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Styleguide Driven Development

October 17, 2014

Styleguide Driven Development

Presented at Seattle Interactive Conference 2014


October 17, 2014


  1. 5

  2. 8 The old way ✴ Duplication of code ✴ Inconsistent

    code style ✴ Poorly named classes ✴ Visual bugs, regressions ✴ Inconsistent visual system ✴ Generally unmaintainable and expensive
  3. 9 A styleguide, in this context, is a developed, “living”

    UI library containing all recurring styles used across a project. Styleguide Driven Development is the practice of using the styleguide as the focal point for all front-end UI development tasks. What?
  4. 11 Why? Intent and usage are documented and clear for

    all to see Salesforce Twitter Bootstrap
  5. 16 How? Take an inventory of design (so far) ✴

    Colors? ✴ Header levels? ✴ Grid system? ✴ What modules should be created? ✴ How should things be named?
  6. 17 How? Define a structure and choose tools ✴ User

    a CSS preprocessor (Sass, Stylus, etc) ✴ Use partials, if available
  7. 18 How? Use documented code style ✴ Routinely maintained and

    version-controlled ✴ Include comments and todos
  8. 20 How? Build custom modules ✴ Modules are the heart

    of the styleguide ✴ Use a system (BEM, SMACSS, OOCSS) ✴ Make modules small ✴ Make modules versatile
  9. 22

  10. 25 Before ✴ What markup and CSS do I need?

    After ✴ What modules is this page made of? ✴ Do I need to create any new ones? ✴ Future modules and pages start in styleguide The process
  11. 26 Examples ✴ Yelp - http://www.yelp.com/styleguide ✴ MailChimp - http://ux.mailchimp.com/patterns/

    ✴ Salesforce - http://sfdc-styleguide.herokuapp.com/ ✴ Github - https://github.com/styleguide/css/1.0 ✴ Bootstrap - http://getbootstrap.com/components/