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Y-h. Taguchi
December 02, 2024


Y-h. Taguchi

December 02, 2024

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  1. SIGBIO80 3 MS ID#: BIORXIV/2020/054213MS TITLE: Novel Method for Detection

    of Genes With Altered Expression Caused by Coronavirus Infection and Screening of Candidate Drugs for SARS-CoV-2 Dear Y-h. Taguchi; 2020/04/23 9:44 We regret to inform you that your manuscript is inappropriate for bioRxiv. As an abundance of caution, bioRxiv is not currently posting predictions of drug/therapeutic efficacy/potential for treatment of COVID-19 that are based solely on in silico work, given concerns about drug availability and dangers to the general public. This manuscript should instead undergo rapid peer review at a journal before dissemination. This has been a difficult decision not arrived at lightly and we understand it may be disappointing, but we currently feel this is the most responsible course of action in these exceptional circumstances. Best regards, The bioRxiv team bioRxiv bioRxivに投稿を拒否される… に投稿を拒否される…. .
  2. SIGBIO80 7 i:Genes j=1:KO, j=2:WT k=1:liver, k=2:spleen m=1 :PBS day

    5, m=2:MHV day 3, m=3:MHV day 5 nth biological replicate (1≤n≤3) pth technical replicate (1≤p≤2) 使用データセット
  3. SIGBIO80 14 The scavenger receptor TMPRSS2 plays a critical role

    in SARS-CoV-2 infection as well as SARS- CoV infection Metascape
  4. SIGBIO80 15 Coincidence Between 134 Genes and Human Genes Reported

    to Interact With SARS- CoV-2 Proteins [31]. [31] D. E. Gordon et al., Nature, vol. 583, pp. 459- 468, Apr. 2020, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41 586-020-2286-9.
  5. SIGBIO80 21 まとめ • マウスの肝臓に感染するウイルスでSARSーCoVー2の どドラッグリポジショニングが可能かを調べた • テンソル分解を用いた教師なし学習による変数選択法 は有効そうだった。 •

    選ばれた薬には多くの抗ウィルス剤が含まれていた。 • (あと知恵となるが)SARS-CoV-2感染時に関係する遺 伝子が実際に有意に含まれていた。