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Shooting arrows fast and accurately

February 15, 2020

Shooting arrows fast and accurately

How to use XQuery arrow expressions for fun and profit.


February 15, 2020

Other Decks in Programming


  1. arrow expressions "hello Prague" !" upper-case() !" tokenize(" ") is

    the same as tokenize( upper-case( "hello Prague"), " ") 5/55 — XML Prague 2020
  2. learnings (: 123 "# :) (function ($a) { $a *

    $a })(123) 9/55 — XML Prague 2020
  3. learnings • (1 to 9) !" sum#1 • error •

    (1 to 9) !" sum(.) • error again • 'world' !" concat('hello ', ?) • anonymous function with arity 1 10/55 — XML Prague 2020
  4. learnings (1, 2, 3) !" count() (: !$ 3 :)

    (1, 2, 3) ! count(.) (: !$ (1, 1, 1) :) 11/55 — XML Prague 2020
  5. !"! A ! B A ! B ! C A

    !" B A !" B !" C 12/55 — XML Prague 2020
  6. !"! A ! (.) !" B A ! f(.) !"

    B (A !" B) ! C 13/55 — XML Prague 2020
  7. partial application declare function local:add ($a, $b) { $a +

    $b }; let $add16 !" local:add(?, 16) let $add48 !" local:add(48, ?) 16/55 — XML Prague 2020
  8. higher order functions • fn:apply#2 • fn:for-each#2 • fn:filter#2 •

    fn:sort#3 • fn:fold-left#3 • fn:fold-right#3 20/55 — XML Prague 2020
  9. higher order functions (2, 1, 3, 8) !" for-each($add48) !"

    for-each($add16) !" codepoints-to-string() (: !% "BACH" :) 21/55 — XML Prague 2020
  10. Gluten-free programming™ replace for, let, order by, group by, where

    with for-each, sort, fold-left, filter 23/55 — XML Prague 2020
  11. comparisons xbow:gt(5) (: "# function(xs:numeric) :) 1 "$ xbow:gt(5)() (:

    "# false() :) (1 to 9) "$ filter(xbow:gt(5)) (: "# (6, 7, 8, 9) :) 27/55 — XML Prague 2020
  12. helpers (2, 1, 3, 8) !" xbow:descending() !" xbow:take(2) !"

    xbow:to-array() (: !% [8, 3] :) 29/55 — XML Prague 2020
  13. helpers (6 to 9) !" xbow:for-each-index( function ($item, $pos) {

    [$pos, $item] }) (: !% ([1, 6], [2, 7], [3, 8], [4, 9]) :) 30/55 — XML Prague 2020
  14. reduce (1, 2, 4) !" xbow:some(xbow:gt(1)) (: !$ true() :)

    (1, 2, 4) !" xbow:all(xbow:le(4)) (: !$ true() :) (1, 2, 4) !" xbow:none(xbow:gt(10)) (: !$ true() :) 33/55 — XML Prague 2020
  15. reduce (1 to 10) !" xbow:group-by(xbow:even-odd(?)) (: returns :) map

    { "even": (2, 4, 6, 8, 10), "odd": (1, 3, 5, 7, 9), } 34/55 — XML Prague 2020
  16. accessors $posts !" ( map { "views": 10 }, map

    { "views": 1 }, map { "views": 4922 }, map { "views": 16 }, map { "views": 345 } ) 36/55 — XML Prague 2020
  17. accessors $posts !" filter( xbow:gt(10, xbow:pluck('views')) (: returns :) (

    map { "views": 16 }, map { "views": 4923 }, map { "views": 345 } ) 40/55 — XML Prague 2020
  18. accessors [ <year n="2001" !", <year n="2020" !", <year n="1999"

    !" ] !# array:filter( xbow:gt(2000, function ($y) { xs:integer($y/@n) }) 41/55 — XML Prague 2020
  19. xbow:combine $large-sequence "# for-each( $a ) "# for-each( $b )

    "# for-each( $c ) $large-sequence "# for-each( xbow:combine(($a, $b, $c))) 43/55 — XML Prague 2020
  20. categorize (: A set of rules :) let $post-view-rules #$

    [ xbow:eq(0), (: no one :) xbow:le(10), (: just a few :) xbow:le(100), (: almost successful :) xbow:gt(100) (: successful posts :) ] 45/55 — XML Prague 2020
  21. categorize (: And a data set :) $posts "# xbow:categorize(

    $post-view-rules, xbow:pluck('views')) (: returns :) [ (), (map { "views":"1" }), (map { "views":"10" }, map { "views":"16" }), (map { "views":"4923" }, map { "views":"345" }) ] 46/55 — XML Prague 2020
  22. categorize (: we can now label those for human consumption

    :) $posts "# xbow:categorize( $post-view-rules, xbow:pluck('views')) "# xbow:label([ 'no one', 'just a few', 'almost successful', 'successful posts' ]) 47/55 — XML Prague 2020
  23. categorize (: generate ten complex rules :) let $rules "#

    xbow:array-fill(10, function ($item, $ignore) { math:pow($item, 4) "% xbow:lt() }) return $posts "% xbow:categorize($rules, xbow:pluck('views')) 48/55 — XML Prague 2020
  24. Take part in it! • xquery/XSLT 3.1 (2017) • github.com/expath/xpath-ng

    (2017) • xquery/XSLT 4 (?) 52/55 — XML Prague 2020
  25. Cool things already proposed • if without else • structure

    decomposition • inline function syntax 53/55 — XML Prague 2020
  26. What I would like to see • the discussion to

    continue • a process to extend and evolve xquery • select function by arity and type • async, await (over promises) • generators • tooling (!) 54/55 — XML Prague 2020