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The Cartographic Logo as a "Gateway Drug" to Il...

October 09, 2014

The Cartographic Logo as a "Gateway Drug" to Illustrator

Kevin McManigal, University of Montana
So, you want to make a living as a cartographer. Do you have a logo? Logos don't matter? Well, I bet that you have hundreds of logos embedded in your head, and I can prove it. What will set you apart from all the other cartophiles out there? Besides, you need to learn Illustrator to be cartographers (we can debate this), and lucky for us, almost all logos are born there. Join me for an interactive presentation and discussion on logos, branding cartographic companies, and the unique Illustrator basics of logo fabrication that set would-be cartographers up for the life-long journey of mapmaking. You are here!


October 09, 2014


  1. The Cartographic Logo As a “Gateway Drug” to Illustrator K

    e v i n McManigal U n i v e r s i t y o f M o n t a n a k e v i n . m c m a n i g a l @ m s o . u m t . e d u
  2. And, a LOGO is a great Introduction to Adobe Illustrator

    It Teaches: •  Placement (of images) •  Tracing (pen tool) •  Type (fonts, spacing, etc.) •  Style (of stroke, fill and color) Use to stick it to the brain!