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Making a Sports Car From a Horse-Drawn Carriage

Making a Sports Car From a Horse-Drawn Carriage

How a three-man team moved a profitable company’s primary (but legacy) application from on-premises to the cloud, jumping PHP versions and hurtling through seven Laravel versions all in 1 year. What we did right, what we did wrong, and what we learned along the way.

Patrick Guevara

April 21, 2018


  1. A Horse-Drawn Carriage The app did everything: CRM, sales pipeline

    & scripting, purchase orders, IT assets, knowledge base, marketing & transactional emails, call- coaching, reporting, compensation, buying leads…
  2. A Careening Carriage We were pushing that carriage as fast

    as it could go, sometimes restarting the database multiple times a day. But the company was profitable and wanted to grow.
  3. $Legacy Legacy apps more than likely mean financial stability But

    they can become bottlenecks hindering future endeavors
  4. $Stability We had two directives: 1. Make the app stable

    2. Upgrade it But how do you make it stable?
  5. Ok, Now to the cloud! 3 months to prepare Keep

    feature parity on two branches Luckily, PHP 5.5 to PHP 7.0 is fairly straightforward Need to use ENV variables
  6. Push it Live! Came in on a Sunday to reroute

    traffic Everything looked great
  7. Hiccup #1 Everything looked great until 8am on Monday Could

    not handle the load at all Scaled up to r3.8xlarge; still not enough
  8. Hiccup #1 - Fix PHP worker processes vastly under-scoped On-premises

    had 500 or so PHP children Cloud only had about 5
  9. Hiccups #2 to #1000 Spent about 3 weeks chasing down

    issues This was painful for everyone
  10. Slack Overload Every single exception, log, and debug went to

    #log channel in Slack Wildly unhelpful
  11. The Busy Season Promise™ 1. Stable (minimal downtime) 2. High

    Performance (fast, reliable) 3. Halt development (reduce entropy) 4. Upgrade core, relaunch in January
  12. Laravel Shift Path from Laravel 3 to Laravel 5.5 Set

    a schedule to volley back and forth
  13. Laravel 3 to 4.2 New Laravel 4.2 app within Laravel

    3 app Scripted move from 3 to 4.2 Super simple smoke test
  14. Laravel 4.2 to 5.1 Jmac ran Shift from 4.2 to

    5.1 This one was a doozy. Namespaces, Composer, autoloading, authentication, routing, views, models, Artisan, etc.
  15. Laravel 5.1 Test A ton changed going to 5.1 But

    more changes were coming in 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4
  16. Laravel 5.1 to 5.5 A no-brainer at ~$50 Wrote 300

    acceptance tests over a few weeks
  17. The Next Hiccup Also switched from PHP 7.0 to PHP

    7.1 Need to use OpenSSL instead of mcrypt Decrypt using Laravel 3 (PHP 7.0) mcrypt Encrypt using Laravel 5.5 (PHP 7.1) OpenSSL
  18. Deploy #1 Came in early on Tuesday to re-route traffic

    Almost immediately met with errors
  19. Deploy #3, #4, #5… Came in early on Tuesday Took

    notes Created tickets Rolled back
  20. Deploy Steps Backfill features from Prod to Alpha Git pull

    on Alpha Composer update Decrypt sensitive info (Laravel 3, Prod) Encrypt sensitive (Laravel 5, Alpha) Set ENV variables
  21. Deploy Steps 2 Verify EFS mount points Verify Supervisor config

    Verify Laravel Horizon config Point LB target groups to Alpha Point cron jobs from Prod to Alpha Reset app configs stored in database Electric Boogaloo
  22. What Went Well? We got really good at identifying dark

    corners and blind spots We learned more by source-diving and upgrading than by just maintaining it
  23. What Didn’t Go Well? Too many interruptions to production Data

    loss through deploy/rollback downtime and re-encrypt Not perfect yet (still fixing bugs)
  24. What Did We Get? A more robust web app built

    on a modern framework A community of developers Modern tooling for performance and development Attractive code base for recruiting talent Lower maintenance cost from following convention over configuration
  25. What I Learned Any kind of upgrade takes buy-in It’s

    not pretty In fact, it’s pretty ugly
  26. Find The Path Source-dive as deep as you can Make

    a mind map Identify bottlenecks
  27. Chew On It Explore different strategies Define contingency plans Research

    other options: Whole Upgrade Partial Upgrade Partial Upgrade with Eventual Migration Off-The-Shelf Solution
  28. Win Buy-In Make the case for the upgrade (Increase velocity?

    Relieve maintenance burden?) Count job requisitions for current stack vs. upgraded stack Develop timeline with all the gotchas you can think of