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Bash: Toxic Terrorist

Little Red Door
September 11, 2014

Bash: Toxic Terrorist

Pages 1-9

Little Red Door

September 11, 2014


  1. Given incredible powers from the hope and strength of those

    battling cancer, a mild-mannered volunteer was transformed into a superhero known as Bash. Previously... Having battled the Scare’s henchman —Snacker, the Tobacconist, and Madame U-V— BASH must now go up against the chemical tactics of the evil doer known as “HAZARDO.” Chapter Five: TERRORIST trapped by the toxic
  2. he’s more powerful than we suspected... this BASH destroyed my

    operation and i barely escaped... not to worry madame U-V. i have the situation well in hand. his helper is the key. he is being honored by the city today. we will use this public event to destroy him. without his “early bird” to give him warning, he’ll never see me coming. i will destroy BASH... and declare myself the new mayor of a toxic town! HAIL HAZARDO! SORRY SIR, THE DOCTOR IS BEING DIFFICULT. moments later...
  3. i’m so proud that so many of our citizens are

    living healthier lives and pledging to bash cancer... so it is with great honor, that i present the key to the city to our newest hero in the war on cancer— BASH! i brought you here to help us. you have advanced knowledge of cancer research and... let us know when you’re ready to talk. it stands to reason, if one BASH can be made, others can be, too! i know she holds the key to us creating an army of toxic warriors! downtown i must go ... i don’t want to be late for my appointment! thank you mr. mayor. it is indeed an honor! so howabout we paint the town red?!!!! s-s-sniper! get down EVERYONE!
  4. i’m afraid the only thing that stinks in here is

    you! well now, don’t i feel bad! oh, don’t worry mayor, they’re just paint balls—the high odor latex kind! fortunately i brought a big jar of perchlorethylene to cover your dry cleaning! >KOFF< >KOFF< >KOFF< it’s ok. i’m all right everybody! then follow me hero and i’ll show you who’s really in charge of this city!!
  5. it’s pretty easy to follow your deodorant trail! but what

    good is being honored without a parade? you want to know who runs this town? it’s these chemicals and ME! HAZARDO! hopefully you’re enjoying yourself on your special day. ...and what good is a parade without balloons? but these are no ordinary balloons. they’re filled with every toxic chemical commonly found in everyone’s homes! everyday carcinogens like formaldehyde, nitrobenzene, methylene chloride, and napthelene... many are link to cancer. others cause kidney, liver, and brain damage. some have reproductive toxins and hormone disrupters!
  6. what would happen if this city was exposed to all

    of these toxins at once? ...oh yes, and a BOMB! attached in the sphere below is a famed cancer research doctor and geneticist... the bomb will destroy both the doctor and the balloons... releasing parabens, triclosans, pesticides, and more into the atmosphere- all at once! balloons and fireworks? really, hazardo, you shouldn’t have! guess i’m just going to have to work fast!
  7. now hopefully the balloons will float out of the atmosphere

    and avoid coming into contact with or being inhaled by anyone. which ... just ... leaves this bomb... CLEVER BOY! releasing all the balloons!! it’s best to use household cleaners and hygiene products that are natural.
  8. well that’s that... one less hero to stop me next

    time! sorry to cut that so close doc! hazardo was trying to destroy me and my research... and this. thank you for saving me BASH. i was taken from my lab... early? where did you find her? she was put in the sphere with me in an attempt to keep our secrets from getting out.
  9. what secrets? HAIL HAZARDO! oh the usual kind... AHHHHHHHHH! sleep

    well hero... rest up for all the tests i need to do. honestly, i can’t believe you nearly blew me up. perhaps we should be saying “hail helix” instead. it was a calculated risk, doctor. he did what any hero would’ve done—put others before himself. and that, will be his undoing... to be continued...