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Tame your Data Monsters: Spring Boot + Azure Co...

Tame your Data Monsters: Spring Boot + Azure Cosmos DB for Planetary Scale Database Bliss

Java developers can use nearly any database in existence, and Spring Boot takes the pain out of doing so. Spring Boot, when combined with one of the various Spring Data projects and/or a community- or vendor-provided starter, enables developers to focus on user requirements - including data requirements - with robust database capabilities built in.

This gives Spring Boot developers great power, and according to a wise philosopher, with great power comes great responsibility. The ability to work with several different databases enables Boot developers to accomplish widely-varying missions while wielding their toolchain of choice. The corresponding downside is that those same devs often find themselves dealing with a plethora of disparate databases running in different environments.

Enter Azure Cosmos DB. Developers can migrate SQL Server, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Cassandra, and other databases to a truly planetary-scale Azure Cosmos DB database and fully leverage all of those APIs, with few or no code changes to their Spring Boot apps. Developers can focus on the business value without wasting any time wondering where their critical data is or if it will scale. It's here, it's there, it's everywhere you need it, when you need it...at lightning speed.

Come to this session to see how easy it is to put Azure Cosmos DB to work with your Spring Boot applications with a variety of backend databases and tame your data monsters!

Mark Heckler

March 07, 2023

More Decks by Mark Heckler

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  1. Tame your Data Monsters Spring Boot + Azure Cosmos DB

    for Planetary Scale Database Bliss
  2. Tame your Data Monsters Spring Boot + Azure Cosmos DB

    for Planetary Scale Database Bliss Mark Heckler Principal Cloud Advocate, Java/JVM Languages markheckler@microsoft.com @mkheck
  3. Who am I? • Architect & Developer • Advocate •

    Author of Spring Boot: Up & Running • Java Champion • Kotlin Developer Expert • Pilot 🛩
  4. What’s on the agenda? • Spring Boot for enterprise Java

    app dev • Database options supported by Spring • Demo with local “dev” database • Demo with Azure Cosmos DB • Planetary production scaling with Azure Cosmos DB • Summary
  5. Spring Boot dominates the enterprise Java space • Developer-first focus

    • Autoconfiguration • Simplified dependency management • Simplified deployment • Supports standards • Leans into the future
  6. Spring Data works with everything* • JDBC, JPA for relational

    databases • NoSQL databases of nearly every conceivable type • Optional layered abstractions • Blocking and non-blocking (reactive) * Everything that supports Java data standards or provides a driver
  7. In conclusion • Spring Boot gives developers superpowers • “Developer

    first” database support • Azure Cosmos DB takes your data from dev to prod… • AT PLANETARY SCALE! • Easy to implement, easy to manage • https://github.com/mkheck/planetary-database-bliss • https://aka.ms/cosmosdb • https://aka.ms/azurecosmosdb
  8. Planetary Scale Azure Cosmos DB! • Configure availability zones •

    Read/write locations • Multi-region writes • YOU decide, Azure does the heavy lifting