໊ ϦιʔεID ϧʔϧID cdk synth ͓Αͼ cdk deploy ͰεΩϟϯ͕૸Δ
  5. جຊతͳαϓϨε import * as s3 from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3"; import { NagSuppressions

    } from "cdk-nag"; export class CdkBranchStack extends Stack { constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) { super(scope, id, props); const myBucket = new s3.Bucket(this, "MyGrapefruitBucket", {}); NagSuppressions.addResourceSuppressions(myBucket, [ { id: "AwsSolutions-S1", reason: "άϨʔϓϑϧʔπΛ֨ೲ͢ΔόέοτͷͨΊɺϩάग़ྗෆཁ" }, ]); } } NagSuppressionsΛΠϯϙʔτ αϓϨεର৅ͷϦιʔε αϓϨεର৅ͷϧʔϧID αϓϨεཧ༝ʢ10จࣈҎ্ඞਢʣ NagSuppressions.addResourceSuppressions Λར༻
  6. ࡉཻ͔͍౓ͷαϓϨε const myIamPolicy = new iam.ManagedPolicy(this, "MyStrictIAMPolicy", { statements: [

    new iam.PolicyStatement({ resources: [myBucket.bucketArn, `${myBucket.bucketArn}/*`], actions: ["s3:Get*", "s3:ListBucket"], effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW, }), ], }); NagSuppressions.addResourceSuppressions(myIamPolicy, [ { id: "AwsSolutions-IAM5", reason: "όέοτͷશΦϒδΣΫτ΁ͷGetΞΫγϣϯΛڐՄ͢Δඞཁ͕͋Δ", appliesTo: ["Action::s3:Get*"], }, ]); IAMϦιʔεʹର͠ɺ ಛఆͷAction, Resource, PolicyͷΈΛαϓϨε ৄ͘͠͸ϒϩάͰʂ
  7. ࢠϦιʔεͷαϓϨε const myFunction = new lambdaNodejs.NodejsFunction(this, "ServeCoffeeFunction", { entry: "functions/serve-coffee-function.ts",

    }); NagSuppressions.addResourceSuppressions( myFunction, [ { id: "AwsSolutions-IAM4", reason: “AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole͸࢖༻ͯ͠໰୊ͳ͍", appliesTo: ["Policy::arn:<AWS::Partition>:iam::aws:policy/service-role/ AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole"], }, ], true ); ໌ࣔతʹ࡞੒ͨ͠ϦιʔεͰ͸ͳ͘ɺͦͷࢠϦιʔεͷΞϥʔτΛαϓϨε ʢ͜͜Ͱ͸Lambdaؔ਺ͷ࣮ߦϩʔϧʣ addResourceSuppressions ͷୈ3Ҿ਺ applyToChildren? ʹ true Λ౉͢ ৄ͘͠͸ϒϩάͰʂ
  8. CDK͕উखʹ࡞ΔϦιʔεͷαϓϨε const myFunction = new lambdaNodejs.NodejsFunction(this, "ServeCoffeeFunction", { logRetention: logs.RetentionDays.SIX_MONTHS,

    entry: "functions/serve-coffee-function.ts", }); NagSuppressions.addResourceSuppressionsByPath( this, "/CdkBranchStack/LogRetentionaae0aa3c5b4d4f87b02d85b201efdd8a/ServiceRole/Resource", [ { id: "AwsSolutions-IAM4", reason: "CDK؅ཧͷϦιʔε", appliesTo: [“Policy::arn:<AWS::Partition>:iam::aws:policy/service-role/ AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole"], }, ] ); NagSupprssions.addResourceSuppressionsByPath Λར༻ ৄ͘͠͸ϒϩάͰʂ
  9. NagSuppressions.addResourceSuppressions(myBucket, [ { id: "AwsSolutions-S1", reason: "άϨʔϓϑϧʔπΛอ؅͢ΔόέοτͷͨΊɺϩάग़ྗ͸ෆཁ" }, ]); "Metadata":

    { "aws:cdk:path": "CdkBranchStack/MyGrapefruitBucket/Resource", "cdk_nag": { "rules_to_suppress": [ { "id": "AwsSolutions-S1", "reason": "άϨʔϓϑϧʔπΛอ؅͢ΔόέοτͷͨΊɺϩάग़ྗ͸ෆཁ" } ] } } CfnςϯϓϨʔτ cdk deploy cdk diff Resources [~] AWS::S3::Bucket MyGrapefruitBucket MyGrapefruitBucket489DEE06 └─ [~] Metadata └─ [~] .cdk_nag: └─ [~] .rules_to_suppress: └─ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ [ ] [ [ ] { [ ] "id": "AwsSolutions-S1", [-] "reason": "????????????????????????????" [+] "reason": "άϨʔϓϑϧʔπΛอ؅͢ΔόέοτͷͨΊɺϩάग़ྗ͸ෆཁ" [ ] } [ ] ]
  10. "Metadata": { "aws:cdk:path": "CdkBranchStack/MyGrapefruitBucket/Resource", "cdk_nag": { "rules_to_suppress": [ { "reason":

    "44Kw44Os44O844OX44OV44Or44O844OE44KS5L+d566h44GZ44KL44OQ44Kx44OD44OI 44Gu44Gf44KB44CB44Ot44Kw5Ye65Yqb44Gv5LiN6KaB", "id": "AwsSolutions-S1", "is_reason_encoded": true } ] } } Stack CdkBranchStack There were no differences CfnςϯϓϨʔτ cdk deploy cdk diff मਖ਼͢ΔPR͕ແࣄϚʔδ͞Ε·ͨ͠🎉(v2.18.0~) NagSuppressions.addResourceSuppressions(myBucket, [ { id: "AwsSolutions-S1", reason: "άϨʔϓϑϧʔπΛอ؅͢ΔόέοτͷͨΊɺϩάग़ྗ͸ෆཁ" }, ]); αϓϨεཧ༝ʹϚϧνόΠτจࣈ͕