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certaid challenge - Hack4SocialGood

March 28, 2023

certaid challenge - Hack4SocialGood

Menschen in Not - Freiwilligenhilfe in der Schweiz verbessern


March 28, 2023


  1. Um was geht es? / What is it about? A

    general tool for volunteer-needy matching - fast - easy - safe Target: build and run a prototype of our «Scenariofinder»
  2. Um was geht es? / What is it about? Challenge

    target: Prototype of the „scenariofinder“ Questions to identify the problem situation → what kind of help is needed? Find the matching scenario from the database → what kind of scenario is matching? Identify the needed helpers based on the scenario and the helper-database → which helpers are necessary With the «scenariofinder» we can find the right helpers in less time!
  3. Weshalb ist das wichtig? / Why is it important? Volunteer-Need

    matching could solve a lot of problems! Potentially up to 2 Million additional volunteers
  4. Welche Ressourcen werden zur Verfügung gestellt? / What resources will

    you provide? • Use-Cases • Mockups • Scenario-Data • An expert in searching for missed people—to help with example case.