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DevLOLOps - How To Automate Your DevOps Hilarity

Matt Stratton
April 02, 2015

DevLOLOps - How To Automate Your DevOps Hilarity

Historically, DevOps focuses on CAMS - Culture, Automation, Measurement, and Sharing. However, the one thing that is often overlooked in any successful DevOps implementation is the use of animated GIF's in communication within teams.

Words take too long to type - being quick with a reaction GIF is essential for any successful DevOps practitioner. In this talk, I will teach you the basics of DevLOLOps - how to automate you reaction GIF workflow to amaze your coworkers and make every HipChat conversation a complete mic-drop.

Matt Stratton

April 02, 2015


  1. M A T T S T R A T T

    O N , 4 / 2 / 2 0 1 5
  2. S O L U T I O N S A

    R C H I T E C T , C H E F S O F T W A R E , I N C @ m a t t s t r a t t o n
  3. h t t p : / / i m a

    g e s . g o o g l e . c o m
  4. Sean: My feature didn’t pass integration testing Galen: That’s unfortunate.

    Yvo: Reminder: Submit all your expense reports, folks! Bakh: OK boss. Aimee: Who’s taking care of Customer X? Matt: Sean: What are you talking about, Matt?? Yvo: This is going in your performance review.
  5. h t t p : / / b i t

    . l y / s m i l e - c h e f c o n f h t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / m a t t s t r a t t o n / d e v l o l o p s h t t p s : / / w w w. r i ff s y. c o m /