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2013-14 Marketing Plan – Presented by Tina Truszyk

November 06, 2012

2013-14 Marketing Plan – Presented by Tina Truszyk


November 06, 2012


  1. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ EMERGING NATIONS ! The coming decade will be the

    first in 200 years when emerging-market countries contribute more growth than the developed ones. ! ! Trendwatching; Trend Report 2011! !
  2. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ ! Successful organizations will be the ones who understand

    how their brand, products and services fit into their customers lives. ! ! VISITOR- CENTRICITY
  3. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ ! The digital world has given rise to a

    new breed of consumers who want to connect with organizations and with larger communities.! ! CONNECT & CONVERSE
  4. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ ! Brands need the F-FACTOR ! ! Friends *

    Fans * Followers! ! who influence travel purchase decisions in powerful & sophisticated ways. ! MOBILE: THE NEW ENABLER
  5. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ ! ! Opportunity: E-Fluencers ! ! ! E-Fluencers are

    the 21st century䇻s most valued customers. ! MOBILE: THE NEW ENABLER
  6. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ Ad Awareness for Ontario (past 3 months) Percent of

    GTA Travellers Claiming Recall of Advertising for Specific Destinations in Past Three Months! Of those who recalled advertising for Niagara in Wave 2, ! 59% recalled at least one of the campaign ads! % Recalling General Advertising for Niagara! Families! Couples!
  7. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ Campaign Ad Recall Levels % Recalling Ad! Total "

    %" (n=303)! Families" %" (n=171)! Couples" %" (n=103)! 28! 26! 27! 24! 23! 21! 25! 27! 22! 29! 28! 27! 14! 13! 10! 48% Recall Any Campaign Element! % Recall Specific Campaign Elements!
  8. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ 34$ 564$ 574$ Cross Media Exposure of Niagara Campaign

    Ads Among Those Aware of Any Ad Website! Print" (includes Globe & Mail, Food & Drink Magazine," & Niagara Travel Magazine)! TV! 84$ 94$ 34%! :4$
  9. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ The advertising made me more interested in travelling to

    the Niagara Region, but currently I am not planning a trip there! The advertising left me with a favourable impression " of the Niagara Region, but did not really make " me more interested in taking a trip there! The advertising influenced my decision to" travel to the Niagara Region! I recall seeing the advertising, but it did not have any impact" on my feelings about, or interest in the Niagara Region! I recall seeing the advertising, but I cannot remember" if it had any impact on my feelings about, " or interest in the Niagara Region! I had already decided to travel to the Niagara Region, the advertising did not have any influence on my travel plans! Don't Know! Claimed Impact of Advertising Among those recalling any of the executions % Among" Families! % Among" Couples! 32! 36! 28! 28! 25! 19! 7! 6! 3! 6! 3! 2! 2! 2! Percent Stating ….. !
  10. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ Agreement with Advertising Statements Among those recalling any of

    the executions The advertising contained information " that is meaningful to me ! The advertising made me want to" learn more about the Niagara Region! The advertising made me more interested in traveling to the Niagara Region ! The advertising made me feel good about the Niagara Region The advertising made me think of " the Niagara Region in a new way ! The advertising made me feel that there's more to the Niagara Region than 'The Falls' +#';#.-$$)-,<.2========$ % Stating Agree Very Much! Total" %! Families*" %! Couples*%! 25! 30! 25! 34! 41! 42! 33! 42! 36! 39! 48! 37! 25! 30! 25! 50! 56! 60!
  11. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ Recall Any Ad " (n=149)! Do Not Recall (n=154)

    ! One of my top choices for a quick, restorative getaway! 7.6! 7.0! An exciting destination for a family getaway! 8.2! 7.7! A fun getaway destination for couples or friends! 8.3! 7.9! A place with lots to see and do ! 8.3! 7.9! There's so much to see and do, I need to stay overnight ! 7.8! 7.4! Influence of Advertising on Niagara Brand By campaign recall Average Rating Among GTA Travellers Who Recall/ Do Not Recall Any Niagara Advertising (1-10 Scale) Improvement In Score" With Campaign Recall:!
  12. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ Strategic Implications! Continue to direct advertising to the GTA

    ! The creative was effective and should be retained in future campaigns! The mix of broadcast media and print chosen for this campaign appears to have delivered good return on investment. One might consider optimizing website traffic and somewhat reducing the number of print vehicles in future campaigns (though Food & Drink should be retained)! While greater weight behind television would be beneficial, the heavy investment involved would have to be assessed relative to budget realities.! The role of online advertising and the web-site should be expanded with a focus on reaching these target groups. This could include customized and directed calls-to-action with linkage to other media. ! Future campaigns should be sensitive to the wider advertising context for Niagara. Efforts might be made to achieve some creative alignment with major attractions. One could also contemplate dialling up couples messaging and somewhat dialling-down family themes in light of the weight of the former that already exists in the marketplace.! !
  13. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ Target Market! Primary Core! ! Adults who are day/overnight

    visitors to Niagara Canada, 25-45 years of age, with an annual household income >$50,000, have attended college or graduate school. GTA and NY state.!
  14. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ Markets ! to be maintained! Boomers and Matures, who

    are empty nesters, 45-64 years of age, and are looking for a getaway weekend to relax and unwind from the stresses of everyday life, enjoy natural beauty, walks and fine dining; ! GenXers and Boomer couples, 35-54, want to experience as much as they can. Some travel with kids and some don䇻t. The younger target segments want to see & do. The older segments have seen & done, but would like to re-visit and/or share special places and moments. GTA and NY state. !
  15. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ Opportunity Markets ! !Generation Y/Millennials/Echo Boomers. 20-35. Gen Y

    will replace the Boomer as the most influential market movers and they are totally connected. By virtue of their age, they are less 䇾established䇿 are more likely to be single, buys things on impulse and love novelty.! LGBT. Although the age group is broad 25-64 the profile is similar. They tend to display extreme brand loyalty and are relatively easy to reach because of geographic clustering. On average enjoy a higher median income and more likely to go to fine restaurants, attend concerts or go to the theatre.!
  16. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ Marketing Objectives !  Continue to build the Niagara Canada

    Brand identity. !  Increase the number of stakeholders leveraging the Niagara Canada Brand. !  Increase the number of day & overnight visitors. !  Increase visitors length of stay. !  Continue to build product awareness and experiences across the region. !  Build awareness and drive traffic to our MC&IT product. !  Create a marketing program revenue model.
  17. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ Strategies Build a strong, compelling, relevant and respected brand

    that creates a strong emotional connection with our visitors / customers by providing inspiring & memorable experiences with our Brand. BRAND
  18. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ Initiatives Continue to build a brand that represents the

    region as a whole: A brand that will establish an emotional connection with visitors and drive profitable growth by being relevant, respected, connected and enduring.! BRAND
  19. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ Strategies Create a desire in our visitors to want

    to keep exploring and re- discovering our region, making Niagara the couple, friend & family bgetaway` of choice, again and again. DISCOVER
  20. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ Strategies Create a bconnected world`for Niagara visitors to make

    it easy to choose Niagara; utilizing the latest technology to continue the dialogue to ensure repeat visits. CONNECT
  21. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ Strategies Develop strategic partnerships with stakeholders and local, provincial

    & federal tourism organizations and ensure that Niagara tourism dollars are well leveraged. PARTNER
  22. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ Strategies Develop a reputation as a world-class, diverse &

    exciting MC&IT destination. Showcase all Niagara`s meeting possibilities targeting meeting planners and decision makers. MEET
  23. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ Callouts for: ! Event content! Common Offers! FSI program

    content! Online offer content! Stay in the loop!!! Sign up to register to receive TPN communication! ! We want your content!!!
  24. !"#$!%&'()*$+,'-.#')"(/$%0$1(,2,',$ BRAND Winter in Niagara ! Leading up to the

    New Years Eve event! on Global! December 10-31! 2 million viewership!