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High Performance Laravel

High Performance Laravel

Use Laravel to build high-performance web application.

Nuruzzaman Milon

November 18, 2017

More Decks by Nuruzzaman Milon

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  1. Sharing My There is no golden rule, you might have

    different opinion. Let me learn from you.
  2. Minimize plugins usage × Don’t use unnecessary plugins. × Don’t

    import the whole library just for using a single functionality.
  3. Use Eager loading × Try to avoid N+1 problem ×

    Don’t load the whole collection, if you just need the count. × Use `select()` rather than `all()`
  4. Trim your response × Don’t try to render all the

    elements at a time, use pagination or lazy loading. × Don’t return, what you don’t need. × Use transformer. (Fractal, Resource etc.)
  5. Optimize Autoloader × Optimize your autoload file × Use either

    `composer dump-autoload -- optimize` Or `composer dump-autoload --classmap-authoritative`
  6. Cache routes and configs × Cache your routes file- `php

    artisan route:cache` × Cache your config file- `php artisan config:cache` × Don’t use `env()` function
  7. Use Faster Drivers × Use redis driver for session. ×

    Use memcached/redis driver for cache. × Use Redis, where you can.
  8. Profile your query × Inspect your query. × Use a

    good profiler. (Blackfire) × Use a debugbar while developing. × Cache your query.
  9. Use queue for expensive task × Use queue for long

    running task. × Use queue for CPU or memory intensive tasks. × Return early, if it’s possible. × Use a good monitoring tool. (Horizon)
  10. Inspect Exceptions and Log × Use a good error reporting

    tool like Bugsnag, Sentry etc. × Log every possible failed scenario. × Use `logrotate` to manage log files. × Use benchmarking tool. (ab, wrk etc.)
  11. Consider lumen × Consider micro services. × Don’t built just

    another monolithic application. × Decide wisely. (or cautiously?) × Avoid NANO services.
  12. THANKS! Any questions? You can find me at - @to_milon

    contact@milon.im https://speakerdeck.com/milon/high-performance-laravel ??