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Getting Started with Flutter

Getting Started with Flutter

An introduction to Flutter
Why Flutter
How to set up development environment
How to get started
Resources to learn from

Maureen Josephine

April 20, 2019

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  1. Flutter Flutter is a mobile sdk developed by Google that

    can run on both android and iOS devices
  2. Types of layouts • Static layouts: Doesn’t change when the

    app is built. • Dynamic layouts:The layout that has the ability to change, based on user activity.
  3. • Represents immutable part of UI and comprises of building

    blocks that makes up a UI • These are like Buttons, texts,cards,Containers
  4. Stateless widgets • Doesn’t depend on anything that affects the

    UI,used for relaying information in the object. • Example: Texts, Icons etc
  5. Resources : • Flutter docs • Dart tour language, •

    Check my blog How to get started on fun flutter to get a list of useful resources https://bit.ly/2FOLZA8