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202007 五倍紅寶石 Vue React對戰雷台


July 29, 2020

More Decks by milkmidi

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  1. App.vue <script> export default { name: 'iDontlikeCodeReviewVue', props: { lists:

    { type: Array } }, }; </script> <template> <div id="app"> <template v-if="lists?.length > 0"> <section v-for="o in lists"> <ul v-if="o.active"> <li v-for="o2 in lists.books"> <h1 v-if="o2.tag === ‘h1’">hi</h1> <a>{{o2.name}}</a> </li> </ul> </section> </template> </div> </template> App.jsx var InnerSection = (props) => { var { books, active } = props; if (!active) { return null; } return ( <ul> { books.map((item) => (<li><a>{item.name}</a></li>)) } </ul> ) } const IloveReact = (props)=> { var { lists } = props; if (lists?.length === 0) { return null; } return ( <div> { lists.map((list) => <InnerSection {...list} />) } </div> ) }
  2. type BookType = { name: string; } type ListType =

    { active: boolean; books: BookType[]; } var InnerSection = (props:ListType) => { var { books, active } = props; if (!active) { return null; } return ( <ul> { books.map((item:BookType) => (<li><a>{item.name}</></li>)) } </ul> ) } interface Props { lists: ListType[] } const IloveReact = (props:Props)=> { var { lists } = props; if (lists?.length === 0) { return null; } return ( <div> { lists.map((list:ListType) => <InnerSection {...list} />) } </div> ) } typescript, flowjs
  3. App.vue <script> export default { // // ... // methods:{

    foo(){ // name data ? // porps ? this.name; // methods ? // vuex ? this.maybeCallFromVuex(‘ ?’); } } }; </script> App.jsx interface Props { onCallParent: (name:string)=> void; } interface State { name: string; } class LoveReact extends React.Component<Props, State> { componentDidMount(){ this.props.onCallParent(this.state.name); } }
  4. App.vue <template lang="pug"> .row .col-xs-12.center ul.pagination li(v-bind:class="page<=1 ? 'disabled': ''")

    template(v-if="page>1") a(href='' @click.prevent='prevPage') Previous template(v-else) a Previous template(v-for='(item, index) in pagenations’) li(v-bind:class="page===item ? 'active': ‘’” v-bind:key="item+'_'+Math.floor(Math.random()*9527)") a(href='' @click.prevent='gotoPage(item)’ v-bind:key="item+'_'+Math.floor(Math.random()*9527)") {{item}} li(v-bind:class="page>=totalpage ? 'disabled': ‘’”) template(v-if="page<totalpage") a(href='' @click.prevent='nextPage') Next template(v-else) a Next </template>