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Roman Wall Painting

March 05, 2013

Roman Wall Painting


March 05, 2013


  1. Roman  Wall  Pain+ng   Reading:   Stokstad,  176-­‐184.    

    Range:   300  BCE-­‐79  CE   Roman  Republic  and  Roman   Imperial     Terms/Concepts:   Four  Pompeian  Styles,  fauces,   atrium,  impluvium,  taberna,   peristylium,  lararium,  cucina,   triclinium,  tablinum,  excedra,   masonry,  sumptuary  laws.   Key  Monuments:     Not  in  Book,  First-­‐Style  Pain+ng,   House  of  Sallust,  Roman  Republic,   2nd  century  BCE.     6-­‐29,  Wall  Pain+ng  in  the  “Ixion   Room,”  House  of  the  VeTi,   Pompeii,  Roman  Empire,  62-­‐79   CE.     6-­‐31,  Cityscape,  House  of  Publius   Fannius  Synistor,  Boscoreale,   Roman  Empire,  c.  50-­‐30  BCE.     Not  in  Book,  Third-­‐Style  Pain+ng,   House  of  Marcus  Lucre+us   Fronto,  Roman  Empire,  30-­‐60  CE.    
  2. He  called  for  his  shoes  and  climbed  up  to  where

     he  could  get  the   best  view  of  the  phenomenon.    The  cloud  was  rising  from  a   mountain  -­‐-­‐  at  such  a  distance  we  couldn't  tell  which,  but   aZerwards  learned  that  it  was  Vesuvius.  I  can  best  describe  its   shape  by  likening  it  to  a  pine  tree.  It  rose  into  the  sky  on  a  very   long  "trunk"  from  which  spread  some  "branches."  I  imagine  it   had  been  raised  by  a  sudden  blast,  which  then  weakened,   leaving  the  cloud  unsupported  so  that  its  own  weight  caused  it   to  spread  sideways.  Some  of  the  cloud  was  white,  in  other  parts   there  were  dark  patches  of  dirt  and  ash.  The  sight  of  it  made  the   scien+st  in  my  uncle  determined  to  see  it  from  closer  at  hand.    -­‐-­‐Pliny  the  Younger  (in  a  le^er  to  Tacitus)  
  3. The city of Pompeii, like its neighbors, has been partially

    excavated from beneath the volcanic debris of an eruption in 79 CE.
  4. First-­‐Style   House  of  Sallust,  Pompeii,  First-­‐Style,  c.  2nd  century

     BCE.   Dado   Isodomic  Course   String  Course   Isodomic  Course   Orthostates   Isodomic  Course   Plinth   Cornice  
  5. First-­‐Style   House  of  Sallust,  Pompeii,  First-­‐Style,  c.  2nd  century

     BCE.   House  of  the  Samnite,   Herculaneum,  100-­‐80   BCE  
  6. Second-­‐Style   Cubiculum  M,  House  of  Fannius  Synistor,  Boscoreale,  40

     BCE.     Cubiculum  M,  Boscoreale,  Panoramic  View.  
  7. Cri+cal  Thinking  Ques+on   1.  How  does  the  structure  of

     the  Roman  house   correspond  to  the  usage  of  the  space?  The   status  of  the  homeowner?   2.  Why  are  the  four  styles  of  Pompeian  pain+ng   extremely  problema+c?   3.  How  do  the  pain+ngs  project  the  status/ iden+ty  of  the  homeowner?