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Managing Windows with Puppet

Liam Bennett
September 07, 2015

Managing Windows with Puppet

Liam Bennett

September 07, 2015

More Decks by Liam Bennett

Other Decks in Technology


  1. file { 'c:/mysql/my.ini': ensure => 'file', mode => '0660', owner

    => 'mysql', group => 'Administrators', source => 'N:/software/mysql/my.ini', } The Types I Like package { 'Git version 1.8.4': ensure => installed, source => 'N:/software/git-1.8.4.exe', install_options => '0660', } service { 'mysql': ensure => 'running', enable => true, }
  2. exec { 'random script': command =>'cmd.exe /c type c:\path\to\file.txt', }

    The Types I Don’t Like user { 'bob': ensure => present, groups => ['Users','Administrators'], password => 'ouch', } schedule_task { 'another task': enable => true, command =>'cmd.exe /c type c:\path\to\file.txt’, trigger => { schedule => daily, } }
  3. windowsfeature { 'Web-WebServer': installsubfeatures => true, } Other useful stuff

    registry_key { 'HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Puppet': ensure => present, } exec { 'rename-guest': command => '$(SOME_POWERSHELL)', provider => powershell } reboot { 'after': subscribe => Package['SomePackage'] }
  4. Other useful stuff iis::manage_app_pool { 'my_application_pool': enable_32_bit => true, managed_runtime_version

    => 'v4.0' } iis::manage_site { 'www.mysite.com': site_path => 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mysite', port => '80', ip_address => '*', host_header => 'www.mysite.com', app_pool => 'my_application_pool', } iis::manage_virtual_application { 'application1': site_name => 'www.mysite.com', site_path => 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\application1', app_pool => 'my_application_pool', }
  5. file/acl file { 'c:/mysql/my.ini': ensure => 'file', mode => '0660',

    owner => 'mysql', group => 'Administrators', source => 'N:/software/mysql/my.ini', } acl { 'c:/mysql/my.ini': permissions => [ { identity => 'Administrator', rights => ['full'] }, { identity => 'Users', rights => ['read','execute'] } ], }
  6. WTF Bugs KB2773898 - access denied installing msu KB2918614 -

    windows update that broke msi installs KB2842230 - ignores MaxMemoryPerShellMB