1-‐18 Terms/Concepts crea+vity, le6/right brain, lateral thinking, form, func+on, art for art’s sake, mural, Key Goals Be able to form defini+on of “art” Become familiar with the problems of forming a defini+on.
Openness New Point of View Find Order in Disorder Risk Taking Flexible Iden+ty Empathe+c Spontaneity Dynamic Experien+al Experimental Mul+cultural Unconven+onal Divergent Thinking
all live in the same house. Bob and Carol go out to a movie, and when they return, Alice is lying deadon the floor in a puddle of water and glass. It is obvious that Ted killed her but Ted is not prosecuted or severely punished.
idea or experience, formed with skill, through the use of medium…When a medium is used in such a way that the object or performance contributes to our understanding or enjoyment of life.” People of Bali: “We have no art. We just do the best we can.” Ancient Greeks: (Techne) technical know-‐how. Marquesans: (a’ a’kakai) An+quity or Curiosity Concise Oxford English DicFonary: art, n. 1 the expression or applica+on of crea+ve skill and imagina+on, especially through a visual medium such as pain+ng or sculpture.