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Project automation for internal affairs

Koichi ITO
November 03, 2019

Project automation for internal affairs

Koichi ITO

November 03, 2019

More Decks by Koichi ITO

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  1. $47ੜ੒εΫϦϓτΛ࡞Δ w 3FWJFXBCMF ϨϏϡʔՄೳ  w 3VOOBCMF ࣮ߦՄೳ  w

  2. ECTDIFNBSC ActiveRecord::Schema.define( version: 2018_11_23_153926 ) do create_table "articles", force: :cascade

    do |t| t.integer "author_id", null: false t.string "title", null: false t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false end end
  3. ECTDIFNBSCͷ"45 s(:block, s(:send, s(:const, s(:const, nil, :ActiveRecord), :Schema), :define, s(:hash,

    s(:pair, s(:sym, :version), s(:int, 20181123153926)))), s(:args), s(:block, s(:send, nil, :create_table, s(:str, "articles"), s(:hash, s(:pair, s(:sym, :force), s(:sym, :cascade)))), s(:args, s(:arg, :t)), s(:begin, s(:send, s(:lvar, :t), :integer, s(:str, "author_id"), s(:hash, s(:pair, s(:sym, :null), s(:false)))), s(:send, s(:lvar, :t), :string, s(:str, "title"), s(:hash, s(:pair, s(:sym, :null), s(:false)))), s(:send, s(:lvar, :t), :datetime, s(:str, "created_at"), s(:hash, s(:pair, s(:sym, :null), s(:false)))), s(:send, s(:lvar, :t), :datetime, s(:str, "updated_at"), s(:hash, s(:pair, s(:sym, :null), s(:false)))))))
  4. "DUJWF3FDPSE4DIFNBEFpOF WFSTJPO@@@ s(:block, s(:send, s(:const, s(:const, nil, :ActiveRecord), :Schema ),

    :define, s(:hash, s(:pair, s(:sym, :version), s(:int, 20181123153926)))), s(:args),
  5. DSFBUF@UBCMFBSUJDMFT  GPSDFDBTDBEFEPcUc s(:block, s(:send, nil, :create_table, s(:str, "articles"), s(:hash,

    s(:pair, s(:sym, :force), s(:sym, :cascade)))), s(:args, s(:arg, :t)), CMPDLΛϒϩοΫҾ਺Uͱ Ұॹʹड͚औΔ DSFBUF@UBCMFϝιουΛ ఆٛͨ͠CMPDLϊʔυ )FSF
  6. UJOUFHFSBVUIPS@JE OVMM GBMTF s(:begin, s(:send, s(:lvar, :t), :integer, s(:str, "author_id"),

    s(:hash, s(:pair, s(:sym, :null), s(:false)))), UJOUFHFS UTUSJOH ͱ͍ͬͨΧϥϜఆٛͷTFOE ϊʔυΛଋͶͨCFHJOϊʔυ )FSF
  7. UTUSJOHUJUMF OVMMGBMTF s(:send, s(:lvar, :t), :string, s(:str, "title"), s(:hash, s(:pair,

    s(:sym, :null), s(:false)))), ͜ΕΒϩʔΧϧม਺U΁ͷ ϝιουݺͼग़͠Λද͢ TFOEϊʔυ͕ଓ͘
  8. ECTDIFNBSC ࠶ܝ ActiveRecord::Schema.define( version: 2018_11_23_153926 ) do create_table "articles", force:

    :cascade do |t| t.integer "author_id", null: false t.string "title", null: false t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false end end
  9. $PQΫϥεΛܧঝ͢Δ module RuboCop module Cop module InternalAffairs class SchemaToCsv <

    Cop end end end end HFNSVCPDPQ
 ͳͲͰ3VCP$PQΠϯεί ͞ΕͯΕ͹࢖͑Δ"1*
  10. ΧϥϜϊʔυΛऔಘ͢Δ def on_block(node) table = node.children.first return unless table.method_name ==

    :create_table table_name = table.first_argument.str_content columns = node.children.detect(&:begin_type?)
  11. ΧϥϜϊʔυΛऔಘ͢Δ def on_block(node) table = node.children.first return unless table.method_name ==

    :create_table table_name = table.first_argument.str_content columns = node.children.detect(&:begin_type?) UJOUFHFS UTUSJOH ͱ͍ͬͨΧϥϜఆٛͷTFOE ϊʔυΛଋͶͨCFHJOϊʔυ )FSF
  12. ΧϥϜ໊ΛಘΔ columns = node.children.detect(&:begin_type?) CSV.open('tmp/schema.csv', 'a') do |csv| columns.child_nodes.each do

    |column| next if column.method_name == :index column_name = column.first_argument.str_content end end
  13. ͋ͱ͸$47ʹ͍͍ײ͡ʹग़ྗ͢Δ columns = node.children.detect(&:begin_type?) CSV.open('tmp/schema.csv', 'a') do |csv| columns.child_nodes.each do

    |column| next if column.method_name == :index column_name = column.first_argument.str_content write_csv_row(csv, table_name, column_name) end end
  14. w SFRVJSFͱPOMZΦϓγϣϯ % bundle exec rubocop \ --cache false --require

    ./lib/rubocop/cop/ internal_affairs \ --only InternalAffairs/ SchemaToCsv \ db/schema.rb > /dev/null ͓·͚ ࣮ߦͷ౾஌ࣝ
  15. w ීஈ͸ࢦఆෆཁͳDBDIFΦϓγϣϯ % bundle exec rubocop \ --cache false --require

    ./lib/rubocop/cop/ internal_affairs \ --only InternalAffairs/ SchemaToCsv \ db/schema.rb > /dev/null ͓·͚ ࣮ߦͷ౾஌ࣝ --cache falseʹ͠ͳ͍ͱҰ౓ ղੳͨ͠db/schema.rbʹ͍ͭͯ ͸Ωϟογϡ͞Εͯॲཧ͞Εͳ͍ (΍͍ͬͯΔ͜ͱ͕अಓͳূ͔΋)