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Fix engineering team structure debt with Team T...

Fix engineering team structure debt with Team Topology

LINE DevDay 2020

November 27, 2020

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  1. Agenda › History (what happen in the past) › What

    we are trying to achieve › What Team Topology is › How we adopt and implement team topology › Key takeaway
  2. Small team What happen in the past 9-12 engineers Product

    A Product B 5-7 engineers 1-2 modules 1-2 modules
  3. Product grew from 1-2 modules to 1x modules What happen

    in the past 1x – 2x engineers Product A Product B 1x – 2x engineers 1x modules 1x modules
  4. Team grew without re-structure What happen in the past A

    single (big) team for one product Product A 1x modules
  5. Function Silo What happen in the past Frontend Engineers Product

    A 1x modules Backend Engineers QA Engineers SRE Engineers
  6. › Communication issue from unclear boundary › Time consume for

    discussion › Infinite cognitive load (need to understand all business domains and modules) The development speed was slowing down What problems we faced
  7. › Engage only related topics (based on function) › Only

    a few people talk in discussion › Care only what they have done in the past Team members disengaged from team and product What problems we faced
  8. #1 Be Technical Excellence Team What we are trying to

    achieve › Agility can only happen when you are able to make changes to the product in an easy, fast, and flexible way
  9. #2 Increase Level of Autonomy What we are trying to

    achieve › Utilize the full potential, knowledge, and creativity of the team for solving problem and keep developers engaged › Increase team’s velocity Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
  10. #3 Create the Culture of Ownership What we are trying

    to achieve › Encourage teams to claim and carry out their ideas, their responsibilities and their initiatives › When teams care more about their work, they do the best work of their lives Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash
  11. What Team Topology is › It is the approach to

    optimize team interactions for flow Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash
  12. 4 Fundamental Topologies Core ideas in team topologies › 1.

    Stream-aligned team: aligned to a flow of work from (usually) a segment of the business domain › 2. Enabling team: helps a Stream-aligned team to overcome obstacles. Also detects missing capabilities › 3. Complicated Subsystem team: where significant mathematics/calculation/technical expertise is needed › 4. Platform team: a grouping of other team types that provide a compelling internal product to accelerate delivery by Stream-aligned teams https://teamtopologies.com/key-concepts
  13. Flow of Change Core ideas in team topologies › “You

    Built It, You Run It” teams. There are no hand-offs to other teams for any purpose. https://teamtopologies.com/key-concepts
  14. 3 Core Interaction Modes Core ideas in team topologies ›

    1. Collaboration: working together for a defined period of time to discover new things › 2. X-as-a-Service: one team provides and one team consumes something “as a Service” › 3. Facilitation: one team helps and mentors another team https://teamtopologies.com/key-concepts
  15. Re-structure team Guild A Guild B Guild C › Create

    small teams (5-7 engineers) as the stream-aligned team › Include all functions in the team › Groom them to be cross-functional team Adopt and implement team topology
  16. Create domain boundaries Chat Marketing Shopping … › Create a

    clear boundary for each team › Emphasize the domain ownership to the team Adopt and implement team topology
  17. Set up special taskforce to tackle complex problem (blur boundary)

    Adopt and implement team topology › Work across guilds and own by the guild Photo by Josh Calabrese on Unsplash
  18. Set up Enabling Team › Tackle complicated technical challenges ›

    Develop tools to enable technical excellence and flow Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash Adopt and implement team topology
  19. Embed TPM to each team for facilitation › Facilitate all

    activities for the team › Collaborate across teams › Solve any blocker for the team › Observe the team and make it flows Photo by Marília Castelli on Unsplash Adopt and implement team topology
  20. Revise Product Backlog › Create product backlog by business domain

    › Create dependency mapping between business domain Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash Adopt and implement team topology
  21. Revise Working Process and Interaction › Collaborate with high-interaction and

    mutual-respect › X-as-a-Service by emphasizing the User Experience in mind › Help and be helped to adopt new practices (open-mind) Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash Adopt and implement team topology
  22. Promote the Solution Engineer Role › Use their strength and

    open to work cross functions › Aim to handle end-to-end development Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash Adopt and implement team topology
  23. Key Takeaway › Understand your people (chemistry and skill) before

    re- structure team › Make sure you have a good culture norm › Technical excellence is one of the key factor Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash