Preview of the book that was never released to public due to certain restrictions.
However it was a good exercise on doing still images of predefined choreographic movements.
Published originally at around Summer 2005.
the Japanese martial art called as Nanbudo. Five katas are shown adn they are: - Nanbu shodan - Nanbu nidan - Nanbu sandan - Nanbu yondan - Nanbu godan.
as shown in image 1. The preparation for beginning the kata is done as shown in images 2 to 7. This is called “Yooi”. Image 1. Image 2. Image 3. Image 4. Image 5. Image 6. Image 7.
in the year 2001. After a year of continius visits to International training seminars held by the founder of this martial art, Yoshi- nao Nanbu, Jukka graduated second black belt grade, nidan. Pictures for this book was taken in February 2005 by Elina Koivisto at her studio in Turku, Finland.