Heliosはモバイルアプリケーションに不可欠な各種バックエンドサービスを提供するオープンソースのフレームワークであり、データ同期、プッシュ通知、アプリ内課金、Passbook 連携といった機能を提供します。このセッションでは、HeliosとHerokuを使って、iOSアプリを短時間で開発する方法をご紹介します。
1. Hello, everyone! This talk is about building mobile apps on Heroku with Helios. We're going to focus on iOS apps for the purposes of this talk, but this approach would work for other platforms as well, as we'll hear more about soon.
2. My name is Mattt Thompson. I'm the mobile lead at Heroku, in San Francisco. You can find me on Twitter and GitHub at @mattt (Mattt with 3 t's)
3. Heroku is the world's leading cloud application platform. It allows developers to deploy and scale applications quickly and effortlessly.
4. This is especially important when it comes to the fast-paced, high-stakes world of mobile technologies.
5. The word "mobile", however, requires a bit more explanation...
6. When we talk about developing mobile applications, what we're really talking about is developing cloud applications. What do I mean by that? Well...
7. Here's my iPhone home screen. It's full of useful apps for getting realtime information and communicating with others. If I were to remove all of the apps that require the internet to be useful, however...
8. What we see have is a camera phone with an alarm clock. Nearly all mobile apps talk to a cloud backend, in what we call a "client-server" architecture.
9. In a client-server architecture, a web API talks to mobile clients, sending requests and responses in JSON or XML. Increasingly, this same API is used by rich Javascript clients on the browser in the same way.
10. That same API could also power smart TVs, SMS services, wearable displays, or any number of new devices in this emerging "internet of things".
11. From a developer's perspective, however, it's all just a simple architecture: a client talks to a server through an API.
12. That's what it means to be a cloud application, and that's what mobile applications are built on.
13. It is from this understanding that I build Helios. Helios is an open-source framework that provides essential backend services for iOS apps.
14. These services include everything from data synchronization and push notifications to in-app purchases and passbook integration. It allows developers to get a client-server app up-and-running in just a few minutes, and seamlessly incorporate functionality as necessary.
15. Helios is built on the Ruby Rack webserver framework, which means it can be seamlessly integrated into your Sinatra or Rails application.
16. Helios comes with a command-line interface. To create a new application, simply do `$ helios new`.
17. The generated application is small—in fact, here's all of the configuration you need to get started.
18. The really cool part of Helios is how it integrates directly into the iOS development workflow. If we do `$helios link` to that data model file, Helios will automatically generate all of the webservice API endpoints to allow the client and server to communicate seamlessly.
19. Core Data is Apple's data modeling and persistence framework, used in many iOS and Mac OS X applications. Entities with attributes and relationships are described in a graphical interface like the one shown here.
21. Now, if we do `$helios launch`, we'll start up that webservice, as well as an admin interface, which gives us a nice overview of our data. (These are screenshots from an upcoming release of Helios, but I thought they were too beautiful not to show here.)
22. Here's another view of the admin interface, this time looking at push notification device management. We can even send push notifications to selected devices through this interface.
23. For devices that register with their current location, we can actually get a nice sense of where our users are, and send them high-context communications based on their location.
24. Now I'd like to show all of this in action, with a live demo.
25. Thank you so much for your attention. To learn more about Helios, check out Helios.io, or my GitHub account: github.com/mattt. If you have any questions at all about Helios, Heroku, or iOS development, don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail: mattt@heroku.com. Thanks!