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Warning: May Be Habit Forming

Nickolas Means
April 26, 2017

Warning: May Be Habit Forming

As presented at RailsConf 2017.

Nickolas Means

April 26, 2017


  1. The Cycle of Non-Finishers 1. Get super motivated. 2. Start

    doing things. 3. Realize it’s harder than you thought. 4. Lose your motivation. 5. Give up.
  2. The Cycle of Non-Finishers 1. Get super motivated. 2. Start

    doing things. 3. Realize it’s harder than you thought. 4. Lose your motivation. 5. Give up.
  3. The Cycle of Non-Finishers 1. Get super motivated. 2. Start

    doing things. 3. Realize it’s harder than you thought. 4. Lose your motivation. 5. Give up.
  4. 1 cup spinach
 1 cup water
 1 banana
 1/2 cup

    frozen pineapple
 1/2 cup frozen mango
 1 scoop vanilla whey protein
 Beginner’s Luck Smoothie
  5. Why It Worked 1. A well-structured goal. 2. A plan

    that made it easy. 3. All the ingredients of a habit.
  6. How To Hit Big Goals 1. Take a long-term view.

    2. Set goals along the way that let you snowball success. 3. Build habits and then optimize them with a systems mindset.