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Modularização de código JS

Modularização de código JS

Rafael Macedo

October 18, 2014

More Decks by Rafael Macedo

Other Decks in Programming


  1. //= require modernizr
 //= require jquery
 //= require jquery.validate

    require jquery.validate.additional-methods
 //= require jquery_ujs
 //= require fancybox
 //= require_self
 //= require jquery.ui.datepicker
 //= require jquery.ui.draggable
 //= require underscore
 //= require jquery.tokeninput
 //= require application/browser_selector
 //= require application/jQuery_gtSlider
 //= require application/jQuery_gtSelect
 //= require application/bxslider
 //= require application/jquery.form
 //= require application/validations
 //= require jquery_nested_form
 //= require ckeditor/init
 //= require ckeditor/config
 //= require application/jquery.nicescroll
 //= require custome_js/user_journey
 //= require application/album_images
 //= require application/home
 //= require application/user
 //= require jquery.rating
 //= require jquery.imagedrag.min
 //= require slider/jssor.core
 //= require slider/jssor.slider
 //= require slider/jssor.utils
 //= require scroll_paginate
 //= require destination
 //= require magicselection
 //= require jquery.quicksearch
 //= require jquery.blockUI
 $(document).ready(function() {
 $('#rateform :radio.star').rating({cancel: 'Cancel', cancelValue: '0'}); 
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 // Hover box editar perfil
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 $(this).children(".details").stop().animate({ "top": "94px" }, "fast" );
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 $(document).on('click','a.circle, div.msg-content-box',function(){
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 id = $(this).parents('div.msg-content-box').prop('id')

  3. allowfullscreen : 'true',
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 dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
 changeMonth: true,
 changeYear: true
 dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
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 // Hover box editar perfil
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 $(this).children(".details").stop().animate({ "top": "94px" }, "fast" );
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 $(document).on('click', '.unblock_user', function(){
 $(document).on('click','a.circle, div.msg-content-box',function(){
 $(document).on('click','a.folder, a.del',function(){
 id = $(this).parents('div.msg-content-box').prop('id')
 1500 LOC
  4. allowfullscreen : 'true',
 allowscriptaccess : 'always',
 closeBtn : false

 dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
 changeMonth: true,
 changeYear: true
 dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
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 $(document).on('click', '.bt-deletar', function(){
 // Hover box editar perfil
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 if ($('.lista-lugares').size() > 0) {
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 $(this).children(".details").stop().animate({ "top": "94px" }, "fast" );
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 $(document).on('click','a.circle, div.msg-content-box',function(){
 $(document).on('click','a.folder, a.del',function(){
 id = $(this).parents('div.msg-content-box').prop('id')
 1500 LOC
  5. 3k

  6. MVC

  7. var Module = (function() {
 var privateAttribute = '';

 var privateMethod = function() {
 /* ... */
  8. var Module = (function() {
 var privateAttribute = '';

 var privateMethod = function() {
 /* ... */
  9. var Module = (function() {
 var privateAttribute = '';

 var privateMethod = function() {
 /* ... */
 return {
 publicMethod: function() {
 /* ... */
  10. var Module = (function() {
 var privateAttribute = '';

 var privateMethod = function() {
 /* ... */
 return {
 publicMethod: function() {
 /* ... */
  11. var Module = (function() {
 var privateAttribute = '';

 var privateMethod = function() {
 /* ... */
 return {
 publicMethod: function() {
 /* ... */
  12. var Module = (function() {
 var privateAttribute = '';

 var privateMethod = function() {
 /* ... */
 return {
 publicMethod: function() {
 /* ... */
  13. var QuestionsList = (function() {
 var collection = [1, 2,

    3, 4, 5]
 , currentIndex = 0;
 return {
 current: function() {
 var i = currentIndex % collection.length;
 return 'Question: ' + collection[i];
 next: function() {
 currentIndex += 1;
 prev: function() {
 currentIndex -= 1;
  14. var QuestionsList = (function() {
 var collection = [1, 2,

    3, 4, 5]
 , currentIndex = 0;
 return {
 current: function() {
 var i = currentIndex % collection.length;
 return 'Question: ' + collection[i];
 next: function() {
 currentIndex += 1;
 prev: function() {
 currentIndex -= 1;
  15. var QuestionsList = (function() {
 var collection = [1, 2,

    3, 4, 5]
 , currentIndex = 0;
 return {
 current: function() {
 var i = currentIndex % collection.length;
 return 'Question: ' + collection[i];
 next: function() {
 currentIndex += 1;
 prev: function() {
 currentIndex -= 1;
  16. var QuestionsList = (function() {
 var collection = [1, 2,

    3, 4, 5]
 , currentIndex = 0;
 function current() {
 var i = currentIndex % collection.length;
 return 'Question: ' + collection[i];
 function next() {
 currentIndex += 1;
 return current();
 function prev() {
 currentIndex -= 1;
 return {
 current: current,
 next: next,
 prev: prev
  17. var QuestionsList = (function() {
 var collection = [1, 2,

    3, 4, 5]
 , currentIndex = 0;
 function current() {
 var i = currentIndex % collection.length;
 return 'Question: ' + collection[i];
 function next() {
 currentIndex += 1;
 return current();
 function prev() {
 currentIndex -= 1;
 return {
 current: current,
 next: next,
 prev: prev
  18. var QuestionsList = (function() {
 var collection = [1, 2,

    3, 4, 5]
 , currentIndex = 0;
 function current() {
 var i = currentIndex % collection.length;
 return 'Question: ' + collection[i];
 function next() {
 currentIndex += 1;
 return current();
 function prev() {
 currentIndex -= 1;
 return {
 current: current,
 next: next,
 prev: prev
  19. var QuestionsList = (function() {
 var collection = [1, 2,

    3, 4, 5]
 , currentIndex = 0;
 function current() {
 var i = currentIndex % collection.length;
 return 'Question: ' + collection[i];
 function next() {
 currentIndex += 1;
 return current();
 function prev() {
 currentIndex -= 1;
 return {
 current: current,
 next: next,
 prev: prev
  20. var QuestionsList = (function() {
 function _getIndex()

 return currentIndex % collection.length;
 function _incrementIndex() {
 currentIndex += 1;
 function current() {
 return 'Question: ' + collection[_getIndex()];
 function next() {
 return current();
 return {
 current: current,
 next: next
  21. var QuestionsList = (function() {
 function _getIndex()

 return currentIndex % collection.length;
 function _incrementIndex() {
 currentIndex += 1;
 function current() {
 return 'Question: ' + collection[_getIndex()];
 function next() {
 return current();
 return {
 current: current,
 next: next
  22. var QuestionsList = (function() {
 function _getIndex()

 return currentIndex % collection.length;
 function _incrementIndex() {
 currentIndex += 1;
 function current() {
 return 'Question: ' + collection[_getIndex()];
 function next() {
 return current();
 return {
 current: current,
 next: next
  23. var ExtraQuestionsList = (function(QuestionsList) {
 QuestionsList.randomQuestion() {
 /* ...

 return QuestionList;
 })(QuestionsList || {});
  24. var Mediator = {
 obj: $({}), publish: function(event, data) {

    return this.obj.trigger(event, data);
 subscribe: function(event, fn) {
 return this.obj.on(event, fn);
 unsubscribe: function(event, fn) {
 return this.obj.off(event, fn);
  25. var QuestionViewer = (function(){
 function onChange() {
 alert('current question

 // fetch new question
 // render ...
 return {
 init: function() {
 'change:question', onChange
  26. var QuestionsList = (function() {
 function next() {

    currentIndex += 1;
 Mediator.publish( 'change:question', { index: currentIndex } );
 return current();
  27. define(
 function($, colorPlugin, _){

    var shuffleColor = _.first(
 _.shuffle([“#666", "#333", "#111"])
 $( ".item" ).animate({
 "backgroundColor": shuffleColor
 return {};
  28. define(
 function($, colorPlugin, _){

    var shuffleColor = _.first(
 _.shuffle([“#666", "#333", "#111"])
 $( ".item" ).animate({
 "backgroundColor": shuffleColor
 return {};
  29. define(
 function($, colorPlugin, _){

    var shuffleColor = _.first(
 _.shuffle([“#666", "#333", "#111"])
 $( ".item" ).animate({
 "backgroundColor": shuffleColor
 return {};