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MongoNYC 2012: Rock Solid MongoDB Ops: Running ...

May 29, 2012

MongoNYC 2012: Rock Solid MongoDB Ops: Running MongoDB Like a Pro

MongoNYC 2012: Rock Solid MongoDB Ops: Running MongoDB Like a Pro, Todd Dampier, MongoLab. Ok, so you’ve launched your development sandbox, love MongoDB, and are now thinking about how you want to handle your production environment. Learn all sorts of tips and tricks in this practical session on MongoDB operations by leading cloud database hosting provider MongoLab. We at MongoLab provide database hosting on EC2, Rackspace and Joyent for thousands of applications powered by MongoDB. In this session we will share with you some of the best practices we have developed, and help you avoid some of the pitfalls common with running production MongoDB deployments. This talk will cover the basics, such as VM selection, OS and disk configuration as well as more advanced topics such as clustering, VM migrations/upgrades, backup strategies and monitoring, with special emphasis on running MongoDB in the cloud. Don’t miss this informative session that will help you operate MongoDB like a pro!


May 29, 2012


  1. Who am I? Todd O. Dampier dampier@mongolab.com @t0dampier §  CTO

    for mongolab.com §  In 3 cloud providers §  Many hosts,
  2. Four operational essentials ①  Stay up. ②  Stay fast. ③ 

    Take good care of your data. ④  Always know
  3. Part of staying up is knowing how to survive the

    election process. §  Understand the dynamics of failover! ú  It’s not magic; there are rules & gotchas. ú  Vulnerable to false positives in the real world    network flaps, high load è failover ú  Do what you can to minimize false positives    Synchronize your clocks (ntp)    Use version ≥ 2.0.3
  4. Graceful failure starts at the client. §  Configure driver for

    a cluster connection. §  Anticipate failovers; where appropriate… §  catch exceptions, §  use retry loops, & §  set timeouts §  Is eventual consistency ok? §  If master goes down, are lost writes ok?
  5. replicate replicate mongod (SECONDARY) mongod (SECONDARY) old mongod (SECONDARY ➠

    gone) new mongod (PRIMARY) 4 5 4 …then take the old master offline.
  6. Be sure you have the right indexes. §  At scale,

    indexes mean the difference between fast, slow, and toast. ú  Many page faults per query can kill the server. ú  Even with entire working set in RAM, scanning a collection ⇒ O(n) more cycles per query. §  But don’t overcompensate. ú  Each index increases insert latency and memory footprint. ú  Nonselective indexes are worse than useless.    e.g., indexing on a field with values ∊ { 0, 1 }
  7. What are “the right indexes”? §  Learn to think about

    indexes & queries. ú  http://mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Indexes §  Discover missed index opportunities. ú  egrep  'nscanned:\w{5,}'  mongodb.log ú  Use profiler to dissect slow queries: http://bit.ly/mlabprof    “slow”? egrep  '\w{5,}ms$'  mongodb.log   §  Sometimes it’s better to fix the query, application logic, and/or schema design.
  8. Understand MongoDB concurrency. §  The One Global Write Lock :

    TOGWL™ ú  lots of write cycles è this can ruin your day. ú  build indexes offline or in the background! ú  B-tree rebalancing: the silent killer. §  Holding lock + no indexes è very bad ú  e.g., findAndModify with poor/no index §  Troubleshooting : mongostat  5   ú  large #s in “faults” col è see “index” slides ú  large #s in “wq|rq” col è who’s got the lock?
  9. Q: When is a write not a write? A: When

    it does not get written (enough). 3. Take good care of your data.
  10. Embrace single-node durability. §  Use mongod journaling feature. ú  Hard

    crash will leave databases intact. ú  Allows one to snapshot files without locking server. ú  On by default in 2.0; use -­‐-­‐journal in 1.8 §  Tip ☞ Keep 3 pre-allocated 1GB journal files on the spindle for a quicker restart. §  Tip ☞ In non-production setting, restart without journaling for any big, disposable data load. ú  e.g., mongoimport, full resync, etc. ú  to do this in 2.0, use -­‐-­‐nojournal
  11. Be disciplined about backups. §  Backup from a (hidden) SECONDARY;

    ú  PRIMARY has enough load already. §  Approaches[1]: 1.  fsync, lock, cp 2.  mongodump        when in doubt, -­‐-­‐forceTableScan      -­‐-­‐oplog è point-in-time for whole server 3.  point-in-time fs snapshot (EBS or LVM) §  Store in a safe place (e.g., S3) §  Consider frequency & retention ú  e.g., keep 5 dailies and 3 weeklies
  12. Think through replica set reads. §  “slaveOk” ReadPreference.secondary ú  Reads

    from replicas can boost performance ú  Setting means “slave secondary if at all possible” – master Primary won’t contribute to read throughput if any slaves are available. §  “Eventual consistency” ú  data from previous writes may not be there yet.
  13. Think through replica set writes. §  Every mutation must hold

    TOGWL™. §  Durability: mutations not guaranteed to persist until they reside on the disks of a majority of nodes. §  In the event of a failover, is there anything to be concerned about? ú  Let’s look at an example …
  14. The reality is: slaves lag behind master’s ops. replicate replicate

    mongod (SECONDARY) mongod (SECONDARY) mongod (PRIMARY) heartbeat heartbeat heartbeat replicating data replicating data client inserts 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 4 5
  15. mongod (SECONDARY) mongod (SECONDARY) mongod (PRIMARY) no heartbeat! no heartbeat!

    heartbeat 10278 dbclient error communicating with server 10278 dbclient error communicating with server client inserts 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 election time! Master can become unreachable before slave replicates all data…
  16. mongod (SECONDARY) mongod (PRIMARY) mongod (PRIMARY) no heartbeat no heartbeat

    heartbeat client inserts 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 I won! 6 7 Client who retries a failed insert, will take his business to the newly-elected master.
  17. mongod (SECONDARY) mongod (PRIMARY) mongod (RECOVERING) heartbeat replicating data heartbeat

    heartbeat 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 7 6 3 rollback/t.bson 4 5 To come back online as a slave, old master must rollback un-replicated inserts.
  18. mongod (SECONDARY) mongod (PRIMARY) mongod (SECONDARY) heartbeat replicating ops heartbeat

    heartbeat replicating ops 1 2 1 1 2 3 6 3 6 7 6 7 client i/u/d ops 3 ß 8 ß 3 8 ß 7 8 Not just INSERT ops! UPDATE and DELETE ops may be caught unsync’ed at failover time – no rollback file for these. um, okay … so what do I do about that data?
  19. Can distributed consistency problems be avoided? §  Yes (mostly). Client

    must cope. §  For reads: slaveOk not okay §  For writes: Set w > ( N / 2.0 ) §  w:  “majority” does this automagically in 2.0 §  But cluster will be less available & slower. §  CAP theorem (q.v.) does apply to you as well. §  For thus have the wise men blogged.
  20. So “write concern” ⇔ high-value ops §  {  getLastError  :

     1,      w  :  2  }    ⇒  deliver to 2 nodes before returning §  For all but the 1st node, “delivered” is in the TCP/IP sense; §  the written op isn’t on a node’s disk until the next journal “group commit”. §  Durable from there. replicate replicate mongod (SECONDARY) mongod (SECONDARY) mongod (PRIMARY) heartbeat heartbeat heartbeat Client Application MongoDB Driver slaveOk slaveOk R/W
  21. Monitoring & alerting – WHAT? §  Instrument / measure /

    probe §  Collect / store §  Exhibit / ops dashboards §  Threshold critical measures §  Alarm / notify if crossed ú  control noise: “capacitance” & “de-bouncing” §  Escalate / Resolve – workflows §  Track / analyze / report §  Enable/disable : surprisingly big PITA §  Monitor proactively è grow panic-free
  22. Monitoring & alerting – HOW? §  Monitoring systems ú  MMS

    by 10gen ú  Munin / plugins ú  Cacti; Zabbix; &c. §  Measures ú  Page faults ú  Lock % (TOGWL)    wq , rq ú  Disk throughput ú  Replication lag ú  (many others) §  Alerting systems ú  Nagios ú  Site24x7 ú  PagerDuty §  Thresholds ú  “warn” ú  “critical” ú  “DOWN” §  Actions: SMS, email
  23. Many more aspects to consider… •  Choice of “machine” • 

    Mass storage •  Configuration tweaks •  Availability /
  24. Resources online from a great community! http://www.10gen.com/presentations/ mongomunich-2011/operational-mongodb http://www.10gen.com/presentations/ mongomunich-2011/learning-by-doing-

    running-a-mongodb-the-hard-way Operations Understanding MongoDB & Keeping it Happy Brendan McAdams 10gen, Inc. brendan@10gen.com @rit Monday, October 10, 11 Learning by doing - running a mongoDB, the hard way 10.10.2011 – 10gen Mongo Munich, Sandro Grundmann