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What's new in CDI 2.0 (Øredev 2016)

What's new in CDI 2.0 (Øredev 2016)

Slides of the talk I gave at Øredev, 2016.

Mark Paluch

November 09, 2016

More Decks by Mark Paluch

Other Decks in Programming


  1. What's New in CDI 2.0 JSR 365 Mark Paluch •

    @mp911de Tweet your questions: #cdi2oredev
  2. CDI Timeline Dec 2009 CDI 1.0 (Java EE 6) Jun

    2013 CDI 1.1 (Java EE 7) Apr 2014 CDI 1.2 (M R) Sep 2014 CDI 2.0 (Kickoff) Q1/2017 CDI 2.0 (Release)
  3. Road towards JavaEE 8 • Java 8 baseline • Spec

    split: Core/SE/EE CDI Specification CDI Core CDI for Java SE CDI for Java EE
  4. Asynchronous Events • Notify event observers asynchronously • One or

    more different threads • Decoupled from synchronous events
  5. Asynchronous Events • Exceptions and Synchronization with CompletionStage • Active

    scopes: Request, Application • Custom scopes depend on the implementation
  6. Ordered Events • Add @Priority to event observers • Aids

    observer ordering • Total global order determined when the event is fired
  7. public void earlier(@Observes @Priority(2499) MyEvent event) {
 // yay! I'm

 System.out.println("Notified before all other observers");
 public void observer(@Observes MyEvent event) {
 System.out.println("Default priority");
 } public void later(@Observes @Priority(2501) MyEvent event) {
 System.out.println("Notified after all other observers");
  8. public void earlier(@Observes @Priority(2499) MyEvent event) {
 // yay! I'm

 System.out.println("Notified before all other observers");
 public void observer(@Observes MyEvent event) {
 System.out.println("Default priority");
 } public void later(@Observes @Priority(2501) MyEvent event) {
 System.out.println("Notified after all other observers");
  9. public void earlier(@Observes @Priority(2499) MyEvent event) {
 // yay! I'm

 System.out.println("Notified before all other observers");
 public void observer(@Observes MyEvent event) {
 System.out.println("Default priority");
 } public void later(@Observes @Priority(2501) MyEvent event) {
 System.out.println("Notified after all other observers");
  10. public void earlier(@Observes @Priority(2499) MyEvent event) {
 // yay! I'm

 System.out.println("Notified before all other observers");
 public void observer(@Observes MyEvent event) {
 System.out.println("Default priority");
 } public void later(@Observes @Priority(2501) MyEvent event) {
 System.out.println("Notified after all other observers");
  11. SeContainerInitializer initializer = SeContainerInitializer .newInstance()

    try (SeContainer container = initializer.initialize()) {
 MyApp service = container.select(MyService.class).get();
  12. SeContainerInitializer initializer = SeContainerInitializer .newInstance()

    try (SeContainer container = initializer.initialize()) {
 MyApp service = container.select(MyService.class).get();
  13. SeContainerInitializer initializer = SeContainerInitializer .newInstance()

    try (SeContainer container = initializer.initialize()) {
 MyApp service = container.select(MyService.class).get();
  14. SPI

  15. Meta-Data Builder API • Standardized API • CDI 1.0+: Very

    verbose to create • AnnotatedTypes, Beans, BeanAttributes, InjectionPoints, and ObserverMethods • Builder and Configurator-style
  16. public class MyExtension {
 public void afterBeanDiscovery( @Observes AfterBeanDiscovery event)

 event.addBean() .beanClass(MyService.class) .scope(RequestScoped.class) .name("myservice"); } } Add a Bean
  17. public class MyExtension {
 public void afterBeanDiscovery( @Observes AfterBeanDiscovery event)

 event.addBean() .beanClass(MyService.class) .scope(RequestScoped.class) .name("myservice"); } } Add a Bean
  18. public class MyExtension {
 public <T> void processAnnotatedType(@Observes @WithAnnotations(UseCase.class) ProcessAnnotatedType<T>

    pat) {
 pat.configureAnnotatedType() .methods() 
 .forEach(m -> m.add(CacheableLiteral.INSTANCE));
 } } Add annotation to Methods
  19. public class MyExtension {
 public <T> void processAnnotatedType(@Observes @WithAnnotations(UseCase.class) ProcessAnnotatedType<T>

    pat) {
 pat.configureAnnotatedType() .methods() 
 .forEach(m -> m.add(CacheableLiteral.INSTANCE));
 } } Add annotation to Methods
  20. AOP on produced Bean • CDI 1.0+: Interceptor applied to

    producer method • InterceptionProxyFactory a possible answer @Produces 
 public MyService produceService() {
  21. AOP on produced Bean @Produces
 public MyService createTransactional(InterceptionProxyFactory<MyService> ipf)

 .filterMethods(m -> m.getJavaMember().getName().equals("save"))
 .ifPresent(m -> m.add(new AnnotationLiteral<Transactional>() {}));
 return ipf.createInterceptionProxy(new MyService());
  22. AOP on produced Bean @Produces
 public MyService createTransactional(InterceptionProxyFactory<MyService> ipf)

 .filterMethods(m -> m.getJavaMember().getName().equals("save"))
 .ifPresent(m -> m.add(new AnnotationLiteral<Transactional>() {}));
 return ipf.createInterceptionProxy(new MyService());
  23. Proxy injection @Inject @Named("myBean")
 private ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> myService; /** Implementation

    for put and putIfAbsent */
 final V putVal(K key, V value, boolean onlyIfAbsent)
  24. Normal-scoped beans • Must be proxyable • accessible, no-args constructor

    • non-final classes • accessible, non-final instance methods
  25. Enabling proxying @Produces
 public MyService createTransactional(InterceptionProxyFactory<MyService> ipf) {

 return ipf.createInterceptionProxy(new MyService());
  26. Enabling proxying @Produces
 public MyService createTransactional(InterceptionProxyFactory<MyService> ipf) {

 return ipf.createInterceptionProxy(new MyService());
  27. Get in touch Slides – Speakerdeck(mp911.de/cdi2oredev) Web: cdi-spec.org Mailing list:

    cdi-dev@lists.jboss.org IRC: irc://freenode.net/#cdi-dev Twitter: @cdispec // @mp911de Github: github.com/cdi-spec CDI 2.0 JCP page: jcp.org/en/jsr/summary?id=365