this presentation at edu/go/expresstalk. • Install Node.js. Windows and Mac: Use the Installer from Linux: Look for “node” in your package manager or build it from source. • Install Express. Run npm install express in the directory where you want to put your app.
load the Express module var app = express(); // create a new Express app // Respond to requests for / with “Hello World!”. app.get('/', function (request, response) { response.send('Hello World!'); }); // Start a server with the Express app on port 3,000. var server = app.listen(3000, function () { console.log('Example app listening at http://localhost:3000/'); });
middleware function or a function from a middleware library to add it to all requests. • In your middleware function, you must call next() when you’re done to let other middleware run (unless you want to end the middleware stack). • Order matters!
a. npm install express-generator -g 2. Use the generator to create a new app a. express --ejs example b. cd example c. npm install 3. Edit your app however you’d like and run it with npm start.
• npm install --save <package> Installs a specific package and saves it to your dependencies. • npm start Runs your app. • npm test Runs your tests (if you have a test script in package.json).
can set up model objects yourself or use a library. • Is it production ready? Yes, it is used in production by many large organizations. • What CSS preprocessors and templating engines are supported? The Express app generator supports several including ejs, jade, and less, but you can use pretty much anything that conforms to Express’s templating APIs.