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KotlinConf 2024 Global in South Korea Keynote

HyunWoo Lee
June 28, 2024

KotlinConf 2024 Global in South Korea Keynote

KotlinConf 2024 Global in South Korea에서 진행한 Keynote의 Speaker Deck입니다.

HyunWoo Lee

June 28, 2024


  1. Kotlin User Groups Kotlin ࢤక҅ ߊ੹ী ӝৈೞҊ Kotlin ࢎਊ ҃೷ਸ

    ҕਬೞҊ੗ ೞח ࢎۈٜ۽ ҳࢿػ ѐߊ੗ ழޭפ౭ੑפ׮.
  2. KotlinConf 2024 was a great success thanks to 102 valued

    speakers presenting 77 sessions and 6 workshops, 2000 attendees from all over the world.
  3. Kotlin Script Kotlin with Gradle Project Valhalla + Inlining in

    Kotlin What’s new in Kotlin 2.0? Refactoring with Expressive Kotlin Kotlin Mutliplatform + androidx Animations in Compose Mutliplatform
  4. Compose Compiler Version Compatible Kotlin Version 1.5.13 1.9.23 1.5.12 1.9.23

    1.5.11 1.9.23 1.5.10 1.9.22 Kotlin 2.0 ੉റ۽ח JetBrains੄ Compose Compiler۽ Kotlin ߡ੹ ഐജ
  5. Upcoming Updates (BOM 2024.07.00) • HTML Suppor t • Drag

    and Drop • Lazy List Item Navigation • Shared Element Transitions
  6. Kotlin Multiplatform Jetpack Libraries Stable • Annotations • Collections •

    DataStore Alpha • Lifecycle • ViewModels • Room Room ۄ੉࠳۞ܻ੄ KMP Migration ৈ੿ਸ ঌҊ र׮ݶ? ੉റ উࢿਊש੄ KMP Succes: The Android Jetpack Journey ࣁ࣌ਸ ଵҊೞࣁਃ!
  7. Kotlin Multiplatform਷ StableೞҊ ҅ࣘ೧ࢲ ߊ੹ೞҊ ੓णפ׮. • Direct Kotlin-to-Swift expor

    t • Fleet (IDE for Kotlin Multiplatform) • Amper (Declarative Project Conf i guration Tool)
  8. Navigation Lifecycle ViewModels Resources NavHost( navController = navController, startDestination =

    “Home” ) { composable(route = “Home”) { HomeScreen( /* TODO */ ) { /* TODO */ } } }
  9. Resources class HomeViewModel: ViewModel() { private val _uiState = MutableStateFlow(HomeUiState())

    val uiState = _uiState.asStateFlow() fun setUser(user: UserUiModel) { _uiState.update { it.copy(user = user) } } } Navigation Lifecycle ViewModels
  10. object Icons { val GoogleLogin = Res.drawable.ic_google val AppleLogin =

    Res.drawable.ic_apple } Navigation Resources Lifecycle ViewModels
  11. Compose Multiplatform for Web is now in Alpha Core Common

    APIٜ਷ ࢎਊ оמ Kotlin/Wasm ഝਊೞৈ ઁ੘
  12. What’s new in Kotlin 2.0? ਸ ঌҊ रਵदݶ ੉റ ӣਊ਌ש੄

    Kotlin Language Feature 2.0 and Beyond ࣁ࣌ਸ ଵҊ೧઱ࣁਃ