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Exploring The Digital Frontier: CSS Grid & Flexbox

Exploring The Digital Frontier: CSS Grid & Flexbox

A presentation on CSS Grid & Flexbox

Natasha Carlyon

February 21, 2020

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  1. Exploring The Digital Frontier: CSS Grid & Flexbox Natasha Carlyon

    Full Stack Software Developer @nscarlyon natasha.carlyon@gmail.com
  2. The flex layout allows responsive elements within a container to

    be automatically arranged depending upon screen size.
  3. The flex-grow CSS property sets the flex grow factor of

    a flex item main size. It specifies how much of the remaining space in the flex container should be assigned to the item (the flex grow factor).
  4. The flex-shrink CSS property sets the flex shrink factor of

    a flex item. If the size of all flex items is larger than the flex container, items shrink to fit according to flex-shrink.
  5. CSS Grid Layout excels at dividing a page into major

    regions, or defining the relationship in terms of size, position, and layer.
  6. CSS Grid Bootstrap • Higher learning curve • Less html;

    more CSS • More flexibility • Built in • Get started quickly • More html; less CSS • 12 columns layout • Third party
  7. Resources • Solved by Flexbox — Cleaner, hack-free CSS •

    https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-f lexbox/ • Grid by Example • CSS Grid Playground