With the vast adoption of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) for general purpose computing, one should not forget about the practicality of the GPU for fast scienti c visualisation. As astronomers have increasing access to three-dimensional (3D) data from instruments and facilities like integral eld units and radio interferometers, visualisation techniques such as volume rendering offer means to quickly explore spectral cubes as a whole. Using the open source software shwirl, we demonstrate how transfer functions and graphics shaders can be exploited to provide new astronomy- speci c explorative colouring methods. In particular, we present transfer functions speci cally designed to produce intuitive and informative 3D visualisations of spectral cube data — moving beyond classical techniques imported from medical imaging. We compare their utility to classic colour mapping. Additionally, we present how common computation like ltering, smoothing, and line ratio algorithms can be integrated as part of the graphics pipeline for rapid visual feedback. We discuss how this can be achieved by utilising the parallelism of modern GPUs along with a shading language, letting astronomers apply these new techniques at interactive frame rates.