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[ES] Introducción a om.next - Clojure User Group Buenos Aires

[ES] Introducción a om.next - Clojure User Group Buenos Aires

Slides de la charla "introducción a om.next" presentada en el meetup de Clojure User Group Buenos Aires el 25/11/2015

Nicolás Berger

November 25, 2015

More Decks by Nicolás Berger

Other Decks in Programming


  1. No es suficiente Multiples clientes (browser, mobile, watch, apps) Comunicacion

    cliente-servidor ad-hoc (out-of- band information) React se complica cuando la UI es un grafo, no un tree (flux, redux)
  2. Modelo simple Single atom app state No asincronico (excepto en

    la frontera) Sin modelo de eventos visible (excepto en la frontera)
  3. Como hacemos requests precisos? Como el server responde a requests

    precisos? Como el cliente comunica novedades precisas? Como el server comunica identidad para novedades no triviales Integrar novedades en el cliente?
  4. Query Expressions Fragmentos de query co-located en UI Query completo

    -> single request (defui Person static om/IQuery (query [this] `[:ui/checked :db/id :person/name {:person/mate ...}]) ...)
  5. Components (defui Person static om/Ident (ident [this {:keys [name]}]) static

    om/IQuery (query [this] `[:name :points]) Object (render [this] ...)) (defui PeopleList static om/IQuery (query [_] `[{:people/list ~(om/get-query Person)}]) Object (render [this]
  6. Parsing Evaluacion del query QueryExpr -> EdnValue (for the UI)

    (defn read :some-key [env key params] {:value cached-value-from-env :server-1 query-fragment})
  7. Normalization (def init-data {:list/one [{:name "John" :points 0} {:name "Mary"

    :points 0} {:name "Bob" :points 1}] :list/two [{:name "Mary" :points 0 :age 27} {:name "Gwen" :points 0} {:name "Jeff" :points 0}]})
  8. Normalization {:list/one [[:person/by-name "John"] [:person/by-name "Mary"] [:person/by-name "Bob"]], :list/two [[:person/by-name

    "Mary"] [:person/by-name "Gwen"] [:person/by-name "Jeff"]], :person/by-name {"John" {:name "John", :points 0}, "Mary" {:name "Mary", :points 0, :age 27}, "Bob" {:name "Bob", :points 0}, "Gwen" {:name "Gwen", :points 0},
  9. Reconciler Cambios en app state -> views Transact new data

    into app state Initial loading for whole app
  10. Remote integration Multiple remotes read responsable de fragmentar query entre

    local y remotes send fn para cada remote HTTP caching: read debe separar query en :dynamic y :static
  11. Testing https://github.com/omcljs/om/wiki/Applying-Property-Based-Testing-to-User- Interfaces (gen/sample gen-tx-add-remove 10) ;; ([] ;; [(friend/add

    {:id 1, :friend 1}) (friend/remove {:id 1, :friend 2})] ;; [(friend/add {:id 0, :friend 0}) (friend/remove {:id 0, :friend 1}) ;; (friend/add {:id 0, :friend 1})] (defn prop-no-self-friending [] (prop/for-all [tx gen-tx-add-remove] (let [parser (om/parser {:read read :mutate mutate}) state (atom (om/tree->db People init-data true))] (parser {:state state} tx)