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iOS Ecosystem

iOS Ecosystem

A brief introduction to iOS Dev Ecosystem

Massimo Oliviero

July 06, 2012

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  1. iOS Bootcamp Chi sono Massimo Oliviero Mobile Developer & Entrepreneur

    http://www.massimooliviero.net @maxoly massimo.oliviero@gmail.com
  2. Agenda Context Process Platforms Tools Mobile Market AppStore Environment Apple

    Developer Program Devices SDK Xcode Simulator Instruments
  3. http://pragmamark.org Context Process Platforms Tools Mobile Market AppStore Environment Apple

    Developer Program Devices SDK Xcode Simulator Instruments Context Mobile Market AppStore Environment
  4. Top mobile vendors vendor shipments share annual growth Nokia 417M

    27% -7.9% Samsung 329M 21% 17.6% Apple 93M 6.0% 96% Source: IDC Worldwide Mobile Phone Tracker, February 1, 2012 Mobile Phone Vendors, Shipments, and Market Share Calendar Year 2011
  5. Top smartphone vendors vendor shipments share annual growth Samsung 95M

    19% 310% Apple 93M 19% 96% Nokia 77M 15% -22% Source: IDC Worldwide Mobile Phone Tracker, February 1, 2012 Worldwide Smartphone Vendors, Shipments, and Market Share Calendar Year 2011
  6. Top smartphone OS os shipments share annual growth Android 237M

    48% 244% iOS 93M 19% 96% Symbian 80M 16% -29% Source: Canalys (Feb 2011) Worldwide smartphone market, by operating system, by 2011 global sales
  7. Top tablet vendor os 2011 2012 share iOS 40M 73M

    61% Android 17M 38M 31% Microsoft 0M 5M 4,2% Source: Gartner (April 2012) Worldwide Sales of Media Tablets to End Users by OS
  8. iOS Bootcamp Diamo i numeri • +365 milioni di device

    iOS • +220 milioni di iPhone (2, 3G, 3Gs, 4, 4S) • +67 milioni di iPad (iPad 1, iPad 2, new iPad) • 80% iOS 5 Source: Apple
  9. iOS Bootcamp Diamo i numeri • +400 milioni di account

    iTunes con CC • +650.000 apps (di cui 225 specifiche per iPad) • +30 miliardi di download • +120.000 developers • +5 miliardi $ agli sviluppatori • 155 paesi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/App_Store_(iOS) Apple WWDC
  10. iOS Bootcamp Case history • What’s App Messenger Prezzo App

    Store: $0.99 Prezzo Google Play: gratis / per il primo anno • Angry Birds Prezzo App Store: $0.99 Prezzo Google Play: gratis / con ADV
  11. iOS Bootcamp Case history • Clear App 350K download in

    9 giorni a $0.99 l’uno ora il prezzo è a $2.99 • Draw Something +50M download in meno di 2 mesi.
  12. iOS Bootcamp Riassumendo • Il contesto Un ambiente che invoglia

    l’utente • Credit card There are 400 million iTunes accounts (with credit cards attached and ready to spend)
  13. iOS Bootcamp Apps Trends 1. Games 2. Education 3. Entertainment

    4. Books 5. Lifestyle http://148apps.biz/app-store-metrics/
  14. iOS Bootcamp Think different I contro del mondo Apple •

    nessun programma di certificazione per devs • unico evento la WWDC • politica di update Xcode & SDK • specifiche tecniche device non complete • risorse sotto NDA • Apple ID e ADP come se piovesse ^_^
  15. iOS Bootcamp Think different I pro del mondo Apple •

    WWDC di qualità • risorse di qualità (soprattutto la docs) • strumenti curati e performanti (anche se...) • iOS SDK
  16. iOS Bootcamp Requisiti • Mac OS • Xcode (free) •

    Device (iPhone/iPad/iPodTouch) • Apple ID • Apple Developer Program (ADP)
  17. http://pragmamark.org Context Process Platforms Tools Mobile Market AppStore Environment Apple

    Developer Program Devices SDK Xcode Simulator Instruments Process Apple Developer Program
  18. Developer Programs iOS Developer Program $99/year App Store / 100

    device iOS Developer Enterprise Program $299/year NO App Store / ∞ device iOS Developer University Program free NO App Store / 200 person
  19. iOS Bootcamp Apple Developer Program • Member Center gestione utenti,

    sottoscrizioni e rinnovi • iOS Provisioning Portal certificati di sviluppo e distribuzione, device • iTunes Connect app submission, sales and trends e pagamenti iOS Provisioning Portal
  20. iOS Bootcamp Concepts • Certificati Identificano univocamente un attore •

    Devices Elenco dei device abilitati al testing • App IDs Identificativi univoci delle app • Provisioning E’ un asset che unisce i tre concetti precedenti
  21. iOS Bootcamp Certificati • Development Certificate Associato ad una persona

    del team • Distribution Certificate Associato all’identità dell’azienda (sviluppatore)
  22. iOS Bootcamp Devices • Scopo device per fini di sviluppo

    e test • Name + UDID Unique Device IDentifier, stringa di 40 caratteri es. 67a43b0925c7a8050ad788591ace81d1bda81bed • Limiti 1. ADP prevede un massimo di 100 device 2. Non è possibile eliminare un device fino al successivo rinnovo dell’ADP
  23. iOS Bootcamp App IDs • Bundle Identifier è l’identificativo univoco

    dell’app • Reverse domain name es. com.mycompany.BestAppEver • Wild-card character es. com.mycompany.*
  24. iOS Bootcamp Provisioning • Che cosa è è un una

    risorsa (un file) che unisce i 3 concetti precedenti ovvero App-ID, Devices e Certificati • A cosa serve è incluso nell’applicazione e serve per definire chi è autorizzato a distribuire l’app e chi è autorizzato ad eseguire l’app.
  25. iOS Bootcamp Provisioning •Development Provisioning ‣ App ID ‣ elenco

    di certificati (development certificate) ‣ elenco di device •Distribution Provisioning ‣ Distribution method (App Store o AdHoc) ‣ App ID ‣ un certificato (distribution certificate) ‣ e in caso di AdHoc un elenco di device
  26. Step by step M M ADP $$ Certificati M Distribution

    Certificate Development Certificate O M M Team Device M Device Clienti O M M M M Nuova APP App ID Provisioning O M M Xcode Install Build & sign
  27. http://pragmamark.org Context Process Platforms Tools Mobile Market AppStore Environment Apple

    Developer Program Devices SDK Xcode Simulator Instruments Platforms Devices SDK
  28. Assisted GPS, Tri-band 3.6 Mbps UMTS/HSDPA iPhone timeline iPhone 1

    06/2007 iPhone 3G 06/2008 06/2009 iPhone 3GS 06/2010 iPhone 4 iPhone 4S 10/2011 Multi touch Gesture 3.5’’ screen 320×480 163 ppi Camera 2MP 128 MB RAM Magnetometro 7.2 Mbit/s HSDPA Camera 3.0 MP VGA (480p) 256 MB RAM CPU Apple A4 800 MHZ Display Retina 326 ppi Giroscopio a 3 assi Camera 720p HD 5MP Camera frontale 2MP 512 MB RAM CPU Dual Core Apple A5 Camera 8MP
  29. CPU Apple A5 Dual Core 512 MB RAM Camera 720p

    HD iPad timeline iPad 1 04/2010 iPad 2 03/2011 03/2012 the new iPad CPU Apple A4 256 MB RAM Wi-Fi Quad-Band GSM/ GPRS/EDGE Bluethooth A-GPS Magnetometro Microfono Display Retina 2048×1536 px resolution (264 ppi) 1 GB RAM Camera 1080p - 5MP
  30. iOS Bootcamp Device iOS in commercio • iPhone 4S •

    iPhone 4 • iPhone 3GS (ebbene si) • the new iPad (3rd) • iPad 2 • iPod Touch 4G
  31. iOS Bootcamp Device Specs • GSM Arena http://www.gsmarena.com/apple-phones-48.php • the

    iPhoneWiki http://theiphonewiki.com/wiki/ • iPhone Dev Wiki http://iphonedevwiki.net/index.php/Main_Page
  32. iOS Bootcamp iOS • Sistema opertivo mobile archietture ARM, multitasking,

    CocoaTouch, multi-touch GUI • Kernel XNU (stesso del MAC OS X) sviluppato inizialmente da NeXT per il NeXTSTEP os è un kernel ibrido • Inizialmente conosciuto come iPhone OS
  33. iOS Bootcamp iOS SDK • Librerie e strumenti di sviluppo

    • Prima release Marzo 2008 • Side by side con Xcode e Mac OS
  34. Side by side Xcode SDK SO 4.5 iOS 6 SDK

    Mountain Lion 4.3 iOS 5 SDK Lion 4.2 iOS 4.3 SDK Snow Leopard / Lion
  35. iOS & devices OS iPhone iPad iPod 6.0 beta 3GS

    / 4 / 4S 2 / 3 4th gen 5.1 3GS / 4 / 4S 1 / 2 / 3 3rd / 4th gen 5.0 3GS / 4 / 4S 1 / 2 3rd / 4th gen 4.3 3GS / 4 / 4S 1 / 2 3rd / 4th gen 4.2.1 (uni) 3G / 3GS / 4 / 4S 1 / 2 3rd
  36. http://pragmamark.org Context Process Platforms Tools Mobile Market AppStore Environment Apple

    Developer Program Devices SDK Xcode Simulator Instruments Tools Xcode Simulator Instruments
  37. iOS Bootcamp Xcode • Ambiente di sviluppo (IDE) • Objective-C

    / Objective-C++ / C++ / C • Source Control (Subversion / Git) • Interface Builder • Alternative? Si, JetBrains AppCode (ma no UI)
  38. iOS Bootcamp iOS Simulator • iPhone / iPhone Retina /

    iPad / iPad Retina • Gesture, Orientation e Memory Warning • GPS (iOS 5 Simulator) • Apps: Safari, Immagini, Contatti, Impostazioni, Game Center, Edicola • Veloce!
  39. iOS Bootcamp Con qualche problema... • Risorse non limitate •

    Falsi Memory Leak • Nessun supporto per la Camera
  40. iOS Bootcamp Instruments • Strumento di analisi dell’applicazione • Traccia

    e profila le attività del codice • Integrato con XCode e con l’iOS Simulator • Individua problemi di memoria, di prestazioni e di consumo eccessivo delle risorse (batteria, memoria, CPU etc)
  41. iOS Bootcamp What’s NeXT !? Xcode, debugging & development tools

    Project Structure, code organization & code convention UI customization and technique App User Experience & User Interaction Design iOS Application Mobile development methodology