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Introduction to World Art I (ART 301)

August 30, 2013

Introduction to World Art I (ART 301)


August 30, 2013


  1. Welcome  to  World  Art  301         Sarah

     Nichols   [email protected]   Office  Hours:  12:00-­‐1:00     Fridays  in  Nalanda  9148  
  2. This  course  is…   an  introduc+on  to  the  visual  arts

     of  archaic   socie+es,  and  of  the  civiliza+ons  of  the   Mediterranean  and  Middle  East,  Asia,  Central   and  South  America,  and  Africa.  With  a  global   perspec+ve,  we  explore  the  historic  and  mythic   lineages  of  vision,  meaning,  and  craB.    
  3. Grades   Grade  DistribuJon   30%  -­‐-­‐  In-­‐class  Presence  

    70%  -­‐-­‐  Blog  Assignments   Remember  that  your  in   class  presence  should   contribute  to  the   conversaJon,  and  the   same  is  true  to  your   presence  on  your  blog.     PreparaJon  and   thoughTulness   is  key!    
  4. Required  Blog  Posts   For  a  C…   •  You

     will  need  to   complete  all  required   blog  posts.   •  Opening  and  Closing   Posts.   •  Weekly  discussion   responses.   •  Museum  Paper.   For  an  A  or  B…   •  You  will  need  to   complete  extra   challenges.   •  CommenJng  on  blogs.   •  CreaJve  Challenges   •  AddiJonal  Responses.   •  Etc.  
  5. Required  Reading   Get  it  at…    Library  Reserve  

     Amazon    Barnes  and  Noble    GooglePlay   Nigel  Spivey,  How  Art  Made  the   World   AddiJonal   Readings  are   on  the  course   blog.  
  6. Tips  for  Success…   1.  Aaendance  is  mandatory!   2. 

    Take  notes!   3.  Keep  up  with  your   readings!   4.  Read  thoroughly!   5.  Take  on  challenges!  
  7. Second  Chance   •  An  extra  week  on  an  assignment:

     This  allows   you  to  hand  in  an  assignment  up  to  a  week   ader  the  posted  deadline.       •  The  opportunity  to  redo  an  assignment:    If  you   did  not  do  well  on  an  assignment,  you  will   unJl  have  a  week  ader  the  assignment  has   been  passed  back  in  class  to  redo  your   assignment.       I  do  not  accept   late  work   unless  you  use   your  Second   Chance!  
  8. Geeng  to  know  you…   1.  Interview  your   partner.

      2.  Introduce  your  partner   to  the  rest  of  the  class.   1.  Name   2.  Major   3.  Two  of  your  favorite   quesJonnaire   responses.   Marcel  Proust  
  9. Looking  Exercises   •  Closed  Eyes:  Rest  your   eyes.

         Think  about  what   it  means  to  see.   •  Peripheral  Seeing:  Soden   your  gaze,  move  your   eyes  around  the  edges.   •  Infant  Eyes:  Look  without   meaning.   •  Look  Between:  Focus  on   the  negaJve  space.   •  Look  Direct:  Focus  on  the   posiJve  space.  
  10. Thought  Experiment    Listen  to  the  following  account  of  an

      archaeological  excavaJon,  keeping  in  mind   these  quesJons:      1.  Who  were  these  people?    2.  What  can  we  understand  about  their   culture?      
  11. Problem  #2:  Peaks  and  Valleys   Johann   Joachim  

      Winkelmann   Giorgio     Vasari   Word.   Sweet!   Doryphoros  
  12. Problem  #4:  Cult  of  the  ArJst   ArJst   Art

      Viewer   Context   ArJst   Art   Viewer   Context  
  13. SoluJons?   •  Be  criJcal  of  your  sources.   • 

    Be  aware  of  art  history’s  history.   •  Acknowledge  the  presence  of  framing  devices.   •  Start  with  the  image.     **However,  there  is  no  true  solu:on**  
  14. Start  with  the  Image   1.  Be  able  to  describe

     what  you  see  in  your  own   words.   2.  Form  your  own  interpretaJon  of  an  image.   3.  Read  other  sources,  weighing  them  against   your  iniJal  interpretaJon.   4.  Form  another  interpretaJon  considering   (accepJng  or  dismissing)  the  ideas  you  have   encountered.  
  15. CriJcal  QuesJons   •  What  are  framing  devices?  How  do

     they   impact  our  understanding  of  ancient  art?   •  How  does  the  roles  of  arJsts  in  the  ancient   world  differ  from  the  roles  of  arJst  in  the   modern  world?   •  How  is  material  important  to  the  meaning  of   an  object?   •  How  is  the  triangle  diagram  (arJst    art     viewer)  problemaJc?