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入門 SwiftUI Alignment Guide / iOSDC2022

September 11, 2022

入門 SwiftUI Alignment Guide / iOSDC2022

iOSDC Japan 2022 2022/09/11


September 11, 2022

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  1. HStack { VStack { Rectangle() .fill(.blue) .frame(width: 100, height: 400)

    Text("Long Blue Bar") .font(.title) } VStack { Rectangle() .fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar") .font(.title) Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1") .font(.caption) } }
  2. HStack { VStack { Rectangle() .fill(.blue) .frame(width: 100, height: 400)

    Text("Long Blue Bar") .font(.title) } VStack { Rectangle() .fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar") .font(.title) Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1") .font(.caption) } }
  3. HStack(alignment: .bottom) { VStack { Rectangle() .fill(.blue) .frame(width: 100, height:

    400) Text("Long Blue Bar") .font(.title) } VStack { Rectangle() .fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar") .font(.title) Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1") .font(.caption) } }
  4. HorizontalAlignment • leading • center • trailing • listRowSeparatorLeading •

    listRowSeparatorTrailing Built-in Alignment Guides VerticalAlignment • top • center • bottom • fi rstTextBaseline • lastTextBaseline
  5. VerticalAlignment • top • center • bottom • fi rstTextBaseline

    • lastTextBaseline Built-in Alignment Guides
  6. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", "Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  7. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", “Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  8. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", "Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in context.width * 2 } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  9. func alignmentGuide( _ g: HorizontalAlignment, computeValue: @escaping (ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat

    ) -> some View alignmentGuide(_:computeValue:) func alignmentGuide( _ g: VerticalAlignment, computeValue: @escaping (ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat ) -> some View https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/view/alignmentguide(_:computevalue:)-6y3u2 https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/view/alignmentguide(_:computevalue:)-9mdoh
  10. func alignmentGuide( _ g: HorizontalAlignment, computeValue: @escaping (ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat

    ) -> some View alignmentGuide(_:computeValue:) • ج४ͱͳΔAlignment͔ΒͷҐஔΛௐ੔Ͱ͖ΔViewModi fi er
  11. func alignmentGuide( _ g: HorizontalAlignment, computeValue: @escaping (ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat

    ) -> some View alignmentGuide(_:computeValue:) • ج४ͱͳΔAlignment͔ΒͷҐஔΛௐ੔Ͱ͖ΔViewModi fi er • ୈ1Ҿ਺͕ج४ͱͳΔAlignment e.g. VStack(alignment: .leading) ͷதʹೖ͍ͬͯΔViewΛௐ੔ ͍ͨ͠ͳΒ .leading Λࢦఆ
  12. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", "Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in context.width * 2 } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  13. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", "Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in context.width * 2 } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  14. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", "Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in context.width * 2 } Circle() .fill(Color.green) .frame(width: 50, height: 50) Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  15. func alignmentGuide( _ g: HorizontalAlignment, computeValue: @escaping (ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat

    ) -> some View alignmentGuide(_:computeValue:) • ୈ2Ҿ਺ͷclosure • ௐ੔͢Δ஋ʢج४Ґஔ͔ΒͲΕ͘Β͍ͣΒ͔͢ʣΛฦ͢
  16. func alignmentGuide( _ g: HorizontalAlignment, computeValue: @escaping (ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat

    ) -> some View alignmentGuide(_:computeValue:) • ୈ2Ҿ਺ͷclosure • ௐ੔͢Δ஋ʢج४Ґஔ͔ΒͲΕ͘Β͍ͣΒ͔͢ʣΛฦ͢ • Ҿ਺ͷViewDimensions͔Βར༻Ͱ͖Δ΋ͷ
  17. func alignmentGuide( _ g: HorizontalAlignment, computeValue: @escaping (ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat

    ) -> some View alignmentGuide(_:computeValue:) • ୈ2Ҿ਺ͷclosure • ௐ੔͢Δ஋ʢج४Ґஔ͔ΒͲΕ͘Β͍ͣΒ͔͢ʣΛฦ͢ • Ҿ਺ͷViewDimensions͔Βར༻Ͱ͖Δ΋ͷ • Viewͷwidth, height • ֤Alignment GuideҐஔʢoffset஋ʣ
  18. func alignmentGuide( _ g: HorizontalAlignment, computeValue: @escaping (ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat

    ) -> some View alignmentGuide(_:computeValue:) • ୈ2Ҿ਺ͷclosure • ௐ੔͢Δ஋ʢج४Ґஔ͔ΒͲΕ͘Β͍ͣΒ͔͢ʣΛฦ͢ • Ҿ਺ͷViewDimensions͔Βར༻Ͱ͖Δ΋ͷ • Viewͷwidth, height • ֤Alignment GuideҐஔʢoffset஋ʣ
  19. func alignmentGuide( _ g: HorizontalAlignment, computeValue: @escaping (ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat

    ) -> some View alignmentGuide(_:computeValue:) • ୈ2Ҿ਺ͷclosure • ௐ੔͢Δ஋ʢج४Ґஔ͔ΒͲΕ͘Β͍ͣΒ͔͢ʣΛฦ͢ • Ҿ਺ͷViewDimensions͔Βར༻Ͱ͖Δ΋ͷ • Viewͷwidth, height • ֤Alignment GuideҐஔʢoffset஋ʣ
  20. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", "Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  21. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", "Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  22. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", "Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in context.width * 2 } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  23. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", "Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in context.width * 2 } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  24. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", "Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in context.width * 2 } Color.white.frame(width: 1) } 🤔* 2ʁ
  25. func alignmentGuide( _ g: HorizontalAlignment, computeValue: @escaping (ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat

    ) -> some View alignmentGuide(_:computeValue:) • ୈ2Ҿ਺ͷclosure • ௐ੔͢Δ஋ʢج४Ґஔ͔ΒͲΕ͘Β͍ͣΒ͔͢ʣΛฦ͢
  26. func alignmentGuide( _ g: HorizontalAlignment, computeValue: @escaping (ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat

    ) -> some View alignmentGuide(_:computeValue:) • ୈ2Ҿ਺ͷclosure • ௐ੔͢Δ஋ʢج४Ґஔ͔ΒͲΕ͘Β͍ͣΒ͔͢ʣΛฦ͢ طଘ஋ͷ୅ΘΓʹ
  27. 🙅 .trailingͷσϑΥϧτ஋ ͔Β context.width * 2 ͣΒ͢ .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context

    in context.width * 2 } 🙆 .trailingͷσϑΥϧτ஋ ͔Β context.width * 2 ʹஔ͖׵͑Δ VStack(alignment: .trailing)
  28. func alignmentGuide( _ g: HorizontalAlignment, computeValue: @escaping (ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat

    ) -> some View alignmentGuide(_:computeValue:) • ୈ2Ҿ਺ͷclosure • ௐ੔ͨ͠஋ʢج४Ґஔ͔ΒͲΕ͘Β͍ͣΒ͔͢ʣΛฦ͢ • Ҿ਺ͷViewDimensions͔Βར༻Ͱ͖Δ΋ͷ • Viewͷwidth, height • ֤Alignment GuideҐஔʢoffset஋ʣ
  29. subscript(guide: VerticalAlignment) -> CGFloat { get } subscript(guide: HorizontalAlignment) ->

    CGFloat { get } ViewDimensions https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/viewdimensions subscript(explicit guide: VerticalAlignment) -> CGFloat? { get } subscript(explicit guide: HorizontalAlignment) -> CGFloat? { get }
  30. subscript(guide: VerticalAlignment) -> CGFloat { get } subscript(guide: HorizontalAlignment) ->

    CGFloat { get } ViewDimensions https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/viewdimensions subscript(explicit guide: VerticalAlignment) -> CGFloat? { get } subscript(explicit guide: HorizontalAlignment) -> CGFloat? { get }
  31. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", "Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in if context.width < 120 { return context[.leading] } else if context.width < 180 { return context[.trailing] } else { return -50 } } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  32. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", "Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in if context.width < 120 { return context[.leading] } else if context.width < 180 { return context[.trailing] } else { return -50 } } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  33. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", "Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in if context.width < 120 { return context[.leading] } else if context.width < 180 { return context[.trailing] } else { return -50 } } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  34. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", "Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in if context.width < 120 { return context[.leading] } else if context.width < 180 { return context[.trailing] } else { return -50 } } Color.white.frame(width: 1) } == 0 == context.width
  35. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) // লུ .alignmentGuide(.trailing)

    { context in if context.width < 120 { return context[.leading] } else if context.width < 180 { return context[.trailing] } else { return -50 } } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  36. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) // লུ .alignmentGuide(.leading)

    { _ in 100 } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in if context.width < 120 { return context[.leading] } else if context.width < 180 { return context[.trailing] } else { return -50 } } Color.white.frame(width: 1) } ˞ VStackͰ.leading͕ࢦఆ͞Ε͍ͯͳ͍ͷͰɺ ͜Ε୯ମͰ͸ϨΠΞ΢τʹӨڹ͸ͳ͍
  37. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) // লུ .alignmentGuide(.leading)

    { _ in 100 } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in if context.width < 120 { return context[.leading] } else if context.width < 180 { return context[.trailing] } else { return -50 } } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  38. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) // লུ .alignmentGuide(.leading)

    { _ in 100 } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in if context.width < 120 { return context[.leading] } else if context.width < 180 { return context[.trailing] } else { return -50 } } Color.white.frame(width: 1) } != 0
  39. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) // লུ .alignmentGuide(.leading)

    { _ in 100 } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in if context.width < 120 { return context[.leading] } else if context.width < 180 { return context[.trailing] } else { return -50 } } Color.white.frame(width: 1) } == 100
  40. subscript(guide: VerticalAlignment) -> CGFloat { get } subscript(guide: HorizontalAlignment) ->

    CGFloat { get } ViewDimensions https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/viewdimensions subscript(explicit guide: VerticalAlignment) -> CGFloat? { get } subscript(explicit guide: HorizontalAlignment) -> CGFloat? { get }
  41. subscript(guide: VerticalAlignment) -> CGFloat { get } subscript(guide: HorizontalAlignment) ->

    CGFloat { get } ViewDimensions https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/viewdimensions subscript(explicit guide: VerticalAlignment) -> CGFloat? { get } subscript(explicit guide: HorizontalAlignment) -> CGFloat? { get }
  42. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) // লུ .alignmentGuide(.leading)

    { _ in 100 } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in if context.width < 120 { return context[.leading] } else if context.width < 180 { return context[.trailing] } else { return -50 } } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  43. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) // লུ .alignmentGuide(.leading)

    { _ in 100 } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in if context.width < 120 { return context[explicit: .leading] ?? -50 } else if context.width < 180 { return context[.trailing] } else { return -50 } } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  44. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) // লུ .alignmentGuide(.leading)

    { _ in 100 } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in if context.width < 120 { return context[explicit: .leading] ?? -50 } else if context.width < 180 { return context[.trailing] } else { return -50 } } Color.white.frame(width: 1) } มԽͳ͠
  45. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) // লུ .alignmentGuide(.leading)

    { _ in 100 } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in if context.width < 120 { return context[explicit: .leading] ?? -50 } else if context.width < 180 { return context[.trailing] } else { return -50 } } Color.white.frame(width: 1) } มԽͳ͠ != nil == 100
  46. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) // লུ //

    .alignmentGuide(.leading) { _ in // 100 // } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in if context.width < 120 { return context[explicit: .leading] ?? -50 } else if context.width < 180 { return context[.trailing] } else { return -50 } } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  47. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) // লུ //

    .alignmentGuide(.leading) { _ in // 100 // } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in if context.width < 120 { return context[explicit: .leading] ?? -50 } else if context.width < 180 { return context[.trailing] } else { return -50 } } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  48. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) // লུ //

    .alignmentGuide(.leading) { _ in // 100 // } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in if context.width < 120 { return context[explicit: .leading] ?? -50 } else if context.width < 180 { return context[.trailing] } else { return -50 } } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  49. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) // লུ //

    .alignmentGuide(.leading) { _ in // 100 // } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in if context.width < 120 { return context[explicit: .leading] ?? -50 } else if context.width < 180 { return context[.trailing] } else { return -50 } } Color.white.frame(width: 1) } == nil
  50. subscript(guide: VerticalAlignment) -> CGFloat { get } subscript(guide: HorizontalAlignment) ->

    CGFloat { get } ViewDimensions https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/viewdimensions subscript(explicit guide: VerticalAlignment) -> CGFloat? { get } subscript(explicit guide: HorizontalAlignment) -> CGFloat? { get } σϑΥϧτ஋ɾஔ͖׵͑ΒΕͨ஋Λऔಘ ஔ͖׵͑ΒΕͨ஋Λऔಘʢஔ͖׵͑ΒΕ͍ͯͳ͍৔߹͸ nilʣ
  51. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", "Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in // লུ } Color.white.frame(width: 1) } .frame(maxHeight: 500) .border(.white)
  52. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.red.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", "Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in // লུ } Color.red.frame(width: 1) } .frame(maxHeight: 500) .border(.white)
  53. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.red.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", "Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in // লུ } Color.red.frame(width: 1) } .frame(maxHeight: 500) .border(.white)
  54. func offset( x: CGFloat = 0, y: CGFloat = 0

    ) -> some View offset(x:y:) https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/view/offset(x:y:) • ViewΛਫฏ/ਨ௚ํ޲ʹҠಈ͢ΔViewModi fi er
  55. cf. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/view/offset(x:y:) Use offset(x:y:) to shift the displayed contents by

    the amount speci fi ed in the x and y parameters. The original dimensions of the view aren’t changed by offsetting the contents.
  56. VStack(spacing: 20) { Text("🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰") Text("Offset by passing horizontal & vertical

    distance") .border(Color.green) .offset(x: 20, y: 50) .border(Color.gray) .padding() } .border(.red) offset(x:y:)
  57. VStack(spacing: 20) { Text("🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰") Text("Offset by passing horizontal & vertical

    distance") .border(Color.green) .offset(x: 20, y: 50) .border(Color.gray) .padding() } .border(.red) offset(x:y:)
  58. VStack(spacing: 20) { Text("🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰") Text("Offset by passing horizontal & vertical

    distance") .border(Color.green) .offset(x: 20, y: 50) .border(Color.gray) .padding() } .border(.red) offset(x:y:)
  59. VStack(spacing: 20) { Text("🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰") Text("Offset by passing horizontal & vertical

    distance") .border(Color.green) .offset(x: 20, y: 50) .border(Color.gray) .padding() } .border(.red) offset(x:y:)
  60. Text("Offset by passing horizontal & vertical distance") .border(Color.green) .offset(x: 20,

    y: 50) .border(Color.orange) .offset(x: 20, y: 50) .border(Color.pink) .offset(x: 20, y: 50) .border(Color.gray)
  61. Text("Offset by passing horizontal & vertical distance") .border(Color.green) .offset(x: 20,

    y: 50) .border(Color.orange) .offset(x: 20, y: 50) .border(Color.pink) .offset(x: 20, y: 50) .border(Color.gray)
  62. Text("Offset by passing horizontal & vertical distance") .border(Color.green) .offset(x: 20,

    y: 50) .border(Color.orange) .offset(x: 20, y: 50) .border(Color.pink) .offset(x: 20, y: 50) .border(Color.gray)
  63. Text("Offset by passing horizontal & vertical distance") .border(Color.green) .offset(x: 20,

    y: 50) .border(Color.orange) .offset(x: 20, y: 50) .border(Color.pink) .offset(x: -20, y: 50) .border(Color.gray)
  64. Text("Offset by passing horizontal & vertical distance") .border(Color.green) .offset(x: 20,

    y: 50) .border(Color.orange) .offset(x: 20, y: 50) .border(Color.pink) .offset(x: -20, y: 50) .border(Color.gray)
  65. HStack(alignment: .bottom) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack { Rectangle() .fill(.blue) .frame(width:

    100, height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar") .font(.title) } VStack { Text(“🐰🐢") .font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar”) .font(.title) Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1") .font(.caption) } Text(“Side\nText") .font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) }
  66. extension VerticalAlignment { private struct BlueBarTitleAlignment: AlignmentID { static func

    defaultValue(in context: ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat { context[.bottom] } } static let blueBarTitleAlignment = VerticalAlignment( BlueBarTitleAlignment.self ) }
  67. HStack(alignment: .bottom) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack { Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 100,

    height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar") .font(.title) } VStack { Text(“🐰🐢").font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar”).font(.title) Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1") .font(.caption) } Text(“Side\nText").font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) }
  68. HStack(alignment: .blueBarTitleAlignment) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack { Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 100,

    height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar") .font(.title) } VStack { Text("🐰🐢").font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar”).font(.title) Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1") .font(.caption) } Text("Side\nText").font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) }
  69. HStack(alignment: .blueBarTitleAlignment) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack { Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 100,

    height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar") .font(.title) .alignmentGuide(.blueBarTitleAlignment) { context in context[.firstTextBaseline] } } VStack { Text("🐰🐢").font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar").font(.title) .alignmentGuide(.blueBarTitleAlignment) { context in context[.firstTextBaseline] } Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1") .font(.caption) } Text("Side\nText").font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) }
  70. HStack(alignment: .bottom) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack { Rectangle() .fill(.blue) .frame(width:

    100, height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar") .font(.title) } VStack { Text(“🐰🐢") .font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar”) .font(.title) Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1") .font(.caption) } Text(“Side\nText") .font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) }
  71. HStack(alignment: .firstTextBaseline) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack { Rectangle() .fill(.blue) .frame(width:

    100, height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar") .font(.title) } VStack { Text(“🐰🐢") .font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar”) .font(.title) Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1") .font(.caption) } Text(“Side\nText") .font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) }
  72. HStack(alignment: .firstTextBaseline) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack { Rectangle() .fill(.blue) .frame(width:

    100, height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar") .font(.title) } VStack { Text(“🐰🐢") .font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar”) .font(.title) Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1") .font(.caption) } Text(“Side\nText") .font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) }
  73. HStack(alignment: .firstTextBaseline) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack { Rectangle() .fill(.blue) .frame(width:

    100, height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar") .font(.title) } VStack { Text(“🐰🐢") .font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar”) .font(.title) Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1") .font(.caption) } Text(“Side\nText") .font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) } ࣮ݱ͍ͨ͠ϨΠΞ΢τ
  74. HStack(alignment: .bottom) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack { Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 100,

    height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar”).font(.title) } VStack { Text(“🐰🐢").font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar”).font(.title) Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1").font(.caption) } Text(“Side\nText").font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) }
  75. HStack(alignment: .bottom) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack { Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 100,

    height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar").font(.title) .alignmentGuide(.bottom) { context in context[.firstTextBaseline] } } VStack { Text(“🐰🐢").font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar”).font(.title) .alignmentGuide(.bottom) { context in context[.firstTextBaseline] } Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1").font(.caption) } Text(“Side\nText").font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) }
  76. HStack(alignment: .bottom) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack { Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 100,

    height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar").font(.title) .alignmentGuide(.bottom) { context in context[.firstTextBaseline] } } VStack { Text(“🐰🐢").font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar”).font(.title) .alignmentGuide(.bottom) { context in context[.firstTextBaseline] } Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1").font(.caption) } Text(“Side\nText").font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) } มԽͳ͠
  77. HStack(alignment: .bottom) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack(alignment: .center) { Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width:

    100, height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar").font(.title) .alignmentGuide(.bottom) { context in context[.firstTextBaseline] } } VStack(alignment: .center) { Text(“🐰🐢").font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar”).font(.title) .alignmentGuide(.bottom) { context in context[.firstTextBaseline] } Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1").font(.caption) } Text(“Side\nText").font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) } มԽͳ͠
  78. HStack(alignment: .bottom) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack(alignment: .center) { Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width:

    100, height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar").font(.title) .alignmentGuide(.bottom) { context in context[.firstTextBaseline] } } VStack(alignment: .center) { Text(“🐰🐢").font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar”).font(.title) .alignmentGuide(.bottom) { context in context[.firstTextBaseline] } Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1").font(.caption) } Text(“Side\nText").font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) } มԽͳ͠
  79. HStack(alignment: .bottom) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack { Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 100,

    height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar”).font(.title) } VStack { Text(“🐰🐢").font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar”).font(.title) Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1").font(.caption) } Text(“Side\nText").font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) }
  80. HStack(alignment: .bottom) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack { Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 100,

    height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar").font(.title) } .alignmentGuide(.bottom) { context in context[.firstTextBaseline] } VStack { Text(“🐰🐢").font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar”).font(.title) Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1").font(.caption) } .alignmentGuide(.bottom) { context in context[.firstTextBaseline] } Text(“Side\nText").font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) }
  81. HStack(alignment: .bottom) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack { Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 100,

    height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar").font(.title) } .alignmentGuide(.bottom) { context in context[.firstTextBaseline] } VStack { Text(“🐰🐢").font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar”).font(.title) Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1").font(.caption) } .alignmentGuide(.bottom) { context in ???????????????? } Text(“Side\nText").font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) } ̎ͭ໨ͷςΩετʹἧ͑Δͪΐ͏Ͳྑ͍஋ΛฦͤΔ…ʁ
  82. extension VerticalAlignment { private struct BlueBarTitleAlignment: AlignmentID { static func

    defaultValue(in context: ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat { context[.bottom] } } static let blueBarTitleAlignment = VerticalAlignment( BlueBarTitleAlignment.self ) }
  83. HStack(alignment: .bottom) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack { Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 100,

    height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar") .font(.title) } VStack { Text("🐰🐢").font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar”).font(.title) Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1”) .font(.caption) } Text("Side\nText").font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) }
  84. HStack(alignment: .blueBarTitleAlignment) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack { Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 100,

    height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar") .font(.title) } VStack { Text("🐰🐢").font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar”).font(.title) Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1") .font(.caption) } Text("Side\nText").font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) }
  85. HStack(alignment: .blueBarTitleAlignment) { Color.white.frame(height: 1) VStack { Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 100,

    height: 400) Text("Long Long Long Blue Bar") .font(.title) .alignmentGuide(.blueBarTitleAlignment) { context in context[.firstTextBaseline] } } VStack { Text("🐰🐢").font(.title) Rectangle().fill(.blue) .frame(width: 150, height: 200) Text("Short Blue Bar").font(.title) .alignmentGuide(.blueBarTitleAlignment) { context in context[.firstTextBaseline] } Text("iOSDC 2022 sample code #1") .font(.caption) } Text("Side\nText").font(.title) Color.white.frame(height: 1) }
  86. VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 20) { Color.white.frame(width: 1) ForEach(["Dog", "Crocodile", "Horse",

    "Rhinoceros"], id: \.self) { Text($0) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() .background(Color.green) } .alignmentGuide(.trailing) { context in context.width * 2 } Color.white.frame(width: 1) }
  87. VStack(alignment: .profileListRowTextAlignment, spacing: 8) { // লུ HStack(spacing: 24) {

    Text("ϫΠϯΤΩεύʔτೝఆ൪߸") .font(.caption) Text("1234567890") .font(.caption) } // লུ }
  88. VStack(alignment: .profileListRowTextAlignment, spacing: 8) { // লུ HStack(spacing: 24) {

    Text("ϫΠϯΤΩεύʔτೝఆ൪߸") .font(.caption) Text("1234567890") .font(.caption) .alignmentGuide(.profileListRowTextAlignment) { $0[.leading] - 30 } } // লུʢଞͷTextʹ΋alignmentGuideΛ෇༩ʣ }
  89. VStack(alignment: .profileListRowTextAlignment, spacing: 8) { // লུ HStack(spacing: 24) {

    Text("ϫΠϯΤΩεύʔτೝఆ൪߸") .font(.caption) Text("1234567890") .font(.caption) .alignmentGuide(.profileListRowTextAlignment) { $0[.leading] - 30 } } // লུʢଞͷTextʹ΋alignmentGuideΛ෇༩ʣ }
  90. VStack(alignment: .profileListRowTextAlignment, spacing: 8) { // লུ HStack(spacing: 24) {

    Text("ϫΠϯΤΩεύʔτೝఆ൪߸") .font(.caption) .alignmentGuide(.profileListRowTextAlignment) { $0[.leading] } Text("1234567890") .font(.caption) .alignmentGuide(.profileListRowTextAlignment) { $0[.leading] - 30 } } // লུʢଞͷTextʹ΋alignmentGuideΛ෇༩ʣ }
  91. VStack(alignment: .profileListRowTextAlignment, spacing: 8) { // লུ HStack(spacing: 24) {

    Text("ϫΠϯΤΩεύʔτೝఆ൪߸") .font(.caption) .alignmentGuide(.profileListRowTextAlignment) { $0[.leading] } Text("1234567890") .font(.caption) .alignmentGuide(.profileListRowTextAlignment) { $0[.leading] - 30 } } // লུʢଞͷTextʹ΋alignmentGuideΛ෇༩ʣ } ͦΕͧΕ͕HStack͝ͱҠಈͤ͞ΔͷͰἧΘͳ͍…
  92. VStack { SpeakerHeader() Grid(alignment: .leading, verticalSpacing: 8) { Divider() GridRow

    { Text("ϫΠϯΤΩεύʔτೝఆ൪߸") .lineLimit(1) .font(.caption) Text("1234567890") .font(.caption) } Divider() GridRow { Text("໊લ") .font(.caption) Text("monoqlo") .font(.caption) } GridRow { Text("ి࿩൪߸") .font(.caption) Text("XXX-XXXX-XXXXX") .font(.caption) } } } .padding() .overlay( RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 8) .stroke(.gray) ) https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/grid
  93. HStack { Image("monoqloIcon") .resizable() .frame(width: 50, height: 50) .clipShape(Circle()) HStack

    { VStack(alignment: .leading) { Text("monoqlo") .font(.headline) Text("iOSDC 2022") .font(.body) } } .border(.gray) Image(systemName: "heart") .foregroundColor(.pink) .padding() .border(.gray) } .frame(width: 300) .padding() .border(.green)
  94. HStack { Image("monoqloIcon") .resizable() .frame(width: 50, height: 50) .clipShape(Circle()) HStack

    { VStack(alignment: .leading) { Text("monoqlo") .font(.headline) Text("iOSDC 2022") .font(.body) } .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading) } .border(.gray) Image(systemName: "heart") .foregroundColor(.pink) .padding() .border(.gray) } .frame(width: 300) .padding() .border(.green)
  95. Text(""" ⭐ monoqlo ⭐ ⭐ iOSDC 2022 ⭐ """) .border(.red)

    .frame(alignment: .bottom)) .border(.white)
  96. Text(""" ⭐ monoqlo ⭐ ⭐ iOSDC 2022 ⭐ """) .border(.red)

    .alignmentGuide(.bottom) { $0[.firstTextBaseline] } .frame(alignment: .bottom)) .border(.white)
  97. VStack { Text("top") Text(""" ⭐ monoqlo ⭐ ⭐ iOSDC 2022

    ⭐ """) .border(.red) Text("bottom") }
  98. VStack { Text("top") Text(""" ⭐ monoqlo ⭐ ⭐ iOSDC 2022

    ⭐ """) .border(.red) Text("bottom") } .frame(height: 200, alignment: .init(horizontal: .center, vertical: .frameTextAlignment)) .border(.white)
  99. VStack { Text("top") Text(""" ⭐ monoqlo ⭐ ⭐ iOSDC 2022

    ⭐ """) .border(.red) Text("bottom") } .frame(height: 200, alignment: .init(horizontal: .center, vertical: .frameTextAlignment)) .border(.white) private extension VerticalAlignment { struct FrameTextAlignment: AlignmentID { static func defaultValue(in context: ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat { context[.bottom] } } static let frameTextAlignment = VerticalAlignment( FrameTextAlignment.self ) }
  100. VStack { Text("top") Text(""" ⭐ monoqlo ⭐ ⭐ iOSDC 2022

    ⭐ """) .border(.red) Text("bottom") } .frame(height: 200, alignment: .init(horizontal: .center, vertical: .frameTextAlignment)) .border(.white)
  101. VStack { Text("top") Text(""" ⭐ monoqlo ⭐ ⭐ iOSDC 2022

    ⭐ """) .border(.red) .alignmentGuide(.frameTextAlignment) { $0[.firstTextBaseline] } Text("bottom") } .frame(height: 200, alignment: .init(horizontal: .center, vertical: .frameTextAlignment)) .border(.white)
  102. • Alignment • https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/alignment • https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/verticalalignment • https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/horizontalalignment • https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/aligning-views-within-a-stack

    • alignmentguide(_:computevalue:) • https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/view/alignmentguide(_:computevalue:)-9mdoh • https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/view/alignmentguide(_:computevalue:)-6y3u2 • https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/viewdimensions Appendix
  103. • Custom Alignment Guide • https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/aligning-views-across-stacks • https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/alignmentid • https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/verticalalignment/init(_:)

    • https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/horizontalalignment/init(_:) • offset(x:y:) • https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/view/offset(x:y:) Appendix