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Phing All The Things!

Phing All The Things!

Phing is a build system that lets you do all sorts of neat things quickly and easily. If you find yourself manually running complicated processes or frequently having to look up command line parameters for your tools, Phing can help make you more efficient. If your deployments have many error-prone steps or you find yourself dealing with fragile procedures, Phing can help keep your sanity.

Omni Adams

May 22, 2014

More Decks by Omni Adams

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  1. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <project name="phing-the-things" default="test"> <target name="test"> <exec executable="phpunit" passthru="true" checkreturn="true" /> </target> </project>
  2. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <project name="phing-the-things" default="test"> <target name="test"> <exec executable="phpunit" passthru="true" checkreturn="true" /> </target> </project>
  3. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <project name="phing-the-things" default="test"> <target name="test"> <exec executable="phpunit" passthru="true" checkreturn="true" /> </target> </project>
  4. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <project name="phing-the-things" default="test"> <target name="test"> <exec executable="phpunit" passthru="true" checkreturn="true" /> </target> </project>
  5. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <project name="phing-the-things" default="test"> <target name="test"> <exec executable="phpunit" passthru="true" checkreturn="true" /> </target> </project>
  6. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams phing-the-things$ phing test

    Buildfile: /Users/Omni/phing-example/build.xml [property] Loading /Users/Omni/phing-example/build.properties phing-example > test: PHPUnit 3.7.13 by Sebastian Bergmann. Configuration read from /Users/Omni/phing-example/phpunit.xml .............................. Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 7.25Mb OK (30 tests, 52 assertions) BUILD FINISHED Total time: 0.3155 seconds
  7. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams F............................. Time: 0

    seconds, Memory: 7.25Mb There was 1 failure: 1) GitTest::testGetCommitInfo LOL cats have clogged the tubes! /Users/Omni/phing-example/tests/GitTest.php:51 FAILURES! Tests: 30, Assertions: 51, Failures: 1.Execution of target "test" failed for the following reason: / Users/Omni/phing-example/build.xml:102:46: Task exited with code 1 BUILD FAILED /Users/Omni/phing-example/build.xml:102:46: Task exited with code 1 Total time: 0.5653 seconds
  8. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <project name="phing-the-things" default="test"> <target name="test"> <exec executable="phpunit" passthru="true" checkreturn="true" /> </target> </project>
  9. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <project name="phing-the-things" default="test"> <target name="test"> <exec executable="phpunit" passthru="true" checkreturn="true" /> </target> </project>
  10. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams F............................. Time: 0

    seconds, Memory: 7.25Mb There was 1 failure: 1) GitTest::testGetCommitInfo LOL cats have clogged the tubes! /Users/Omni/phing-example/tests/GitTest.php:51 FAILURES! Tests: 30, Assertions: 51, Failures: 1. BUILD FINISHED Total time: 0.5619 seconds
  11. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams •  strict • 

    colors •  groups •  command line flags
  12. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="test"> <exec

    executable="phpunit" passthru="true" checkreturn="true"> <arg value="--exclude-group=integration" /> </exec> </target>
  13. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="test"> <exec

    executable="phpunit" passthru="true" checkreturn="true"> <arg value="${phpunitFlag}" /> </exec> </target>
  14. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams phing-the-things$ phing test

    -DphpunitFlag=--group=smoke Buildfile: /Users/Omni/phing-example/build.xml [property] Loading /Users/Omni/phing-example/build.properties phing-example > test: PHPUnit 3.7.13 by Sebastian Bergmann. Configuration read from /Users/Omni/phing-example/phpunit.xml ........ Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 7.25Mb OK (8 tests, 12 assertions) BUILD FINISHED Total time: 0.1058 seconds
  15. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams composer=/opt/composer.phar server1.user=oadams server1.url=www.example.lan

    <target name="properties-example"> <exec executable="${composer}" /> <exec executable="ssh" passthru="true"> <arg value="-t" /> <arg value="${server1.user}@${server1.url}" /> <arg value="sudo /sbin/service httpd restart" /> </exec> </target>
  16. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams author=Omni title=Phing All

    The Things <property name="author" value="Other Guy" /> <property file="build.properties" /> <property name="title" value="Phing-A-Ling" />
  17. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <patternset id="files"> <include

    name="**/*.php" /> <exclude name="vendor/**" /> </patternset> <target name="phpcs"> <phpcodesniffer standard="./coding_rules.xml" format="full" showWarnings="true"> <fileset dir="."> <patternset refid="files" /> </fileset> </phpcodesniffer> </target>
  18. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="document" depends="require-doc">

    <mkdir dir="${doc}/api" /> <exec executable="${doc}/api" passthru="true" /> <arg value="--directory=." /> <arg value="--ignore=vendor/*" /> <arg value="--ignore=src/*" /> <arg value="--progressbar" /> <arg value="--target=${doc}/api" /> <arg value="--title=API documentation" /> </exec> </target>
  19. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="document" depends="require-doc">

    <mkdir dir="${doc}/api" /> <exec executable="${doc}/api" passthru="true" /> <arg value="--directory=." /> <arg value="--ignore=vendor/*" /> <arg value="--ignore=src/*" /> <arg value="--progressbar" /> <arg value="--target=${doc}/api" /> <arg value="--title=API documentation" /> </exec> </target>
  20. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="document" depends="require-doc">

    <mkdir dir="${doc}/api" /> <exec executable="${doc}/api" passthru="true" /> <arg value="--directory=." /> <arg value="--ignore=vendor/*" /> <arg value="--ignore=src/*" /> <arg value="--progressbar" /> <arg value="--target=${doc}/api" /> <arg value="--title=API documentation" /> </exec> </target>
  21. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="document" depends="require-doc">

    <mkdir dir="${doc}/api" /> <exec executable="${doc}/api" passthru="true" /> <arg value="--directory=." /> <arg value="--ignore=vendor/*" /> <arg value="--ignore=src/*" /> <arg value="--progressbar" /> <arg value="--target=${doc}/api" /> <arg value="--title=API documentation" /> </exec> </target>
  22. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <exec executable="ps" outputProperty="ps-output">

    <arg value="x" /> <arg value="|" /> <arg value="grep" /> <arg value="selenium" /> <arg value="|" /> <arg value="grep" /> <arg value="-v" /> <arg value="grep" /> ... </exec>
  23. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <exec executable="ps" outputProperty="ps-output">

    <arg line="x |grep selen |grep -v 'grep\|phing'" /> </exec>
  24. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="build" depends="test"

    /> <target name="coverage" depends="require-doc" /> <exec executable="phpunit" passthru="true" /> <arg value="--coverage-html=${doc}/coverage" /> <arg value="${phpunitFlag}" /> </exec> </target>
  25. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="require-doc"> <if>

    <not> <isset property="doc" /> </not> <then> <fail name="doc isn't set in .properties file" /> </then> </if> </target>
  26. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <property name="foo" value="not-test"

    /> <target name="example" depends="other-task"> <phingcall target="other-task"> <property name="foo" depends="test" /> <property name="bar" depends="test" /> </phingcall> <phingcall target="other-task" /> </target> <target name="other-task"> <echo message="${foo}" /> <echo message="${bar}" /> </target>
  27. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <uptodate property="css-compiled" targetfile="style.css">

    <srcfiles dir="styles" includes="**/*less" /> </uptodate> <target name="compile-css" unless="css-compiled"> <exec executable="lessc" passthru="true" checkreturn="true"> <arg value="-x" /> <arg value="styles/*less" /> <arg value="style.css" /> </exec> </target>
  28. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <available property="composer-exists" file="composer.phar"

    /> <target name="get-composer" unless="composer-exists"> <exec executable="curl" output="composer.php"> <arg value="-sS" /> <arg value="https://getcomposer.org/installer" /> <arg value="|" /> <arg value="php" /> </exec> <chmod file="composer.phar" perm="664" /> </target>
  29. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <available property="composer-exists" file="composer.phar"

    /> <target name="get-composer" unless="composer-exists"> <exec executable="curl" output="composer.php"> <arg value="-sS" /> <arg value="https://getcomposer.org/installer" /> <arg value="|" /> <arg value="php" /> </exec> <chmod file="composer.phar" perm="775" /> </target>
  30. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="tag" depends="require-version">

    <gittag annotate="true" name="${version}" repository="." message="Tagged version ${version}" /> <gitpush repository="." tags="true" quiet="true" /> </target>
  31. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams phing-the-things$ phing tag

    Buildfile: /Users/Omni/Sites/phing/build.xml [property] Loading /Users/Omni/Sites/phing/build.properties phing-the-things > require-version: [if] Error in IfTask Execution of target "require-version" failed for the following reason: /Users/Omni/Sites/phing/build.xml:146:12: / Users/Omni/Sites/phing/build.xml:150:18: You must pass in a version: -Dversion=1.2.3 BUILD FAILED /Users/Omni/Sites/phing/build.xml:146:12: /Users/Omni/Sites/phing/build.xml:150:18: You must pass in a version: -Dversion=1.2.3 Total time: 1.5921 second
  32. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams phing-the-things$ phing tag-no-version

    Buildfile: /Users/Omni/Sites/phing/build.xml [property] Loading /Users/Omni/Sites/phing/build.properties phing-the-things > tag-no-version: [gittag] git-tag command: /usr/bin/git tag -a -m'Tagged version ${version}' '${version}' [gittag] git-tag: tags for "." repository [gittag] git-tag output: BUILD FINISHED Total time: 0.2039 seconds phing-the-things $ git tag ${version}
  33. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="tag-version"> <version

    releasetype="${release}" file="version.txt" property="version" /> <exec executable="git" passthru="true"> <arg line="add version.txt" /> </exec> <exec executable="git" passthru="true"> <arg line="commit -m 'Updated version file to ${version}'" /> </exec> <gittag annotate="true" name="${version}" repository="." message="Tagged version ${version}" /> </target>
  34. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="tag-version"> <version

    releasetype="${release}" file="version.txt" property="version" /> <exec executable="git" passthru="true"> <arg line="add version.txt" /> </exec> <exec executable="git" passthru="true"> <arg line="commit -m 'Updated version file to ${version}'" /> </exec> <gittag annotate="true" name="${version}" repository="." message="Tagged version ${version}" /> </target>
  35. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="tag-version"> <version

    releasetype="${release}" file="version.txt" property="version" /> <exec executable="git" passthru="true"> <arg line="add version.txt" /> </exec> <exec executable="git" passthru="true"> <arg line="commit -m 'Updated version file to ${version}'" /> </exec> <gittag annotate="true" name="${version}" repository="." message="Tagged version ${version}" /> </target>
  36. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="tag-version"> <version

    releasetype="${release}" file="version.txt" property="version" /> <exec executable="git" passthru="true"> <arg line="add version.txt" /> </exec> <exec executable="git" passthru="true"> <arg line="commit -m 'Updated version file to ${version}'" /> </exec> <gittag annotate="true" name="${version}" repository="." message="Tagged version ${version}" /> </target>
  37. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="tag-version"> <version

    releasetype="${release}" file="version.txt" property="version" /> <exec executable="git" passthru="true"> <arg line="add version.txt" /> </exec> <exec executable="git" passthru="true"> <arg line="commit -m 'Updated version file to ${version}'" /> </exec> <gittag annotate="true" name="${version}" repository="." message="Tagged version ${version}" /> </target>
  38. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams phing-the-things$ phing tag-version

    -Drelease=minor Buildfile: /Users/Omni/Sites/phing/build.xml [property] Loading /Users/Omni/Sites/phing/build.properties phing-the-things > tag-version: [master 4b48e9f] Updated version file to 0.1.0 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) [gittag] git-tag command: /usr/bin/git tag -a -m'Tagged version 0.1.0' '0.1.0' [gittag] git-tag: tags for "." repository [gittag] git-tag output: BUILD FINISHED Total time: 0.3507 seconds phing-the-things $ git tag 0.0.1 0.1.0
  39. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="release-major"> <phingcall

    target="tag-version"> <property name="release" value="major" /> </phingcall> </target> <target name="release-minor"> <phingcall target="tag-version"> <property name="release" value="minor" /> </phingcall> </target>
  40. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="tag-svn"> <svncopy

    svnpath="${svnpath}" username="${svnuser}" password="${svnpass}" nocache="true" repositoryurl="svn://localhost/phing-the-things/trunk/" todir="svn://localhost/phing-the-things/tags/${version}" /> </target>
  41. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="tag-version-no-file"> <exec

    executable="git" outputProperty="latest-version"> <arg line="tag | sort -t. -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n | tail -1" /> </exec> <echo file="v.txt">${latest-version}</echo> <version releasetype="${release}" file="v.txt" property="version" /> <delete file="v.txt" /> <gittag annotate="true" name="${version}" repository="." message="Tagged version ${version}" /> </target>
  42. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <property name="build-url" value="https://jenkins/job/phing/lastBuild/api/json"

    /> <target name="require-green-build-check"> <exec executable="curl" outputProperty="status"> <arg line='--silent ${build-url} |grep result |cut -d" -f4' /> </exec> <if> <not><equals arg1="${status}" arg2="SUCCESS" /></not> <then><fail message="Jenkins build is broken" /></then> </if> </target>
  43. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="deploy"> <phingcall

    target="require-release" /> <phingcall target="require-green-build-check" /> <phingcall target="tag-version-no-file" /> </target>
  44. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="prepare"> <gitclone

    repository="git://server/phing-things.git" targetPath="build" /> <gitcheckout repository="build" branchname="${version}" quiet="true" /> <delete dir="build/tests" /> <delete file="build/build.xml" /> <tar destfile="build-${version}.tar.bz2" basedir="build" includeemptydir="true" compression="bzip2" /> <delete dir="build" /> </target>
  45. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="deploy"> <phingcall

    target="require-release" /> <phingcall target="require-green-build-check" /> <phingcall target="tag-version-no-file" /> <phingcall target="prepare" /> </target>
  46. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="upload"> <exec

    executable="scp" checkreturn="true"> <arg value="build-${version}.tar.bz2" /> <arg value="${server}:/var/www/" /> </exec> <exec executable="ssh" checkreturn="true" passthru="true"> <arg value="${server}" /> <arg value="cd /var/www;tar -xjf build-${version}.tar.bz2" /> </exec> </target>
  47. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="deploy"> <phingcall

    target="require-release" /> <phingcall target="require-green-build-check" /> <phingcall target="tag-version-no-file" /> <phingcall target="prepare" /> <phingcall target="upload" /> </target>
  48. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="go-live" depends="require-version">

    <exec executable="ssh" checkreturn="true" passthru="true"> <arg value="${server}" /> <arg value="cd /var/www; ln -sf build-${version} app" /> </exec> </target>
  49. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <target name="deploy"> <phingcall

    target="require-release" /> <phingcall target="require-green-build-check" /> <phingcall target="tag-version-no-file" /> <phingcall target="prepare" /> <phingcall target="upload" /> <phingcall target="go-live" /> </target>
  50. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <?php require_once 'phing/Task.php';

    class UpdateNewRelicTask extends Task { public function init() { // Runs when task is imported } public function main() { // Runs when task is executed } }
  51. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <taskdef name="newrelic" classname="UpdateNewRelicTask"

    /> <target name="update-new-relic"> <newrelic /> </target>
  52. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams <taskdef name="newrelic" classname="UpdateNewRelicTask"

    /> <target name="update-new-relic"> <newrelic /> </target>
  53. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams class UpdateNewRelicTask extends

    Task { protected $version; public function setVersion($version) { $this->version = $version; } }
  54. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams public function main()

    { $options = array( CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array( 'deployment[application_id]' => $this->appId, 'deployment[description]' => $this->version ), CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( 'x-api-key: ' . $this->apiKey ), CURLOPT_URL => $this->url, ); ... }
  55. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams public function main()

    { ... $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($ch, $options); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); }
  56. Phing All The Things - Omni Adams •  Omni Adams

    •  @omnicolor •  http://omni-spot.blogspot.com •  [email protected] •  https://joind.in/11182