(Common Unix Printing System). ✤ http://www.cups.org/ ✤ http://localhost:631/ ✤ A printer which has an IP address. ✤ ✤ lpd:// 10
your printer: ✤ $ lpinfo --make-and-model 'P1006' -m ✤ drv:///hpijs.drv/hp-laserjet_p1006-hpijs.ppd HP LaserJet p1006 hpijs, 3.10.2, requires proprietary plugin ✤ Add the printer with the driver we found from the above command: 11
your printer: ✤ $ lpinfo --make-and-model 'P1006' -m ✤ drv:///hpijs.drv/hp-laserjet_p1006-hpijs.ppd HP LaserJet p1006 hpijs, 3.10.2, requires proprietary plugin ✤ Add the printer with the driver we found from the above command: ✤ $ lpadmin -E -p <NAME> -v socket://<IP> -m <DRIVER> -E 11
✤ $ sudo apt-get install wkhtmltopdf ✤ https://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/ ✤ If you don't have X Window, you also need xvfb. ✤ $ sudo apt-get install xvfb 16
limit=-1, first_job_id=-1, requested_attributes=None) ✤ The which_jobs can be 'not-completed', 'completed' or 'all'. ✤ It returns a dict, indexed by job id, of dicts representing job attributes. 22