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Open Legal Lab: Collective law-making

April 01, 2022

Open Legal Lab: Collective law-making

Presented on 28.3.2022 by participants of Open Legal Lab.
For more information visit https://openlegallab.ch


April 01, 2022


  1. Collective law-making > For a larger perspective on the workshop,

    please visit: https://houseofcommons.ch/wiki/index.php?title=Collective_law-making Unless otherwise noted, document under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 licence.
  2. How to co-create a people’s legislative initiative?* (communal/cantonal) Et si…?

    Was wenn? Oui, et…? Ja, und…? *with digital sovereignty
  3. Breaking down the challenge A. Workflow for collective law-making how

    to include the general public on a municipal level to i) identify relevant issues and ii) create proposals for law-making B. Potential tool for co-editing legal proposals how to co-create legal texts based upon Citizen Assembly’s inputs; in a simplified, transparent and handy manner C. Templates as input for collective-law making distilling the basic structure of legal documents to structure third-party expert co-review from the beginning and raising the relevant questions, achieved by scraping and parsing existing legal documents
  4. Workflow for collective law making You are not satisfied with

    food waste in your City. There is a need for change; but how? You initiate a citizen participatory process to co-create a popular legislative initiative at the municipal level.
  5. Workflow for collective law-making 1) Ideation Phase a) Onboarding b)

    Proposals c) Selection of ideas 2) Assembly phase a) Constituting the Citizen Assembly b) Orientation & resources access c) Collaborative & deliberative sessions 3) Formalisation phase a) Co-review by third-party legal experts b) Roundtable Citizen Assembly / legal experts c) Final decisive session
  6. 1a) Onboarding online/ on-premises * *examples of use case: -

    SocialUP; https://socialup.ch/ - Espace 3DD; https://3ddge.ch/ - Forum citoyen; https://forumcitoyen.ch/ 1. personal letter for outreach 2. online plateform for scaling & data processing e.g.
  7. 2) Assembly phase 2a) Constituting the Citizen Assembly 2b) Orientation

    & resources access • Orientation • Expert hearings • Informational resources e.g.
  8. 3) Formalisation phase 2a) Co-review/editing by third-party legal experts Decentralised

    review: • avoid concentration of powers • low-effort to participate • transparency: tracking changes & controversies LEOS e.g. template + co-edition
  9. Potential tool for co-editing legal proposals Core functionality • Import

    / Export text • Propose changes (modify, add, remove) • handling of changes (reject, comment, accept) • Annotation, e.g. for questions or comments • Versioning: what changes at what time by whom for what reasons and possibility to restore earlier versions -> transparency & accountability • real-time & simultaneous collaboration Potential implementation • Markdown format for editability • Versioning through git • simultaneous editing through Etherpad
  10. 3) Formalisation phase 2a) Co-review by third-party legal experts =

    Transparency of the expert process for the Citizen Assembly Demo Viewer: https://video.ideavox.org/videos/watch/36ac0db0-2736-4591-b5af-79a78a0cf956
  11. 3) Formalisation phase 2a) Co-review by third-party legal experts Lexfind.ch

    ? Casemates ! https://fedlex.data.admin.ch/home/intro …but .xml only available in June ;) Still: pre-prototyp for auto-completion of generic legislative wording using etherpad + scrappy Templating a typical Swiss legislation Demo Viewer: https://video.ideavox.org/videos/watch/6404cfe6-9a53-48e5-8aca-81a5c228881d
  12. Sara Gillispie Guy Baconniere Quentin Adler Charly Pache Nicolas Degen

    Matthias Meier Fabio Balli Nicolas Zahn Lynn Grau Sofia Conradin Christian Rolf Thank you for your attention ! > For a larger perspective on the workshop, please visit: https://houseofcommons.ch/wiki/index.php?title=Collective_law-making