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Polotnyaniy Zavod is My Homeplace

December 27, 2012

Polotnyaniy Zavod is My Homeplace

Spotlight 10. Module 5. Holidays. Culture Corner 5. Презентация “Polotnyaniy Zavod is My Homeplace”. – Козлова И.В., Калужская обл., Дзержинский район, п. Полотняный Завод, МКОУ СОШ №1.


December 27, 2012

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  1. Life may not fulfit its promise, Be not angry or

    dismayed, Do not dread the dismal days – Days of happiness are coming. Love is in the future tense, Not the unsatisfying present. All that happens
  2. I live in Polotnyany Zavod. It's one of the most

    unyque places in Kaluga region. It's history goes back to the beginnig of the 18th century.
  3. Let's start over guided tour at the Spasky Gates. It's

    the entrance to Goncharov's Estate. There are several attractions tourists come to see.
  4. It's Poloynyany Zavod manufacture.In 1718 Russian Tzar Peter TheGreat ordered

    to build a factory to produce sails for the Russian fleet. The founder of the manufacture was T. Karamyshev. After his death his companions are Goncharov and G. Schepochkin owned the factory.
  5. On your left you can see a magniticent 3-storeyed building.

    It's Goncharov House Museum. The rooms of the museumimpress the visitors with their luxury. Therefore thousands of tourists come to our place to see it.
  6. It's very picturesque, especially in summer. Tourists walk along it's

    alleys and admire the beauty of Russian nature.
  7. Our place is closely connected with the name of thegreat

    Russian poet A. Pushkin and his wife N. Gonchrova
  8. Thouse who are keen on architecture would like to go

    on an excursion to Schepochkin's House. It's very impressive.
  9. If you go along the streets of our place you

    can see the buildings constructed 2 senturies ago.
  10. One cant but mention a very importent annual event that

    takes place on the first weekend in June.
  11. You can watch a performance in the House Museum, take

    part in different competitions and in the evening watch a wonderful fireworks display.
  12. Использованные ресурсы: wwf.usue.ru www.vippresent.ru www.a1star.com www.atort.ru www.polotnaniy.ru www.stabrovski.ru www.imesta.ru www.kokm.ru

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