How can I boost the revenue? How can I save the cost? How can I keep my customers alive? (SBQI &NCFEEJOH PO6TFS "DRVJTJUJPO 6QMJGUPO"E QFSGPSNBODF #PPTUJOH "MHPSJUINPO $VTUPNFS -JGFUJNFWBMVF
effect w.r.t campaign New acquired users Case study on LINE POINTS wall : effectiveness and fully data orientation User followed OA category target size in 202106 target size in 202107 KG target size (tunable) Type A 2.2M 3.1M 500k Type B 10.4M 10.2M Type C 3.3M 4.1M
Purchase or not Purchase or not Browsing behavior Demographics Purchase history OA engagement Ad event Sticker collections Treatment Group Control Group
Purchase or not Purchase or not Browsing behavior Demographics Purchase history OA engagement Ad event Sticker collections Treatment Group Control Group If the campaign effect is significant If the sure thing exist
Demographics Purchase history OA engagement Ad event Sticker collections Purchase probabilities Treatment Group Control Group $MBTTJ fi FS treatment = 1 treatment = 0 Purchase or not ≈ *OUVJUJWFBOEFBTZUPUSBJO -PXWBSJBODFBOE fl FYJCMF
Browsing behavior Demographics Purchase history OA engagement Ad event Sticker collections $MBTTJ fi FS Purchase probability Purchase probability treatment = 1 treatment = 0 candidate
Browsing behavior Demographics Purchase history OA engagement Ad event Sticker collections $MBTTJ fi FS treatment = 1 treatment = 0 Uplift Purchase probability candidate
pro fi le OA interaction Feature Engineering Modeling Tags CLV High ↑ CLV Median CLV Low ↓ { > 50% High valued customers <= 50% Medium valued customers 0, Churned customers 450 days 180 days Now Cascade model
CLV High ↑ CLV Median CLV Low ↓ { > 50% High valued customers <= 50% Medium valued customers 0, Churned customers 450 days 180 days Now User Embedding Demographic Browsing history Buying pro f i